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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Thumbs down Top Kills and Top Gang Complaints !!!!!

    Well TOP 1 kills and his top gang had the NERVE TO POST THIS on their profiles so I feel obligated to respond with some numbers from the system.

    "There is no way to charge a good preparation of the crews team, to be part simply be friends with someone influential and done, how to collect dedication and correct attitudes from a team that receives 100 credits a week? have to really love the game, love as if it's the only thing we have in life, why it does not make sense the unpreparedness and the lack of quality of the team, it's sad to love so much a game that with each passing day becomes worse, there is no investment in improvements, several bugs and infinite lag, lack of players, lack commitment, and they hate to read and know that all this is true, if there are still some idiots playing, why improve? why give unbiased attention if I can benefit and treat different people I enjoy? the only word that defines the current situation of the game: sadness, I hope that for you who will continue to understand that the only way to beat us is by using the crews, we were 600 kills back and we spent, we were banned for 7 days and we passed again, and here we are, if it were not for lack of fair justice, we would go to the end..."

    Let me give some context a little bit :

    1 crew gave 6 kills to TOP 2 killers ... leading to said admin being removed from CREW and of course those kills will be removed at the end of the round.

    PS: I want to say sorry to the crew because I did remove him directly without even asking why he donated the kills. This is an internal rule that leads to direct removal and they all know this.

    EVERY DAY said top 1 killer makes around 50 kills from accounts created with VPN and Proxy but of course that probably is true for all killers from top 1 5 since when we removed last time kills all of them lost 100 to 200 kills. I let you guess who lost the most but If you can't guess I will tell you. It was the Brazilian account followed by the Romanian account 225 and 120 respectively

    So let's check some facts between the 2 accounts here ... and NOTE the round is not ever yet.

    TOP 1 kills Br account

    Assaults made on banned users : 579 including Gang Assaults
    Stats made from assaulting banned users ( 1 v1 ) only : Total: Strength: 2205176, Charisma: 137450, Tolerance: 275551.1, Intelligence: 137430
    Assaults made on banned users in 1 v1 : 120 accounts.

    TOP 2 Kills

    Assaults made on banned users : 454 including Gang Assaults
    Stats made from assaulting banned users ( 1 v1 ) only :Total: Strength: 1382997, Charisma: 85564, Tolerance: 172734.7, Intelligence: 85565
    Assaults made on banned users in 1 v1 : 84

    NOW .. and this is very important : YOU CAN ALL COMPLAIN that abuse is incorrect that you got wrong bans that we are corrupt but BEFORE YOU DO THAT please make sure you are at 0 bans on your account and that YOU actually play fair.

    The fact that they are accusing 14 people of helping of being dirty is a little bit hypocritical when they are the first one breaking the rules.

    I normally do not do this and to be honest during the years I was accusing of corruption by many and not just me but all crew especially ABUSE. But today these players accused all crew and I think I have to defend them a little because they are here doing their best and spending 3 to 4 hours of their free time checking thousands of accounts to make sure we all have more or less a fair game.

    Just to show you a statistic :

    Users online
    Users online last 24 hours
    Unique IPs online
    Active players

    These are the stats for this round ... If you think it is easy to deal with 30 k accounts when ABUSE is formed of 5 people , let me tell you is not.
    This is the ABUSE team that has to deal with cheaters every day : VASTIQ, BURAK , TOLGA , SIMBA ,PEPPE . I have to say they are doing a very good job when you consider they have to talk to people that do not even understand the RULES most of the time.

    So nobody is changing rules , nobody is trying to do ruin anybody's round since as you can see NUMBERS are quite clear here..

    The only true thing you guys posted in your profiles is the fact we have bugs and we do since we only have 1 developer that doesn't dedicate his full time to THE CRIMS.

    Enjoy the round and I am quite curious to see who can kill more spies until the end of the round and how many kills you will all lose. VIVA EL PROXY and donations !!!
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 09-27-2018 at 01:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    i want to say ok i will show stast top 1 killer 90kk streight what is 2,2kk about 90kk ? more or less 3%. Bogdan 1,4kk streight how much % is about 5kk stat ? he is for sure 30% 20-30% dirty, you want i tell more ? its ban rule 13# for 7 days before day 100 how all others killers took before. To dont be idiot ( ban him to 4-5 days and ok because we are end round), ji1, silental, top 1 killer, BRzoza, and others that stop play took ban 4-6 days others more other less. You want i say more? ok some top killers took his penality and payed with 5 days banned 35kk stats removed, and what u want i say more ? Bogdan have 3 team creating proxy spys to he kill, kills donated. When top1 killer (morvgerisi1) kill on raves, or someone give on game, players that he never know.
    I made one tikt asking why the rule dont work to all player, it dont depent about what day we are, but about have penality or not, us want ban or not. I'm not here Defending Brasil players, but i'm here to Defending more 4 killers, ji1, Silental, BRzoza that killed too and RBK. I dont one player, i'm here to Defending other more player, when us defending one player. ok? I'm not here to see my face or my team. I'm here to see what happened on this round about rules, new rules and judment.
    Last edited by MaTeE7; 09-27-2018 at 04:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    First of all i would suggest to watch your tone and talk properly or will shut it down quite fast !!!

