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  1. #1

    Default where is nizari?

    Why he was kicked from Crew? For unfair bans, for example our ban? :>

  2. #2


    I think he was not kicked from crew.

    I think he helped to make the best round The Crims have seen and out of crew to play.

    Do you think Nizari is corrupt? He can be (and ban his friend last round), but you need agree this round is completly amazing and he had this idea.

    Think about it.

    PS: He will back if he wants or Memox wants. Do you know why? Because Crew members are choosen by Memox, not by players.

  3. #3


    Hello guys.
    I was ****ing corrupt .
    I milked wsk's team , of course with gandalf help .
    First i took all e mails of wsk , joincik , sieke accounts and tryied to hack it , joincik account was easier to hack , so me and my friends from zaka ****ed them , first we milked joincik account and set rabbit mode , after we took trust to main and ****ed all cash , try to understand me guys , it was too hard (impossible) to beat wsk ,he is better than me , sorry

    [16:48:36] Nizari napisał(a): ok lipa
    [16:48:38] Nizari napisał(a): wydymalismy wsk we ****ed wsk
    [16:48:39] Nizari napisał(a):
    [16:48:42] Nizari napisał(a): sprzedajemy mu dziwkiw lasnie : ) we are selling his whores At the moment
    [16:48:50] ][REY][ napisał(a): :O
    [16:50:03] ][REY][ napisał(a): poslucham was i listen u
    [16:50:08] ][REY][ napisał(a): ale to staty kupcie buy stats there
    [16:50:09] ][REY][ napisał(a): czy cos or something
    [16:50:12] ][REY][ napisał(a): rozjebacie po maksie lets **** it maximum
    [16:50:13] ][REY][ napisał(a):
    [16:55:35] ][REY][ napisał(a): kurwa szkoda ze nie poczekaliscie z ta sprzedaza dragow az bylem online shame that u didnt wait for me with that sell of drugs untill i Am online
    [16:56:43] ][REY][ napisał(a): nic mu kasy nie wyjebiecie? U dont spend his Money?
    [16:56:45] ][REY][ napisał(a): slysze
    [16:56:49] ][REY][ napisał(a): ale nie mam mikro
    [16:56:55] ][REY][ napisał(a): nie teraz
    [16:57:23] ][REY][ napisał(a): teraz nie mam dostepu do takiego kompa
    [16:59:10] ][REY][ napisał(a): sieke cos mu napisal na GB sieke wrote him something on gb
    [16:59:17] ][REY][ napisał(a): wiec uwazajcie bo zaraz beda online pewnie so look out, they will be online very soon
    [17:00:24] ][REY][ napisał(a): kupic i sprzedac koke? Buy and sell cocaine?
    [17:00:28] ][REY][ napisał(a): zawsze jakis minus its always minus for him
    [17:00:34] Nizari napisał(a): juz to zrobiliśmy we did it already
    [17:02:12] ][REY][ napisał(a): KASYNO
    [17:02:13] ][REY][ napisał(a): !!
    [17:14:07] ][REY][ napisał(a): haslo mu zmiencie :P change his password
    [17:14:31] ][REY][ napisał(a): ale to z trusta jestescie? But u do it from trust, right?
    [17:15:05] ][REY][ napisał(a): pierdolcie konto joincika leave joincik account
    [17:15:07] ][REY][ napisał(a): to rozwalajcie destroy better this one
    [17:18:34] ][REY][ napisał(a): specjalnie z tej okazji w pracy dluzej zostalem
    [17:18:35] ][REY][ napisał(a): : D
    [17:18:41] Nizari napisał(a): : D
    [17:20:02] ][REY][ napisał(a): w chuj wolno to idzie its so slowly
    [17:24:13] ][REY][ napisał(a): ile on ma stat? na gl? How much stats he has on main?
    [17:24:16] ][REY][ napisał(a): moze jakies ga skoluje maybe i will make ga
    [17:24:19] ][REY][ napisał(a): na niego At him
    [17:24:29] Nizari napisał(a): 1,6 kk
    [17:26:18] ][REY][ napisał(a): jakis litwin koluje staty na najebke some lithuanians will have stats
    [17:26:24] ][REY][ napisał(a): kazalem mu 1,7 kk ogarnac
    [17:29:41] ][REY][ napisał(a): nie mam nikogo
    [17:29:50] ][REY][ napisał(a): tylko jakis jeden jebany litwin i jeszcze nie ma stat
    [17:30:32] ][REY][ napisał(a): wiecej straci
    [17:30:34] ][REY][ napisał(a): sprzedaje za 500 k
    [17:30:40] ][REY][ napisał(a): niezaleznie od tego za ile ja kupil
    [17:32:36] ][REY][ napisał(a): nie
    [17:32:46] ][REY][ napisał(a): chodzi mi o to ze kazda dziwke sprzeda za 500 k $
    [17:32:51] ][REY][ napisał(a): niezaleznie od tego za ile byla kupiona
    [17:33:11] ][REY][ napisał(a): ten litwin jebnal joincika this LT guy hit joincik

