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Thread: Unfair ban

  1. #1

    Default Unfair ban

    I'm here to say that I went to support claims that do not won anything, and now I'm here to see if I can answer some for having been unjustly banished unanswered.
    If you say the game has to be cleaned without stats to win Top Bot agree with you, more has to be cleared of all shapes, the ADM should investigate the accounts do not have anything against the taste of all WMD, more did me an injustice that must be concerted immediately.
    Because many players are doing things wrong that should not be done in the game, ADMS also are normal people and are also destined to error ok?
    Now back to my moment of being the banner, I see no explanation.
    I'm here to see if I can something because, besides not having felt banner by Bot be no use, though I am banished permanent?
    I'm normal like everyone I demand my rights TheCrims player.
    Purchase credits equal to many and also fair game for the first time I'm being banished to use Bot, even without having used.
    Besides, how can I be banner on my main account and be banner over four rabbits? I want a clear Replies to this cause.
    Accounts were a player named Penzuti banner by Bot, and thought I was playing with him more was not, nor converse with this guy Penzuti just got him on Skype, made a small mistake thinking I was playing with it, so must have been that I took the ban, he never logged in my account and I still less to him, and ended up taking BAN unfairly.
    I was playing on behalf of another friend, called EDIL with your main call llEliteSquaDll
    How can I be accused of having used Bot, and not have taken prohibiting play on all my spys logged in Round 42? I play as a team and that team was not complete banner for?
    Because my stats were in the accounts of all members of the team last round.
    And no account of the members were banner, by counting Bot Spys and Key Account, a total had been around for almost 300 accounts logged for round 42, and only my accounts suffered ban. Strange it not?
    It may be that the WMD banner that I would be the case (sc0rp10n) he could be wrong may have no right, I'm sorry to say but missed, and I intend to have UNBAN by unjust cause happened, do not blame him for my banner, as I said all make mistakes.
    I need an urgent response to this, I need to knowing what is happening because I am a player and desire response.
    If esou not understand what I trying to say, speak directly with me, my skype: wearstreet or msn or email, ele.verdadeiro @ ok?
    Or if they can talk with VanessaBHZ Bluebaby or they can translate better what I tried to tell you guys.
    A Good Day or Good Night

  2. #2

    Default Proibição injustamente;

    Eu estou aqui pra dizer que já fui ao support fazer reclamações que nao valeram de nada, e agora estou aqui pra ver se consigo alguma resposta por ter sido bannido injustamente sem resposta.
    Se vocês dizem que o jogo tem que ser limpo sem stats de Bot pra ganhar Top concordo com voces, mais tem que ser limpo de todas as formas, os ADM devem investigar melhor as contas, nao tenho nada contra os ADM gosto de todos, mais fizeram uma injustiça comigo que deve ser concertada imediatamente.
    Porque se muitos jogadores erra fazendo coisas que nao devem ser feitas no jogo, ADMS tambem sao pessoas normais e tambem estao destinadas ao erro ok?
    Agora voltando ao meu momento de ter sido bannido, nao vejo explicação.
    Eu estou aqui pra ver se consigo algo porque, alem de nao ter sentido ser bannido por Bot sem usar, ainda sou bannido permanent?
    Sou normal como todos exijo meu direitos de jogador do TheCrims.
    Compro Creditos igual a muitos e tambem jogo limpo, pela primeira vez estou sendo bannido por usar Bot, mesmo sem ter usado.
    Além do mais, como posso ser Bannido na conta principal minha e ser bannido em mais 4 rabbits? quero uma respota clara para essa causa.
    Contas de um jogador chamado Penzuti foram bannidas por Bot, e pensaram que eu estava jogando com ele mais nao estava, nem converso com esse tal Penzuti, apenas tenho ele no Skype, cometeram um pequeno erro pensando que eu estava jogando com ele, por isso deve ter sido que levei a proibição, ele nunca logou contas minhas e eu muito menos nas dele, e acabei levando BAN injustamente.
    Eu estava jogando na conta de um outro amigo, chamado EDIL com a sua conta principal chamada llEliteSquaDll
    Como posso ser acusado de ter usado Bot, e nao ter levado proibição de jogar em todos meus spys logados no Round 42? como posso jogar em uma equipe e essa equipe não foi bannida por completa?
    Porque meus stats estavam em todas contas dos membros da equipe do round passado.
    E nenhuma conta dos membros foram bannidas, por Bot contando Spys e Contas Principais, ao todo tinhamos em torno de quase 300 contas logadas para o round 42, e apenas as minhas contas sofreram proibição. Estranho isso nao?
    Pode ser que o ADM que me Banniu que no caso seria o (sc0rp10n) ele pode ter errado, pode ter nao né, Desculpa dizer mas errou, e eu pretendo ter UNBAN, pela causa injusta aconteceu, nao culpo ele por ter me bannido, como disse todos erram.
    Eu preciso de uma resposta urgente para isso, preciso saber oque anda acontecendo porque sou um jogador e desejo resposta.
    Obrigado pela atenção.
    Caso nao entendam oque eu esou tentando dizer, falar diretamente comigo, meu skype: wearstreet ou msn ou email, [email protected] ok?
    Ou no caso podem falar com VanessaBHZ ou BlueBaby que elas pode traduzir melhor o que eu tentei dizer para voces.
    Um Bom Dia ou uma Boa Noite

