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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Lightbulb Q&A , Current problems and Future plans

    Hi boys and girls,

    I think that I owe you guys this much so I will be answering all your questions regarding issues in the game , plans we have for the future and why some of the changes we announced previous were not implemented.
    That being said there will be some things I will not be talking about and those are:

    - Why you got banned but I can explain how we handle the ban cases for each rule
    - Please make all questions about the game
    - This is not a feedback post, so please do not comment on the game just ask the question or questions you want me to answer.

    So please leave your question here and hope to see ya soon on Youtube.
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 12-09-2018 at 06:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal



    I think the main problems are the LAG, current BUGS (tickets, robs) and RAVES (badrefresh), and some Transparency for smash the the corrupts issues.

    So, every round some complains, thats the way it is, but dont forget, this is the only game with the Hunt/Kill system, everything else we can find it in other similar games.

    Better than make changes, i bet for fix the problems.

    The game must have some limit. Professions like they are, i think is running way from the game main target, so reducing some of them could be good. Just to see this particular thing, Hitman is playing in another and completely different league and that should not hapen, because is one of the main professions and the one who made more profit to game owners.
    Raves or night clubs, is where everyone join and meet some time in game, not the square lol, so the game have Stamina, Robs and Killing, the main 3 things we should care about.

    I know maybe i dodge a bit from the post, but is what i think in present day.


  3. #3

    Default Credits

    Xxarisxx here, hi

    I try tu buy credits per sms, so:
    Click on buy by phone---> and now normal u can write your tel. nr, send sms and its working

    ...but it's not .

    Page after click on buy per sms scroll up and nothing going on. Plsss

  4. #4

    Default Bank

    I wanted also to see how works bank after day100. In beta it's day 101 but I can't put investment more... and it should be until day 104?? And then this "new bank"?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Yes, the new bank will be after 104 days

    "After day 104 the bank will allow players to make investments but it will come with its risks "


  6. #6

    Default Tickets

    Hi Bebynho!

    Since the beginning of the game, I have problems with my tickets. At the end of the day, I do not get tickets or extra tickets from the vip package.
    I have already contacted the support and so far nothing, just tell me to wait.
    What position does TheCrims have in this regard? Because I'm being harmed in the game.
    Will my problem be solved? Will all the tickets I lost on those days be back in my account?

    Thank you in advance!

  7. #7


    maybe they will not be questions, but definitely something that annoys me in this game.

    1. all changes are not detailed in the game changes: example what I could notice
    - Proffession diler had a 25% higher sell prices to boats now has 22%
    - removed robbery from the game guide Santa Claus (now it is unknown whether he will or will not)

    2. by making the last changes a certain style of the game was killed, namely:
    - accounts created for fights 1vs1
    I understand someone can say you have a murderer profession but this is not what it was,
    accounts created for fights they were looking for victims in clubs with a limit of respect
    so, with the current changes that have occurred it would be nice to see a new profession just for only 1vs1 accounts (with a blockade of gang attacks)
    which would have new requirements to gain rank like for example you must get it 100k stats from solo fights or more stats
    clubs with a limit of respect e.g. only administrative clubs (new tab).
    Remember, not everyone who plays this game, game about top or top kills, there are people who play for nothing
    like for example me, where he works only at night coming back from work I sleep 10-12hours
    where I want to play in my free time but it is almost impossible because robbing does not give you the same pleasure as gaining stat
    playing profession hitman now is embarrassing because spending little time in the game you will lose the fight with such a businessman by the last change in the game "Hitman's extra assault power has been changed from max 25% to max 15%."

    3. changes that are not good
    - information about lack of energy shows up in the notification
    - if it was like before, shows where the information about the successful execution of the robbery
    = no bug no tickets lost because they would not kick out of the club.
    and always throws the club when the message about lack of energy is delayed
    for 300 tickets rip 30-50 tickets especially when we have turned on google fortunes and we are robbing quickly.

    4. Hunt, when we catch red contact at the club it happens that we will click on the attack faster before we choose the victim then whole page turns gray and we can do nothing for a few seconds

    to be continued....
    Last edited by GlobalElite; 12-15-2018 at 07:59 AM.

  8. #8


    5. Respect and points from money have been reduced by 50%.
    - nice change, now tell me please like a murderer is to hit the thirteenth rank ?
    13 - Godfather
    You must at least have 30000000 respect
    now 100k respect it's 2 billion
    30kk respects it's 600 bilion
    where is the profession he gains the least amount of money with robberies, buildings and hookers
    pls tell me how

  9. #9

    Default raves

    Way too difficult to find players on raves. you need to stay like 5 minutes to find someone that is not a hitman. and I feel that I join the same rave all the time, and they dont update. even waiting 1 second before entering another one

  10. #10


    6. Hitman will not see the names of nightclubs.

    Tell me what this change really changes, because to me nothing and for a few other players who think
    if hitman need more kills simple buys club and whorehouse and waiting to be displayed asking a friend which has a different profession
    the club is showing businessman sees the name he comes in and is killed three times
    the same happens in case at milk gang.
    85 09:09 bsarsd luza254 Victim Attacker wounded
    85 09:05 Pdasd luza254 Victim Attacker wounded
    85 08:51 iodsa2 luza254 Victim Attacker wounded
    85 08:28 vsa2d2 luza254 Victim Attacker wounded
    85 08:24 vsa2d2 luza254 Victim Attacker wounded

    simple y ?

    this change would be good as if every profession did not see names
    now this change is shit



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