    Secondly since you are not ABUSE you have no idea what RULE 13 is and when to apply it therefore you should not talk about BANS.

    3rd I posted here all that Info so everybody can see that NOBODY IN CREW IS TRYING TO HELP YOU or BOGDAN or top 3 4 because we do not care.

    4th You are not defending anyone here and do not name players like Brzoza or RBK that actually hunt for kills and do not ask for donations. Both TOP 1 and TOP 2 ask for donations this is why the difference in kills between tops.

    Now I do no care who has more donations but as I told Bogdan I told you , but probably you do not understand , MAKE TICKETS and when accounts are banned he will lose all kills same as you will lose all the kills.

    You started a situation because of 5 kills given to a players by a crew that made a mistake and that he paid for it.

    NOTE: Why are talking about bans that you have no idea of ?! Do you even know what you are talking about?! How can you compare the cases or Brzoza , Silent and especially Top 1 with what i just talked about?!

    If you want make a ticket and let's see who has multi detection because this is why those people were banned. Before posting here try thinking and especially try thinking a lot because you really need to put your words in order.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by MaTeE7 View Post
    i want to say ok i will show stast top 1 killer 90kk streight what is 2,2kk about 90kk ? more or less 3%. Bogdan 1,4kk streight how much % is about 5kk stat ? he is for sure 30% 20-30% dirty, you want i tell more ? its ban rule 13# for 7 days before day 100 how all others killers took before. To dont be idiot ( ban him to 4-5 days and ok because we are end round), ji1, silental, top 1 killer, BRzoza, and others that stop play took ban 4-6 days others more other less. You want i say more? ok some top killers took his penality and payed with 5 days banned 35kk stats removed, and what u want i say more ? Bogdan have 3 team creating proxy spys to he kill, kills donated. When top1 killer (morvgerisi1) kill on raves, or someone give on game, players that he never know.
    I made one tikt asking why the rule dont work to all player, it dont depent about what day we are, but about have penality or not, us want ban or not. I'm not here Defending Brasil players, but i'm here to Defending more 4 killers, ji1, Silental, BRzoza that killed too and RBK. I dont one player, i'm here to Defending other more player, when us defending one player. ok? I'm not here to see my face or my team. I'm here to see what happened on this round about rules, new rules and judment.
    Why do you like to make fun of yourself and your team? You ask them to ban me because i have 1.4kk from dirty accounts and you say i have ~5kk stats? Well, first of all i took those stats AT HUNT !!! When i hunt i don't know who is going to be banned or not..Want to see an example of this? Check id : 17606690 . I took more than 800k stats and 20-30 kills but ofc only 10 are counting, before he started to use bot for GA and he got permabanned. Do I have to say for what team did he use the bot? Well, just a second : . And keep in mind all the GAs your dirty members put on me while i was hunting count for me as assaults with banned users. Why is that? Because the stats from Beby say that i have 370 GAs while i have this: and more than half are GAs where i help somebody to milk or i give stats to some people.

