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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Exclamation The Truth About Top Gang R78

    Hi all, i'm smk, leader of oRDER aND rESPECT. Im here to tell the truth about Top Gang of this round 78.

    The leader of TBH (n3nd) dissolve his own gang, doing a wrong click in Red Botton (Dissolve Gang) and this action make his gang be dissolved. He tell to crews that was a bug in his navigator, but we download the same navigator (Baidu Browser) and there’s no any bug in Red Botton.

    So I was talking with Mr. Memox to show him about our test in that navigator, and Mr. Memox confirm that any bug was found, and conclude that the leader do a wrong click, even with no intention, but he did.
    So, TBH gang was dissolved by your leader, intentionally or not, the gang was dissolved by his hands.

    But crew’s decide to give back their gang, I don’t know why, maybe they are Special Players, I really don’t know the difference between then, and us, because we all spend our money here.

    I had experienced similar situation in round 71, but in that case, a bug was confirmed by Crews, and I remember that Mr.Vash said to me:

    ‘’I will check your case, if I discover that you lie, I will ban you for tell a lie to crews.’’

    So, I can’t see difference here, if the leader said that he was victim of a bug, but any bug was found, and Memox confirm this, he is not lying ? In resume, if he do a wrong click, its not our problem, the leader dissolve his own gang, and there’s no reason to restore it, or some players got Special Treatment?

    Maybe this is the reason that a lot of peoples are leaving The Crims. I will not use the word ‘’Corruption’’, because i'm not here to start a revolution, we are here to help new players, oRDER is doing this since round 65, but seen’s that unfortunately we should stop to be fool, and leave this game, like others.


    Ahh just one more thing, my players does wrong click all the round, and couldn't leave gang in time, we lost stats and gang points, we can get our stats and gang points back ?
    Last edited by smk; 06-16-2015 at 02:10 AM.

  2. #2


    Not fair. Gonna Stop buying credits if this really happens!!

  3. #3


    i think you memox is the ****ing time to open eyes from what you are doing in a game who can be the BEST rpg in all world !
    stop listening to ****ing idiots like syclian boys n3nd strker and bla bla who just win or are something when the pass stats are easy a true player wanna stats go hunt alone ! that is the crims you will kill the game and you keep to saying that the game are nice or normal have 500 online in end of round pff marcus open ****ing eyes look what you are doing what is the fun to play the crims if the winners of top 1 will be always and always a guy who have ****ing camels stop listen to this guys like n3nd and stryker they are like pussys they want the game like they want **** this stop lost players make the crims alife for welcome new players and for robbers can have the ****ing chance to win the 1 also A-L-O-N-E
    **** this man its really stupid .
    losting time for nothing

  4. #4

    Default Top gang

    1. You are solely responsible for your account. Your account will never be restored or rollbacked unless the damage has been inflicted by the Crew. Credits might be restored if there is sufficient evidence of abuse.**

    Tanto eles como agente, passou um round inteiro upando gg, seria injusto com a order se devolver a gg por causa do erro de 1, muitos levam ga sem querer, ou até mesmo em bugs e erros do próprio jogo, e isso é devolvido para os membros? não! Muitos erram o click e apanham, nem por isso pedimos nossos stats de volta. Ele já saiu do clube da luta por algum motivo, mais voltou, agora acabou com a gg, e irá voltar? poderia ter uma explicação mais ampla para tudo isso, mesmo que sem querer, todos erram, e temos que aprender com nossos erros, ainda mais em um jogo como esse, paciência!!

  5. #5


    Venho através deste consternar minha indignação...

    Jogo com favoritismos a alguns jogadores,já levei em conhecimento pessoal a administração do jogo, e a resposta foi uma evasiva, e sem argumentação...Com isso repito este jogo está a cada dia mais e mais saindo pessoas, não jogo por profissionalismo jogo por diversão e amizades aqui conquistadas...Mas já penso em parar que seria muito triste em questões das amizades que deixarei aqui... mas ainda existe uma luz no fim do túnel...

    Senhores administradores, quando me refiro a essas pessoas são os proprietários, não aos '' funcionário'' que também não os considero a tal função... Peço encarecidamente sejam justos com todos pois a desigualdade esta solta neste jogo, pois e jogares usando meios diversos de burlar o jogo seja com programas para agilizar alguma ação ou mesmo 3 a 4 pessoas administrando uma conta através de programas de compartilhamentos...nenhum ser consegue ficar 24 horas neste jogo basta caros administradores reparem que exite contas desta forma e tem a audácia no fim colocar o nome de um grupo que seja.

    E em questão da GG TBH foi relato certamente que o senhor (Nend) deletou a GG por favor não voltem atrás e devolva a mesma pois será um erro irreparável...

    Last edited by JVJ; 06-16-2015 at 02:01 AM.

  6. #6


    HI all, i'm smk, leader of oRDER aND rESPECT.

    plz closed this topic... hes kidding me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  7. #7


    Então tbm upamos a GG o round todo, se eles erro ,nao podemos sair perdendo por causa de um erro deles,levamos GA perdemos stats pontos de GG e tudo mais,agora memox basta fazer o certo,erro foi do lider deles,não BUG do jogo como eles estão falando,quem deu kike pra deletar gang foi lider nao um bug.

  8. #8


    I just don't know What To say... If This bug is not true And if Mr. Memox knows that This bug is not real there isn't a topic To discuss... My simple oppinion is that even in This game or even in any other game that there is competition, Those players that are competing can't be punished because The error of other players... If n3nd did that, with or without any intetion, oRDER can't be punished... He is responsible for his own acts... That's the essencial part of a game, or even in our lives... See Memox, if you "click" wrong To "beat" a player, The stats can't come back... If you click wrong To buy drugs, u go To hospital... U have a punishment for your acts... U can't punish us.... This is just not fair...

    Considering This, u know that if TBH comes back, u Will Be helping some "best players".... They trully tell us everytime that they don't need any help... This is just not fair...

  9. #9


    HI all, i'm smk, leader of oRDER aND rESPECT.

    plz closed this topic... hes kidding me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Anyone know This guy?? Reason
    Last edited by uLTIMATE; 06-16-2015 at 02:41 AM.

  10. #10


    I clicked on the wrong fight and lost statistics, will give me ??

    it does not exist !!!

    if you happen to restore to TBH OFF forever !!!


    Eu cliquei em dar porrada errado e perdi stats, vai me devolver??

    isso não existe !!!

    se acontecer de restaurar a TBH to OFF pra sempre !!!



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