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  1. #1

    Question wrong translations

    a month ago i sent a ticket about wrong translations on Greek language
    at the beginning i spoke with hjalmar and he told me if i want to help in translation i will sent him the correct translation via e-mail.
    almost one week later i translate one page and i sent to him via e-mail (as he asked me to do) but until now the translation is still the old and nobody answer me on my e-mails
    there is someone to help me fix the wrong translations? what i have to do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hello Xzibit34,

    Since hjalmar decided to leave Tc Crew, you can send it again to [email protected]
    Thank you for help.

    Best regards,

  3. #3


    ok thx Peppe69
    hjalmar told me there is already a guy who is responsible for the Greek translation. Who is he? Because many pages are translated via Google translator and they just not make sense.
    Also as i saw there is a reward 150 creds per round for the translators... i am wanna get anything if i translate all those pages?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Xzibit34 View Post
    ok thx Peppe69
    hjalmar told me there is already a guy who is responsible for the Greek translation. Who is he? Because many pages are translated via Google translator and they just not make sense.
    Also as i saw there is a reward 150 creds per round for the translators... i am wanna get anything if i translate all those pages?
    Contact Daniel4ever, he is responsible for translators.



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