hello there, jotas here!

I have an idea that would help solo players become gang players/members, when they start playing TC and don't have any in-game friends. I thought of this when confronted with the true fact that yes, I do like the game and I spend quite a bit of my time here, but can't change the fact that I cannot go as high soloing the game, as I could if I was on a gang. Now, you would be wondering why I don't have a gang, well it's simple, I don't have any IRL friends playing the game, and when I'm at the square trying to join a gang, the only thing I get is ***rapped, so heres what i suggest.... Creating factions! This could be, I think, a really good improvement. It would work something like, if a player belongs to a certain faction he wouldn't be able to attack others from his own faction, yet, players would still be able to duel or challenge each other in the fightchat. To keep things simple, factions could be simply each players nationality! And to avoid those who wouldn't want it like this, in other words, would want to be able to attack everything and everyone, there could be a faction (ie. Noman's Land) or even a nofaction-faction (lol) that would allow players to attack everyone (including their own).

I'd rly like to ear some feedback from other users as well, etc.
Thank you very much, I rly appreciate this opportunity!

User: jotas
ID: 9775458