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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Again a question about OUR TOP GANG. Unfortunately or fortunately I spent almost 2 years playing it. Yes two years may have been lost or not. Simple fact gain friendships never expected in a simple game ONLINE, do not know any of my great friends I made in this game personally. So what? I had fun, played with more than 100 different today and the few remaining people keep playing and from what I gather after this scene will not continue or may each know what does!

    But the case is that in 2 years of playing it, I saw many things I learned what I know today. What you see and CLEARLY Fixed a bug. Unfortunately, if the owner of GAME put people unable to honor for a fair game on ABUSE CREW and then seen the error, correct it and not give us back what is right? I'm speechless now and here is my indignation, as well as the opposition was fighting over GANG TOP GG and knew it would be somewhat difficult to reach us, we use an artifice that on the rules of this game is FORBIDDEN! I leave here my simple opinion and an'' air'' not believe that SR.Memox'' will'' close your eyes to what happened in Round 71.

    Thanks and good hike for those who continue!


    Novamente uma questão sobre o NOSSO TOP GANG. Infelizmente ou felizmente eu passei quase 2 anos jogando isso. Sim podem ter sido 2 anos perdidos ou não. Simples fato de conquistar amizades jamais esperadas em um simples jogo ONLINE, não conheço nenhum dos meus grandes amigos que fiz nesse jogo pessoalmente. E daí? Eu me diverti, joguei com mais de 100 pessoas diferentes e hoje poucos restaram a continuar a jogar e pelo que percebo depois desta cena não irão continuar, ou podem, cada um sabe o que faz!

    Mas, o caso é que em 2 anos jogando isso, vi muitas coisas, aprendi o que sei hoje. O que se vê e CLARAMENTE CORRIGIDO um BUG. Infelizmente, se o dono do JOGO colocou pessoas incapazes de honrar por um jogo justo no ABUSE CREW e logo visto o erro, corrigi-lo e não nos devolver o que é de direito? Eu já fico sem palavras e fica aqui a minha indignação, pois assim como a GANG adversária estava brigando por TOP GG e sabia que seria um tanto quanto dificil nos alcançar, utiliza-se de um artificio que diante as regras deste jogo é PROIBIDO! Eu deixo aqui a minha singela opinião e com um ''ar'' de não acreditar que o SR.Memox irá ''fechar'' os seus olhos para isso que aconteceu no ROUND 71.

    Agradecimentos e boa caminhada quem for continuar!

  2. #12


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  3. #13


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  4. #14


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  5. #15


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  6. #16


    Memox. I do not know if you know more as the responsibility for the game should know ... We focused this round 71 to be top gang and were going ahead with our goal, we would wake up every morning and we turned the night if possible to make points for the same, everything was fine until I do not know that for envy or even mediocrity were victims of a bug, and you know very well what happened that brought us both the gang, you are a super good guy most people have al your side who do not know what this meant for us was round and encourage other players propios that caused the bug that was such a great game became a little game is not for you but for some of their crews. We spend money on credits and now it cost. Will return to us? Here is my indignation more related to who ... UYW improve the game!

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by smk View Post
    Ok, im here because I have about 60 players, that deserve to know what happen with our gang. Our gang are dissolved by a bug, discovered by an Egyptian. This guy, with a dirty history, discover that he could send a link to the leader, and this link could dissolve any gang. Now I have some questions for crew:

    1- How could be possible someone out of our gang, have access to this link, if just a leader could be ?

    2- If the rules say that all bugs must be reported, and we cant get vantage, why nothing happened with him ?

    3- If crew say that ‘’theres no bug’’, why crew fix it ? And fix because we see that was fixed.

    (Rules 6. Bugs must be reported when found and any use of a bug will result in a penalty).

    So, we report a bug, and we get punish? this bug already be confirmed by two crews, and they see that this really exist, and fixed it. They see the conversation, where this guy send it, and remove last message (of course remove) And now, saying that ‘’theres no evidence’’. If theres no evidence, why fix the bug ?
    So, now is clear that someone don't want be fair with us, and all time and money (a lot) we spend here, was wasted.
    I don't wanna believe that this is a corrupt game, but now, im confused. I saw dirty players get vantage with a bug, and its is very clear.
    So, memox I know you are a fair man, working hard for improve this game, but im sorry, this time you or some crew committed a big mistake. Today you show to us that dirty players can still break the rules, cuz nothing will happen. Great exemple!
    You certainly will lost many accounts with this big unfair. I hope you keep your great work, and next time take the right decision.

    yes i agree 100% with smk

  8. #18


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  9. #19


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  10. #20


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

    fix it memox we want us gg again.



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