waduu abuse crew tuh nangani masalah hacker kaga seh!?

i have a problem.. Big problem...
my id and my brother id has been hacked.
my weapon from raygun has been change to machinegun Not Meanmachine. my IchaIcha Paradise (hooker mansion) was been sold. my respect from 400++ are down to 245. he has add to my profile ,and he say *hahah you fat ***** he change that to my profile. can u help me? *please*

please again...
i will thanks if my id back to normal.
please i swear i have raygun hookermansion and i not add *hahah you fat ***** in my profile..
please do any think to the hacker...

nih translate nya!!!!
rada bede tapi pasti badman tau tulisan yang persis ma ini

mas bantuin dunk.... wadu...
kapan di tindak lanjutinya???
id ku di hack nih....
ID : 54t4n
pas kan masi gak perlu dulu kan??

laporan : idku dihack respectku dari 400++ jadi 245
terus senjataku dari raygun jadi machinegun BUKAN MEANMACHINE!!!!!
terus di profile ditambahi ma dia tulisane gini 'hahaha big fat ****'
ples... emang banget kan...
masa gara gara ini aku jd males main the crims? dudu....
tidak lanjuti dunk... sedih nih.....