Hello ,

First of all , good job for the longetivity in this game. I would like to add something , not about the gameplay , but the redesigning and rebranding the game to get more people to know it.

1. Seo - A lot of words are translated "MOT À MOT" wich is not that bad , because it sounds good . But how about google? In no chance google will post TC on the first pages . You will need to optimize the seo -------> more people will see the website and more will try the game
2. Rebranding & reddisigning - The Crims was allways the same . The same images , the same icons , the same translation etc. First of all , all the websites (wheter we talk about retail or gaming websites ) they all change . And that is not because we have a lot of time and we just play with colors and images. NO. This is a must (and a need) because everything is evolving . First steps should be 1. Logo rebranding , 2. Icons design with a hoover css class. 3.Intro page (before you get to the login page) with seo words to describe the crims better and a movie about what is TC. I repeat , this are just a few stepps.
3. Comunication and Strategy of marketing (including the social media ). Facebook is the most important Pormotor of internet. If you are not on facebook , than you are not visible for noone. A calendar is a must to be created , with the most important event along the whole year (cristmas + new year + Country day + +++++) after that , with the new logo rebrended and the calendar , should be posted around 2-3 posts per week on social media to keep the people in relation with the game.

Thank you TC for making my childhood fun!