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  1. #31


    i believe that removing fk is not the solution but i also believe that the game is so ****'n boring..i know that admins will say that if the game is boring 4 u then you have to help and suggest new ideas..well it's not our job to suggest new interesting ideas about the game it's your job "admins and dev's" you should feel how players interact with the game you should try to play this game to feel the same way players feel about the game" i mean community crew" and you are the one here who are responsible for suggesting new ideas..don't just say players just keep complaining whatever changes we made for them..i hope you understand how boring is the game now.

  2. #32


    if they think it is boring to rob ac alone they can rob with other player like they do with fk.
    And i remember that when it was ac systeme there were more "public" gang during all the round now after day 70 almost all gang are privet. so if everyone were realy robing alone why there were always public gang ?
    fk had not only change the way of rob it change a lot of thing in gang wars, before there were real gang war and milk, now there is only gang killer and gang killed.
    you said devs dont believe in removing fk but did they believe in adding fk ? did they make a poll with a link on the cimcity times ? or they just do it when 3 player are came on the forum asking for it like i am asking now for removing fk ?
    anyway i am agree : "It is not really easy..."

    ThePrince i think its to everyone in tc to make sugestion not only admi a devs but i am agree with you when you say : "you should try to play this game to feel the same way players feel about the game".

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Boring - is the best thing to change a GAME!
    no one want to play GAME without fun
    GAMES are ment to be fun to play.

    Just make a poll and let players deside what they want.

  4. #34


    @HashXxX: i think you miss-understood me..i mean if players didn't come with suitable suggestions then admins have to do it 4 players " i mean suggesting" ..i know that maybe players don't want to remove fk or pf but most of the players agree that tc is boring nw so new changes must be done.

    @Edas: 100% agree with you.
    Last edited by Th3Pr1nCe; 05-30-2009 at 03:07 AM.

  5. #35


    ok then i am agree... with edas too

  6. #36


    i was read much reply on the topic take about much thing i have to say

    you must know this game is not easy and the interest on it to play but on same time w must have place for peaple that searching for fun so i think it was deleate fk may be silly reaction cause w are go lost much thing btw w must find other way that go added much rob between each other roob and one big rob need like 40 - 50 k that for peaple searching for interest of gang again i have to say on round before like round 13 - 12 to have fk account that need like 30 tc day +/- if u play on normal 6-4h per day now with this avg u can make ur own fk gang same time so i hope to increase the difficult of the fk robbery and increase the money of fk / ac and added much rob need 12k / 18k / 25k / 35k/ 50k gang robbery this will make game more attract u can see much gang robbery much poaple searching for gang and about war gang it will be more attractive cause all side will have the power no any naab can make 50k so all profissional player will had fun again on the big gang difficult and about amature there have much gang robbery they can grow him skill on it ( ac / fp ... etc tell he can rob this rob need 50k ) increase the money of rob for can peaple make good respect that make peaple like to play hard but if increase money of rob will back for same problem that peaple can make state from hospital so w increase the price of state on hospital again so if w are see w are from this formula increase the interest the game cause all player with his skill can find for him self his way to play amature can find how to play and increase him skill step per step .. proffisional player can make good respect cause if w had rob make 6mln per rob it was attractive but it need state like 50k so just proffisiona player can make it .. same time big team can't use it to make huge state if increase price of state on hospital ..

    other side about ga and 1x1 type

    w must change formula that make peaple lost state and back old type because peaple can't make good state from g/a .. if w looking what this happen if w are increase price of hospital so peaple can't find good way to trasnfer state to make him own spy 20k fast so they must need 1x1 so i hope u get my idea with increase price of hospital it hard to make spy with 20k fast with ga

    about the drug you must go increase price of all drug with same avg that the money increase

    reason : it was much money so may be drug dealer end day 40 and all peaple will have money

    building : must increase product of building cause it was silly you had much money so must found drug on dealer for cover this money

    weapon : w must increase the demage and force of small guns because on start w have now big mission that to have to go rob this robbery need 50k so it was long time so w must decrease time of vt - fed - msm - ac something so increase the power and force of weapon

    hooker : i don't see w have to do any change on it

    The Docks : i don't see any change on it

    it was just my idea about game how to increase it plz give a small look about it and read it well

    Last edited by EgYsTyLeB; 05-31-2009 at 01:01 AM.

  7. #37


    you want to increase everything biro

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    that wont make ANY changes at all.
    just more resp everyone gain and those who wont make till that rob will never be able to win
    And in just few rounds pro players will be able to make those 50k in like (well lets say) day 50 - or even faster
    this would just ruin the game.
    egy - as you said this all. i think you already have a plan ^_^

  9. #39


    add new robbery however hard they are wont make more gang but just less gang so no gang wars... make a 50k robbery is a bad idea, there is not even enought fk robber to make gang all along the round so it will be still more bad. and 12k / 18k / 25k / 35k robbery wont be used...
    do you see ppl recruiting for pf gang ? only some team use pf !

    biro if you increase all it wont change nothing :S
    i just agree about buldings

    i think the best thing for this game it to remove fk and pf... like that everyone can do acc for the best rob and it will make war gang and more competition !
    if ppl want to play alone and rob ac alone let them do but enable all player to play with the same robbery to bring fun and competition back.

  10. #40


    about the change on game i want peaple start read this topic good it was the best topic and much idea will take about it on this topic



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