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  1. #1

    Default Gameplay strategies

    Okey, so I didn't got any satisfactory answer in my last thread. Since I haven't played for years, alot of things have changed. I would like to discuss current strategies for different gameplays. I don't really know any myself, but as I remembered from playing years ago, I always had a problem being assaulted, even though the players always had the same amount of respect, or even lower. Even thoose time I played as an assassin, this would happend. Now I couldn't accept that anymore, and since I started this thread, I guess I will start with my strategy. However, remember I'm a noob, and this strategy might suck, but this is what I'm going with right now.

    Here it goes.

    I always buy a diaper the first thing i do, and start off with the second crime. I keep doing hits, and spend all the money on gear, for the fastest advance.
    I stop at the 400k armor, and 75k weapon. After that I buy breweries, untill I can't hold more. Then I spend very little money on hookers, just to get atleast
    some income from them atleast.
    (Notice; Little and much money is subjective)

    I don't remember if you need any specific level too enter the training center, but as soon as I can start training, I start to boost Tolerance, which also gives a small Strenght bonus

    Now, I don't like being assaulted, I would very much like being able to assault people. Now I find some comfort in the clubs max respect, but you could still get your ass kicked from a player with half your respect. I don't really know what stats that counts in an assault, but I've always guessed that it is tolerance and strenght
    that determites the winner.

    So from this point I start buying creatine fuel for all my money, because of 2 reasons. Having less money gives me lower respect, and the obvious reason, gaining more tolerance. More tolerance = more buildings + better fights. And as we all know, the more buildings, the more money, and then we have a circle.

    As the stats rise and the prize money from crimes becomes higher. I start to buy heroin labs instead of breweries. Pretty soon your buildings produce alot
    of cash, and your tolerance is sky high, especially in comparision to your other stats. If you haven't bought the nomex armor yet, then do it now. Also buy a new weapon (%) if your str allow it more damage than your current weapon. And always keep a full amount of drug labs.

    Because you got so much tolerance, the creatine fuel will be very expensive at this point, but in exchange, the anabola will be cheap, since you only got a 1/4 of str per tolerance during training (I think, not sure). Either, you start training the Strenght priority program at this point, and spend a few tc days on boosting strenght. Or you keep training tolerance and expanding your drug imperium, increasing your income, and instead spend your money on filling up with hookers.

    Hookers get more expensive for everyone of the same kind you buy, so there is a calculation for this. TC days left*hookers income per day= The max price she can cost before she is a loss instead of a profit. After all, you would like to buy the hookers as early as possible to gain the most income. Now, the guide told me that you get respect from buying hookers, which I don't know is true, because the guide is wrong about most things. Either way, I don't think it would be any amount that would matter.

    I never buy love potion, because I dont think the Charisma increase is worth the income increase from hookers, and I acctually don't think charisma has any other effect :S I did buy brainstim for a while to increase my buildings productivity, untill I realised intelligence does NOT affect their productivity. (unless you have under 5000 intelligence, after 5000, you get max productivity bonus)

    After writing this, it makes me think that maybe intelligence after all does matter in fights, what else would be the purpose? Useless after 5000 int? Sounds weird.

    How ever, this has been my gameplay yet this round, and I have no idea if it is the way of playing or not. I know there is other MUCH better strategies out there, becuase I have seen people with 3000 respect, and over 600kills, I've been attacked and killed by them myself even though I had over 100k in all stats. I just dont understand how they get so good stats and still keep so low respect.

    Please share your guides with me, and let me know how to be the one assaulting people instead of just being the punch bag.

  2. #2


    Hey Markus,

    Quote Originally Posted by Markus View Post
    Please share your guides with me, and let me know how to be the one assaulting people instead of just being the punch bag.
    There's a lot of strategies to reach that level, One of them is to have a full stats account to be able to win anyone with same respect,
    * How to make that ?
    Try to boost your strength only,
    -Buy Anabola from hospital
    -Don't save any money on your hand and try to keep your money on drugs { if you have }.
    -Don't buy hookers,buildings because you will gain some respect from buildings,hookers.
    -Watch your gang donations points if you have donated some money it's better to activated 1 hide gang donations item to hide the respect you gained from donations.
    -Don't rob a lot because if you did you will gain intelligence and charisma and that isn't what we want we want only Str , Tolr
    and try to attack people who have the same respect with you.
    & Why buying strength not tolerance from hospital ?
    In assault [the strength affect better than tolerance] because of.
    1- Every 1 Anabola you bought from hospital decrease your intelligence - 0.5 .
    2- You have a feature to increase your weapons power with 30% and the weapons power depends on your strength.

