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  1. #1

    Default Problems with my profession, Pimp

    So my profession in game is a Pimp and there is something i do not fully understand. My current rank is 7 (Procurer), and I have reached all requirements but 1 for the next lvl, to own at least 600 hookers, and thats something that is not logical to me, to be able to own that amount of hookers and correct me if I am wrong I will need more than 150,000 intelligence and tolerance, although the stats requirements for the same lvl are 50000 in average. So I am pretty sure that I and all the other players will reach the requirements for lvl 9 before they will be able to execute lvl 8.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    agree, terrible unbalance

  3. #3


    You must at least have 800000 respect
    You must have at least $7,500,000,000 in your bank account
    You must have at least 50000 in average stats
    You must have at least 1 businesses of type Rave party
    You must have at least 70000 Charisma
    You must own at least 600 hookers

    first you need total of 800k respect
    and you need 7.5kkk cash
    50000 in avrg stats means strg+tol+intlg+chrs/4 = 50000
    you must own a rave party buy one from
    next your charisma shall be 70000 or more
    600 hookers you need to buy hookers manison or whore house
    any one of hookers u can buy even u can buy bell for all the time
    not a special one u need



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