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  1. #1

    Default Zed7, Memox, Ebichuman

    last round was a criterion used in a top view of us that today is on, remove their dirty stats and returning the account owners, and thus won the trophy and etc. .. Since this round was not used the same criteria, two accounts banned in Brazil the same problem and this measure was not taken, I wonder if this was a rule created for you to be used for 1 round only one exception?
    So to say if you play an entire round and get dirty a donation from someone, you do not accept it ... and put it in your account is considered a collaboration with botters? How to reach that conclusion? Ask to review it because the game is getting confusing and unfair to the events that took place! In addition to having only the rules are, we do not have rights, every citizen has rights and duties to perform here in thecrims only have duties for now! How do I know why my account was taken from the top if she was there? The why they took the medal to the trophy beej? My medal? We have no right to know why? I know it was the rule # 5 (but if it was used last round the criterion mentioned above, why not this?) This is my question yet.
    If you ask a crew member the reason is always "not know"
    I have answers
    Last edited by Eminem14; 12-16-2009 at 02:00 AM.

  2. #2


    Translator on,sorry for grammar errors, do not know english: D
    (rofl) (rofl) (rofl) (rofl)
    Last edited by Eminem14; 12-16-2009 at 02:19 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Your case, which you use as criterion was exceptional.
    The case was very specific and quite extraordinary.
    Howewer, I am afraid, that it is none of your bussiness according to fact, you were not involved in it, it was not your case.

    Anyway, we are not working according to "criterions". We simply dont have system of precedent which say, if something was judged before like this, after, all cases should be judged like that.

    The policy of TC is simple: We want to have as much clean TC as possible.
    And we found out, that there is new "fashion". Players are buying stats from botters and they believe, that in worst case, their botter stats will be just edited from their account.

    For the botters is not problem to get banned and right after turn on the bot again. They know, that they can not win, but they found out, how to be successfull: they simply are trying to sell their cheating.

    We simply can not support this kind of gameplay in any way. For this succes of botters are responsible two sides: One side, the botter and second side, that person, who is buying. That is why, those, who are buying stats are participating on this cheating system and for such people that round is over.

    I hope, that I answered clearly on what you were asking. But please note, that things like this we dont solve on forum. Next time please use support centre.





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