    P.S With this way you cannot win top 1 inter .

    How to be sure that you can win on assault?
    1- ( Your strength + Your tolerance \ 8 ) = respect
    for example
    ( 200000 + 200000 ÷ 8 ) = 50,000
    so you can win 99% people that have that 50,000 respect
    2- You know your rival stats ; someone told you his stats or you ask someone who attacked him and won
    or you spied on his last robberies or assaults.

    Last edited by IDaRBaKa; 03-26-2016 at 07:30 PM. Crew

    Good friends are like stars.
    You don't always see them,
    but you always know they are there.

  3. #3


    "& Why buying strength not tolerance from hospital ? "
    After you wrote this it kinda seems like you meant tolerance instead of str. I bought tolerance because I thought it was just as usefull as str in a fight. But what you are saying is that losing 0.5 int for every str, lowering the respect, is the only thing that makes str a little better than tolerance. Because I dont have any 30% shitbonus you are talking about, dont take for granted that ppl spend money when writing a guide please.

    WHY I have choosen to boost tolerance, is to get more buildings, earning more money, and that way - being able to buy even more strenght later on.

    "-Don't save any money on your hand and try to keep your money on drugs { if you have }"
    once again WHY? If i got 100,000,000, does that give me permanent effect on respect ? I really didn't know this and thought you only gained respect while owning the money, that you can always spend them later and lose that extra respect they have given you. PLEASE UPDATE THE GUIDE!

    "-Don't buy hookers,buildings because you will gain some respect from buildings,hookers." Okey, then I'm screwed for this round, with over 1000's building and hookers each. Another moderator said that I will lose the respect if I sell the hookers and buildings later, and now you tell me this isn't correct. You moderators really must rewrite the rules together, so they are up to date and acctually correct.

    So, now if I spend all money I've saved, sell all hookers and buildings, I would only have destroyed my account even more? I would have lost almost everything, without losing the respect I've been promised from another moderator.

    I really like you moderators, because you are the ONLY one who acctually answer the threads. But it annoys me how you always say different things, so I guess that most mods don't even understand the game at all.

  4. #4


    Hey again,

    You have wrote that you want to assaulting people and what i wrote in my reply is a way for fighting only ,
    and we told you in another thread that the game guide is outdated and we are working to update it .

    Regards, Crew

    Good friends are like stars.
    You don't always see them,
    but you always know they are there.

  5. #5


    we say diferent things because the game dont have only 1 way to play.
    Regarding your question in what to buy str or tol... if you want to be a fighter only better buy Strenght because it gives also a bonus to your mean machine. And this bonus does work with or without credits. Mean machine gives you 10% of your strenght so this mean the more strenght you have the more damage your gun will make.

  6. #6


    Yes, but my armor also gives me 10% of my tolerance, so I should get 10% tolerance boost, just as you get with the gun. And tolerances makes me stronger in assaults right? That's why I don't understand the priority. The only thing that would make str better than tolerance is if you lose 0.5 int per str, which would make you lose a tiny part of respect for having lesser intelligence.

    "How to be sure that you can win on assault?
    1- ( Your strength + Your tolerance \ 8 ) = respect
    for example
    ( 200000 + 200000 ÷ 8 ) = 50,000"

    Like he is saying, BOTH str and tolerance is counted, so what is the difference between +10% tol and +10%str? It only seems to be the tiny int loss resulting in a tiny respect loss.
    I understand that there is different ways of playing, but the answer some of you have given has been wrong, no matter how you play.