    Another thing, you said that your team has 90kk strenght i have ~5kk..First of all, if you check fight chat you can see i have more than 14kk stats took ONLY FROM PEOPLE THAT JOINED THAT FIGHT CHAT : so again, you are talking bullshit. Another thing, about me having teams to create proxy for me. Again i will show you STATS AND PROOFS, not only words.
    As every Hitman knows, the game is pretty dead for us after day 60-70 because the raves start beeing empty and you find 4-5 kills in 1-2 hours of hunt. Now let's check my stats from the begginning of the game : . As you can see, i was killing A LOT early in the game because the raves were full and i was always out of tickets because of that. People were telling me to donate kills but i always said no because i wanted to hunt and not to kill donations because the donations can come later, but then i had to kill as much as i can from hunt. If you don't believe that, i would kindly ask Beby to check the logs, in my messages and show here what were my reponses to some people who sent me msg to donate kills. But meanwhile, what was your team doing? Maybe you are too arrogant to admit it, but i will say it for you : you were not hunting at all because there were people with bigger stats than you and you waited a lot to creat enough spys to milk so you can go at hunt ONLY with top stats. Let's see your stats : . In day 24 i had 767 kills only from hunt while you had 264. After day 24, you made top stats from milking spys(new created accounts that are businessman to abuse the bug about not losing power when they get GA), not huting. Then you started to kill every spy of you, everyone in your team + donations and you made big kills. So now, if I take donations too and I kill my friends something must be strange and i must be banned, right? Only you have the privillege to have people donating to you and ofc others musn't have this. Of course some of them are proxy or multi and they get banned later, i totally agree with you from this point of view, we cannot know if it's a clean account or not, i just kill what people give me, the same like you. The only difference between us is that i have MORE KILLS FROM HUNT THAN EVERY PLAYER IN THIS ROUND, and YOU HAVE THE MOST DONATIONS AND RABBITS KILLED THIS ROUND, THE MOST STATS GAINED FROM MILK ETC. because playing with 100 accounts is the only way you know how to play, as i showed you with proofs earlier. I really don't care if i win top 1 or top 2, for me this is not an entertaining game where i have to search for donations daily and ask people to help me with kills, but i keep doing this because i see how frustrating is for you and your team to know that there is a possibilty to lose to somebody who never milked this round, who plays with only 1 account and not a team of 20 players with 4-5 accounts each like you. The only account i have access to is Legionaru's account where i have trust while you take kills from Expendables team members and give them back the stats from your spys.

    So now i ask you, who's breaking the rules? Me and my team with a total of 9 bans in 10 years, or your team with 50+ bans ? You have more bans on your account than me, oneone and Hatem together.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Even tho this is quite entertaining I have to POINT OUT something very important.

    THERE IS NO BUSINESSMAN BUG !!! The professions are built like that and yes they took advantage of that but it doesn't mean it is a bug. Basically they make more stats because HITMAN as a profession it is built like that so they get a little bit more stats. THERE IS NO BUG even tho many but many people complained about that and actually requested us to BAN there is no reason for such action.

    Funny is that many players that asked us to ban MATE are now his friends . I LOVE THIS GAME !!!

    Another thing and with this I hope I am clear . RULE 13 is a rule is applied only if we detect intention or knowledge and when TOP accounts or TOP teams are involved all ADMINS have to agree on the ban. Therefore IF no RULE 13 is applied it means 5 PEOPLE decided there is need for such rule to be applied same goes for when said rule has to be applied.

    Btw and this is quite important there are no KIDS In ABUSE but only guys that are here 3 4 h a day for 1k credits per round checking more than 10 k accounts.

    PS: If it were up to me i would ban all of you the moment you begged for 1 kill from an account made with proxy or VPN,instead of actually going to hunt for kills.
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 09-28-2018 at 01:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bogdan View Post
    Why do you like to make fun of yourself and your team? You ask them to ban me because i have 1.4kk from dirty accounts and you say i have ~5kk stats? Well, first of all i took those stats AT HUNT !!! When i hunt i don't know who is going to be banned or not..Want to see an example of this? Check id : 17606690 . I took more than 800k stats and 20-30 kills but ofc only 10 are counting, before he started to use bot for GA and he got permabanned. Do I have to say for what team did he use the bot? Well, just a second : . And keep in mind all the GAs your dirty members put on me while i was hunting count for me as assaults with banned users. Why is that? Because the stats from Beby say that i have 370 GAs while i have this: and more than half are GAs where i help somebody to milk or i give stats to some people.

