Hi, i just wanna ask what is real table for earnings from hookers.. becouse my miss blonde earn $527,372 at 173474 Charisma...
here is table: http://prntscr.com/h1m6mc
Hi, i just wanna ask what is real table for earnings from hookers.. becouse my miss blonde earn $527,372 at 173474 Charisma...
here is table: http://prntscr.com/h1m6mc
One of your miss blonde's are giving 615,892$ per day. There aren't any miscalculation as per the table. If you want further information please send a ticket to support so I can provide you more information which I can not write here because your earnings from hookers are private and other players shouldn’t see it.
Last edited by ALEX; 10-25-2017 at 04:55 PM.
Well now let's say that at max lvl your Miss will give 2 kk money .. from those 2 kk 70% is given by lvl and 30 % from stats. SO now even if you have low charisma you will be winning something from your hookers