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by RoLLsRighT View Post
    I'm here to say that I went to support claims that do not won anything, and now I'm here to see if I can answer some for having been unjustly banished unanswered.
    If you say the game has to be cleaned without stats to win Top Bot agree with you, more has to be cleared of all shapes, the ADM should investigate the accounts do not have anything against the taste of all WMD, more did me an injustice that must be concerted immediately.
    Because many players are doing things wrong that should not be done in the game, ADMS also are normal people and are also destined to error ok?
    Now back to my moment of being the banner, I see no explanation.
    I'm here to see if I can something because, besides not having felt banner by Bot be no use, though I am banished permanent?
    I'm normal like everyone I demand my rights TheCrims player.
    Purchase credits equal to many and also fair game for the first time I'm being banished to use Bot, even without having used.
    Besides, how can I be banner on my main account and be banner over four rabbits? I want a clear Replies to this cause.
    Accounts were a player named Penzuti banner by Bot, and thought I was playing with him more was not, nor converse with this guy Penzuti just got him on Skype, made a small mistake thinking I was playing with it, so must have been that I took the ban, he never logged in my account and I still less to him, and ended up taking BAN unfairly.
    I was playing on behalf of another friend, called EDIL with your main call llEliteSquaDll
    How can I be accused of having used Bot, and not have taken prohibiting play on all my spys logged in Round 42? I play as a team and that team was not complete banner for?
    Because my stats were in the accounts of all members of the team last round.
    And no account of the members were banner, by counting Bot Spys and Key Account, a total had been around for almost 300 accounts logged for round 42, and only my accounts suffered ban. Strange it not?
    It may be that the WMD banner that I would be the case (sc0rp10n) he could be wrong may have no right, I'm sorry to say but missed, and I intend to have UNBAN by unjust cause happened, do not blame him for my banner, as I said all make mistakes.
    I need an urgent response to this, I need to knowing what is happening because I am a player and desire response.
    If esou not understand what I trying to say, speak directly with me, my skype: wearstreet or msn or email, ele.verdadeiro @ ok?
    Or if they can talk with VanessaBHZ Bluebaby or they can translate better what I tried to tell you guys.
    A Good Day or Good Night
    It's not first and not last ban like this

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Wołomin, Poland


    I 've not read this thread, but gotta say that once, when I was workin' as abuse crew ur nick was synonymous with the word "ban"
    EX Crew
    EX Abuse Member
    EX Moderator

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Can you please provide us with your unanswered ticket ID number?
    I somehow can not find any ticket about your account.


  6. #6


    Ticket Details
    Ticket ID: SPX-661927
    Department: Abuse - Complaints only
    Priority: Low
    Status: Closed

    scorpion closed the case for the second time;
    Now that you asked for is here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    But that ticket was answered seven days ago.
    Moreover there is not missing explanaition why some of your accounts are banned. That is why that ticket is closed. Do you have some other unanswered tickets?


  8. #8


    my tickets were not answered, but the predicament is not that. My predicament is that I was unfair to ban, not used anything cheats bug or bot that was banned from the game?
    I play this in five years is not one month or two months do not, I know many things.

    can you give me unban please?
    I have not committed any acts to be prohibited.

  9. #9


    Dear RoLLsRighT,
    So you dont play last round? It is ok but someone was playing on your accounts. Its not my faul that you are sharing your accounts improper. If someone logged your account by password and this person is botter so i can ban all accounts which botter is using. So next time use trusted relation system or rabbit mode(if rabbit mode so its not important who is owner). I hope that you understand.
    I didnt find ticket from you. If you wrote ticket yesterday so its a bit late because i dont have database info from last round.
    Please write me next ticket with ID of banned accounts then i will solve it.
    Thanks for understanding.



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