    Another thing, you said that your team has 90kk strenght i have ~5kk..First of all, if you check fight chat you can see i have more than 14kk stats took ONLY FROM PEOPLE THAT JOINED THAT FIGHT CHAT : so again, you are talking bullshit. Another thing, about me having teams to create proxy for me. Again i will show you STATS AND PROOFS, not only words.
    As every Hitman knows, the game is pretty dead for us after day 60-70 because the raves start beeing empty and you find 4-5 kills in 1-2 hours of hunt. Now let's check my stats from the begginning of the game : . As you can see, i was killing A LOT early in the game because the raves were full and i was always out of tickets because of that. People were telling me to donate kills but i always said no because i wanted to hunt and not to kill donations because the donations can come later, but then i had to kill as much as i can from hunt. If you don't believe that, i would kindly ask Beby to check the logs, in my messages and show here what were my reponses to some people who sent me msg to donate kills. But meanwhile, what was your team doing? Maybe you are too arrogant to admit it, but i will say it for you : you were not hunting at all because there were people with bigger stats than you and you waited a lot to creat enough spys to milk so you can go at hunt ONLY with top stats. Let's see your stats : . In day 24 i had 767 kills only from hunt while you had 264. After day 24, you made top stats from milking spys(new created accounts that are businessman to abuse the bug about not losing power when they get GA), not huting. Then you started to kill every spy of you, everyone in your team + donations and you made big kills. So now, if I take donations too and I kill my friends something must be strange and i must be banned, right? Only you have the privillege to have people donating to you and ofc others musn't have this. Of course some of them are proxy or multi and they get banned later, i totally agree with you from this point of view, we cannot know if it's a clean account or not, i just kill what people give me, the same like you. The only difference between us is that i have MORE KILLS FROM HUNT THAN EVERY PLAYER IN THIS ROUND, and YOU HAVE THE MOST DONATIONS AND RABBITS KILLED THIS ROUND, THE MOST STATS GAINED FROM MILK ETC. because playing with 100 accounts is the only way you know how to play, as i showed you with proofs earlier. I really don't care if i win top 1 or top 2, for me this is not an entertaining game where i have to search for donations daily and ask people to help me with kills, but i keep doing this because i see how frustrating is for you and your team to know that there is a possibilty to lose to somebody who never milked this round, who plays with only 1 account and not a team of 20 players with 4-5 accounts each like you. The only account i have access to is Legionaru's account where i have trust while you take kills from Expendables team members and give them back the stats from your spys.

    So now i ask you, who's breaking the rules? Me and my team with a total of 9 bans in 10 years, or your team with 50+ bans ? You have more bans on your account than me, oneone and Hatem together.

    yes we are bugger team and proxy team, and multi accounts team and all shits team, dont forget the bot team, we have bot and we use all rounds ok ?have a nice game, you are a clean team, just kills from friends, any accounts banned for4ver ok ? u are clean as an stye. :*
    Last edited by MaTeE7; 09-28-2018 at 02:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    Even tho this is quite entertaining I have to POINT OUT something very important.

    THERE IS NO BUSINESSMAN BUG !!! The professions are built like that and yes they took advantage of that but it doesn't mean it is a bug. Basically they make more stats because HITMAN as a profession it is built like that so they get a little bit more stats. THERE IS NO BUG even tho many but many people complained about that and actually requested us to BAN there is no reason for such action.

    Funny is that many players that asked us to ban MATE are now his friends . I LOVE THIS GAME !!!

    Another thing and with this I hope I am clear . RULE 13 is a rule is applied only if we detect intention or knowledge and when TOP accounts or TOP teams are involved all ADMINS have to agree on the ban. Therefore IF no RULE 13 is applied it means 5 PEOPLE decided there is need for such rule to be applied same goes for when said rule has to be applied.

    Btw and this is quite important there are no KIDS In ABUSE but only guys that are here 3 4 h a day for 1k credits per round checking more than 10 k accounts.

    PS: If it were up to me i would ban all of you the moment you begged for 1 kill from an account made with proxy or VPN,instead of actually going to hunt for kills.
    hey u are sure, nop, forget it, I'm wrong, and my team are wrong about ask one ban about people that dont broke any rule, are clean 100%. Forget all things, and i told all men finish round and stay a while resting, and keep calm. If won top 1, 2, 3, 5, if get ban they dont care, crew will do what they ever times do.
    And u are correct we dont used bug. But i dont want you teach they what we done

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by MaTeE7 View Post
    yes we are bugger team and proxy team, and multi accounts team and all shits team, dont forget the bot team, we have bot and we use all rounds ok ?have a nice game, you are a clean team, just kills from friends, any accounts banned for4ver ok ? u are clean as an stye. :*
    I didn't say we are clean, i was just pointing some things because you tried to start an argue by writing bullshit things on your profiles, but it seems like you can't respond back like a normal guy, you are just acting like a 12 years old diva. It's impossible to be clean 100% in this game and everybody knows that. Don't come here and act like a victim because you are not...You should be thankful you can still play this round after that 5 days ban.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    Even tho this is quite entertaining I have to POINT OUT something very important.

    THERE IS NO BUSINESSMAN BUG !!! The professions are built like that and yes they took advantage of that but it doesn't mean it is a bug. Basically they make more stats because HITMAN as a profession it is built like that so they get a little bit more stats. THERE IS NO BUG even tho many but many people complained about that and actually requested us to BAN there is no reason for such action.
    Yes, you are's not a bug. But it's an unfair advantage, in my opinion, and not how the bonus should work. But that's how they made their top stats, by milking a lot of accounts and without this called "big player strategy" they would stop play or hunt in limits because we all saw how they were playing while they had little stats..or better said how they were NOT playing haha.



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