    [17:33:22] ][REY][ napisał(a): [17:28:54] Tamahoukas#.Tmツ: joincik4fun
    (Day 36 16:27)
    You won the match.
    Your intelligence increased with 19422.7.
    Your strength increased with 52334.86.
    Your charisma increased with 18787.89.
    Your tolerance increased with 50763.05.
    Your weapon did 84.65 damage.

    [17:33:46] ][REY][ napisał(a): ale jak mu dac?
    [17:33:50] ][REY][ napisał(a): zawies go w klubie put him in rave
    [17:33:56] ][REY][ napisał(a): powiem mu gdzie będzie and i will tell them where He is
    [17:34:00] ][REY][ napisał(a): i niech go tlucze and He will hit
    [17:35:54] ][REY][ napisał(a): : D
    [17:35:54] ][REY][ napisał(a): ten litwin tez usuwa wszystko
    [17:36:04] Nizari napisał(a): : D
    [17:36:33] Nizari napisał(a): Ta wiadomość została usunięta
    [17:36:35] Nizari napisał(a): daj mu to give it to him
    [17:36:38] Nizari napisał(a): i odrazu usun and delete it then
    [17:37:01] Nizari napisał(a): niech wysysa huja let him milk this ****er
    [17:37:07] Nizari napisał(a): powiedz muz e to tryb kukly tell him its rabbit mode
    [17:37:48] ][REY][ napisał(a): dostal konto He received his acc
    [17:37:52] ][REY][ napisał(a): mysle ze wyssa do 0 i think He will milk it to 0
    [17:37:59] Nizari napisał(a): super great
    [17:38:01] Nizari napisał(a): usuwajcie tam delete it
    [17:38:05] ][REY][ napisał(a): usunalem all i deleted all
    [17:38:56] ][REY][ napisał(a): szkoda ze nie ma jak mu stat wyjebac i regret we cant ****ed his stats
    [17:39:05] ][REY][ napisał(a): nie mam nikogo na skype kto gra there is noone who plays right now In skype
    [17:45:05] ][REY][ napisał(a): joincik bedzie wyssany za 5 min joincik will be milked in 5 minutes
    [17:45:21] ][REY][ napisał(a): tak
    [17:45:45] ][REY][ napisał(a): on ma 300 k w 2 kontach He Has 300k In 2 accs
    [17:45:52] ][REY][ napisał(a): 210 i 90
    [17:53:55] ][REY][ napisał(a): chujowo ze dziwki zostaly whores still there
    [17:54:00] ][REY][ napisał(a): a nie sprzedaliście u should sell it too
    [18:54:31] Nizari napisał(a): mbf001-075 / grociksmiec
    [18:54:44] Nizari napisał(a): bkx01-75 / grociksmiec
    [18:55:10] Nizari napisał(a): gyngster
    [18:55:13] Nizari napisał(a): do 50
    [19:00:40] ][REY][ napisał(a): litwin zsanowany lithuanian banned
    [19:00:42] ][REY][ napisał(a): przez wene from wene
    [19:00:48] Nizari napisał(a): xD
    [19:00:57] Nizari napisał(a): (rofl)
    [19:00:59] Nizari napisał(a): rotfl
    [19:01:06] ][REY][ napisał(a): macie glosowa?
    [19:01:09] ][REY][ napisał(a): to zadzwon jak tak
    [19:01:10] Nizari napisał(a): nie
    [19:01:17] ][REY][ napisał(a): aha
    [19:01:18] ][REY][ napisał(a): ok
    [19:06:50] ][REY][ napisał(a): ile to konto mialo stat? How much that acc had stats?
    [19:06:52] ][REY][ napisał(a): joincik?
    [19:07:04] Nizari napisał(a): 300k 300k
    [19:07:06] Nizari napisał(a): rowno excatly
    [19:07:08] ][REY][ napisał(a): ok
    [21:45:06] Nizari napisał(a): rey
    [21:45:09] Nizari napisał(a): jestes ??????? are u there?
    [21:45:15] Nizari napisał(a): Your Yahoo! ID is: nizarinoob
    [21:45:20] Nizari napisał(a): zmieniałes moje hasło na yahoo ?? u changed my pw on yahoo??
    [22:31:13] miklus Maciej napisał(a): NIZARI MA SHACKOWANEGO SKYPE nizari Has been hacked on skype
    [22:31:16] miklus Maciej napisał(a): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:31:19] miklus Maciej napisał(a): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:31:20] miklus Maciej napisał(a): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:31:21] miklus Maciej napisał(a): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:31:23] miklus Maciej napisał(a): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:34:25] miklus Maciej napisał(a): NIE PISAC TUTAJ NIC dont write here anything
    [22:37:17] Nizari napisał(a): : *
    [22:37:20] Nizari napisał(a): wsk is here
    [22:37:20] Nizari napisał(a): xD
    [22:37:25] Nizari napisał(a): dowody wystarcza i have enough proofs

