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Thread: Support

  1. #1

    Default Support

    Hello, so I wanted to ask, if you can increase the speed of your supporting, because sometimes i have really bad problems which decrease the will of playing this game and therefore I would be really pleased if you could look more often on the support center, as some players have good ideas, problems which should be fixed really fast and so on.
    My problem depends to the credits department, I have a really big problem there and after 24h still no answer, so please guys, increase your working speed, because it can be really embarrassing to wait so long if you need any kind of help.

    With best wishes,

  2. #2


    i tried to convence to fix the german translations, but i heared they are happy with the existing translator, called google.
    problem for me is that we are maybe 3 native germans here, and posible the other 2 dont know where to post the mistakes. so maybe in few month the entire translation is a big mistake and i will play in spanish because i understand it better
    or the admins come down from heaven and give me the chance to fix this mess! doesnt matter if i was 100 times banned. i am best option for this problem.

    ah i forgot, protectora is the one who decides to take the people. so maybe i ask after her death, better chance for me

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by BenitoElCabron View Post
    i tried to convence to fix the german translations, but i heared they are happy with the existing translator, called google.
    problem for me is that we are maybe 3 native germans here, and posible the other 2 dont know where to post the mistakes. so maybe in few month the entire translation is a big mistake and i will play in spanish because i understand it better
    or the admins come down from heaven and give me the chance to fix this mess! doesnt matter if i was 100 times banned. i am best option for this problem.

    ah i forgot, protectora is the one who decides to take the people. so maybe i ask after her death, better chance for me

    Yes much better chance after I'm dead. Shouldn't be long now.

  4. #4


    you are also a native German speaker? nice to meet such guys too on this page ;D Wie gehts dir so? endlich mal keinen ausländisch sprechenden gefunden haha

  5. #5


    and now to my problem, can some of you just look at my last report in the support center? i really need to get a fast answer, as this i pretty valued to me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom



    Replies at the support centre can take up to 48 hours to process. Many are done much quicker than this. Any tickets taking longer than this are more than likely due to technical issues in which we are needing to contact our SMS providing service. Please can you tell me or PM me the ticket number you are referring to if your problem has not yet been dealt with,

    Ex Game Manager
    [email protected]

  7. #7


    mir gehts supi, freut mich das ich nun endlich nicht der einzige bin der das heulen bei dieser übersetzung bekommt

    @protectora =>

  8. #8


    ja voll ich frag mich woher die diese übersetzungen nehmen, weil das is ja kein deutsch sondern irgendwas

  9. #9


    die suchen noch einen der die ganzen fehler bearbeitet, ich würd mich an deiner stelle mal bei denen bewerben, gibt auch creds dafür meiner ansicht nacht. ich war mal übersetzer für die vor 5 jahren, aber nach mir kam wohl ne menge müll in das team und mich wollen die auch nicht mehr bin ein böser übeltäter den ihrer meinung nach, ( ich find ich bin sogar noch schlimmer, die nennen ihr spiel, "die verbrechen" und heulen wenn die einer abzockt nach oberster mafiagier ) aber die ganzen neuen texte so nach runde 22 sind totaler schrott, oder im großen und ganzen totaler schrott,

    also bewerb dich schnell und säuber den mist bitte
    würde mich freuen anständiges deutsch zu lesen




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