    Also, after looking at statistics, HOW is it possible for people to grow so fast? If you look at fastest growing respect, the first 3 days ppl gained about 25-30k MAX per day, while at the 3rd tc day, someone produced 278871000 bottles of liqour. That would be 11066 breweries(WITH 100% boost) how is this possible? At this point, this user couldn't have more than 100 000 respect, after 18 hours and producing drugs for 2 500 000 000$, this profit itself would give 250k respect. I don't know how much tolerance is needed for this amount of buildings, but since I can only own 1k and have 230k tolerance. This player must have had around ATLEAST a million tolerance at the third tc day.

    But as someone said ( Your strength + Your tolerance \ 8 ) = respect. Looking at the highest respect increase, no1 would have more than 100k respect at the third day, which would be max 800k tolerance, this with all the other stats zeroed. HOW is it possible for someone to concentrate to much respect into such pure tolerance, within only 18 hours, to buy over 11000 breweries? Or if we look at the heroin production, someone owned over 7k heroin labs at the 3rd day.

    The heroin labs would cost 3 500 000 000$ to buy, in 3 tc days. Is it even possible to get tickets enough to earn this kind of cash in the first 16hours of the round?

  7. #7


    I will give you my opinion honestly... Give yourself a round or two to get used to the new features of the game. You are too confused and Im getting confused as well, you are talking about having 7k heroine labs when the maximum you can own are more or less 4200 once you reach 2kk tolerance and with all your skill points % on more labs to own...
    Last edited by IDaRBaKa; 03-28-2016 at 01:04 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Flavio92 View Post
    I will give you my opinion honestly... Give yourself a round or two to get used to the new features of the game. You are too confused and Im getting confused as well, you are talking about having 7k heroine labs when the maximum you can own are more or less 4200 once you reach 2kk tolerance and with all your skill points % on more labs to own...
    THAT IS WHY I'M ASKING! how is it possible? Day 3 someone produced 91113800 of heroin, equal to 14k labs. Now I guess this person had used the 100% bonus, so in that case 7k labs. Still if you look at the respect changes in the same page, no1 grew over 100k respect the first 3 tc days. And now you are telling me that this person must have had ATLEAST 2mill tolerance, maxed out bonus % but not having over 100k respect?

    Also, you suck as a moderator, asking me to "give yourself a round or two" when you KNOW there is no updated rules or guides, and you refuse to produce one here or even answer question. So i should just keep on playing, never learning anything knew, because there is no souce of information income? How the hell do you think that would help? stupid mod. Probably ban me now because you feel offended...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    ok so this is what you said

    "THAT IS WHY I'M ASKING! how is it possible? Day 3 someone produced 91113800 of heroin, equal to 14k labs. Now I guess this person had used the 100% bonus, so in that case 7k labs. Still if you look at the respect changes in the same page, no1 grew over 100k respect the first 3 tc days. And now you are telling me that this person must have had ATLEAST 2mill tolerance, maxed out bonus % but not having over 100k respect? "

    First day 3 nobody has produced that amount of hero so I really have no idea what you are talking about there . Now I see you are very confused and you choose not to understand the answers that our Mods are giving to you .
    If I recall well I explained to you what to do in an older thread that you opened here ( I hope im not wrong ) . Now regarding assaulting people clearly both Strength and Tolerance are important but you need weapons and skill points set on assault in order to hunt properly .
    Regarding how other people make respect well that depends on each player since RESPECT = STATS +MONEY but I can assure you that nobody here has 7 k buildings . People have invest they rob they buy drugs they use special ITEMS .

    This is a strategy game so therefore it involves you creating one not us telling you one . This is not an easy game and it does take time to get to reach the perfect strategy in order to win so as Flavio said in 2 3 rounds you will understand all the tricks .

  10. #10


    Well yes, I was very confused, and got frustrated since I felt like I didn't got satisfying answers. I was also coming down during this period from opiats, and I realise I acted very foolish and rude here in the forum. I would like to apologize for that.

    About the misunderstanding about the drugs production, it's a translation problem. I understand now that the statistics points to all drugs produced together by all the players by a certain day. Not pointing out the leading player who produced most. So, you guys already realised it, but it was me who was a fool all the time. Sorry for being rude and immature.

    Also I would like to point out that one mod "Truri" have taken quite some time to help me out to understand the game mathematics and the new gameplay. I would like too give him an extra star for an excellent moderator job!

    The ones in this thread also did good, I just made it really hard for them. Thanks guys for having the patience with my stupidity.



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