  4. #4


    btw , i was playing on zaka for sure , and i think my team should be banned .

    If you think same as me , just write " zaka should be banned "

  5. #5


    zaka should be banned.

  6. #6


    01:48:25] Nizari napisał(a): sprawdz sobie
    [01:48:46] Nizari napisał(a): basia zna jakas hakerke z osiedla co umie maile lamac
    [01:48:50] Nizari napisał(a): okradniemy tych portugali
    [01:48:54] Nizari napisał(a): i wsk rozwalimy glowne
    [01:48:55] Nizari napisał(a): i tyle
    [01:50:04] Nizari napisał(a): Respect 2807449.75
    Stamina 11
    Strength 1216345
    Charisma 1197505
    Intelligence 1710975
    Tolerance 1734485
    [01:50:06] Nizari napisał(a): Cash 120288017
    Bank 13129577727
    [01:50:07] Nizari napisał(a): wsk
    [01:50:52] miklus Maciej napisał(a): o ja pierdole
    [01:51:18] Nizari napisał(a): w kuklach kolo 800 k
    [01:51:24] Nizari napisał(a): nie no
    [01:51:25] Nizari napisał(a): 600-700
    [01:51:28] Nizari napisał(a): bo on wlewa w glowne
    [01:51:31] Nizari napisał(a): az do ripa wszystkiego
    [01:51:37] Nizari napisał(a): po pierwszym ripie przestaje
    [01:51:42] Nizari napisał(a): a dopiero co wlewal
    [01:51:48] Nizari napisał(a): czyli ma jakies 2,3 kk stat lacznie
    [01:51:58] Nizari napisał(a): + to co dzis zrobil
    [01:52:00] Nizari napisał(a): max 2,6 kk

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by IceTanatosResp View Post
    zaka should be banned.

    Congratulations Memox we are gradually having a game less corrupt

  8. #8


    And what about nizari's milk on ours account? Damage caused by crew. You should give us back everything he f*cked up!

    "1. You are solely responsible for your account. Your account will never be restored or rollbacked unless the damage has been inflicted by the Crew. Credits might be restored if there is sufficient evidence of abuse."

    So I'm sure you have work to do.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by IceTanatosResp View Post
    zaka should be banned.
    Zaka should be banner for?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by ultrakills View Post
    Zaka should be banner for?
    hacking other teams

    getting info from panel and give it to players

    :04] Nizari napisał(a): Respect 2807449.75
    Stamina 11
    Strength 1216345
    Charisma 1197505
    Intelligence 1710975
    Tolerance 1734485
    [01:50:06] Nizari napisał(a): Cash 120288017
    Bank 13129577727

    crew member playing in and he can't playing when he is in crew

    there is a lot more proves , but im sure its enough ?



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