RO: ar fi o evoluare a jocului daca am cumpara drogurile in micrograme Ex: LSD in realitate 100 de micrograme sunt sufucuente pentru o doza si ar fi tot o inovatie daca drogurile sar clasa in categori Ex: calitatea I calitatea II..... si fiecare jucator sa aiba dupa ce noroc ii pica marfa desigur calitatea mai buna va creste enrgia mai mult iar cea mai proasta sa creasca mai putin
EN : would be an evolving of game if we buy the drugs in micrograms (example: a dose of 100 micrograms of the LSD are enough for "strong sensation" and still an evolving would be to sort the drugs in ranges (each player with his luck) if the drug are in RANGE I category the energy will be increase with much points , if the drug is in RANGE II category or low the energy points will be not increase very much