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  1. #1

    Default Thrown in jail "unrighteous"

    I just robbed the car dealer(don't sure what you call it on the english version), which i have done a couple of times before, but this time i got thrown i jail...? Wth, are you not supposed to get to play the game without using money?

    And while i have you here, it is clear that one of your main source of income is from people who pay for playing. This is ok, but you should make it more even among players, whether they pay or don't. The stupid condom lady is a good example; pay and you will get perks. The opportunity to pay oneself out of jail is okai, because most times you are in jail because you're stupid, but maybe the bribe limit should be smaller.

    And I would like to mention the stupid questions that pops up now and then, either give some real prices when you answer correctly, or remove them.

  2. #2


    First of all, if you think it's a bug that made you go to jail, then you need to submit a correctly formed bug report. But it's highly unlikely you encountered a bug. There are several variables when robbing, one of them is weapon damage. If you are unlucky, you might fail a robbery.

    As you say, there is a way to get out of jail without using credits, and that is pay with game cash. Thank you for your feedback on the limit.

    The random questions are mainly there to stop bots, some of the rewards you can get are quite valuable, like completely repairing your weapon, or filling your stamina up. The more valuable rewards are less likely to occur. It's not, however, meant to have a significant impact on the game since it's pure luck if you get a really good reward vs. just a plain reward.



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