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Thread: Abuse Crew

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Conclusion after reading all of this. 1. Rules for banning will change starting next round so I am curious how many of these clean players ( LMAO ) will still be with us after 2. Some here think we are kids playing Police , luckily we do not take cheaters opinion very serious. 3. Abuse will always be helping X or Y because let's be honest we all think we are correct. It doesn't matter when you read this ABUSE helped someone !!!!MATE NEXT TIME YOU COME HERE TO WRIte and accuse someone at least have the decency to do it in ENGLISH so all can understand the level you are at !! Thank you !!
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 01-23-2019 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by MaTeE7 View Post
    primeiramente vou falar em português pq vc é muito babaca em falar essas besteiras todos os bans são de round, se persistir 2 meses, 3 meses e 6 meses, depois permanente, como peppe69 disse, voce precisa se informar mais antes de vim aqui cagar pela boca, e outra sobre banir alguns jogadores certos, você acha mesmo que 10k de stats é motivo pra ban de 6 meses ? vc tem q ser bem sincero, vc iria gostar de levar um ban de 6 meses por 10k de stats ? vc n pode falar nada sem ao menos saber das regras e como elas sempre funcionaram e quando elas mudaram. Eu jogo isso mais sério e melhor desde round 41, e sei bem como tudo funciona, vc deve se informar mais antes de vim falar merda de crew ou coisa do tipo, se flaar algo sobre corrupçao pra gringo ganhar e q BR é perseguido posso até concordar com vc. Agora vc falar que nao usa tw e que o time do almi é limpo 100% vc precisa saber mais com quem vc anda antes de falar mal dos outros jogadores. Tanto você quanto ao seu amigo aí que nunca ganhou nada, tenho até pena, vai inveja meus 2 canecos top 1 lá, as caveiras, e todas as conquistas, muita gnt ai n teria uma medalha azul se n fosse essa patifaria de top 2 e 3 BR, ridículo, daqui a pouco tao dando top 20 BR medalha pra ver se os noob gasta 200 credito no round pelo menos pra comprar vip kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, melhor jogador do BRasil rodada 90 pra frente é facil quero ver do 70 pra trás onde tinha bons times q jogava, almi é carta branca, time mais noob q já vi jogar, a 70 anos joga isso n estampa top 1 em lugar nenhum so se alguem leva ban mesmo como a gnt round passado. onde tinha (TeamBR, Losteam, crimasters, eckoteam, players solos bons, e etc...) agora qual a disputa? almi, e eu quando eu jogo ninguem ganha de mim top BR, é pra acabar isso aqui mesmo, unico que ganhou de mim e respeito foi o Bola, que tinha muito mais tempo que eu e mais 3 nego no tw dele, eu trabalhando e aqui sozinho ainda pego top 2 BR e top 4 inter, se eles fossem ban pelo bug q usaram eu era de novo top 1. Fiz tudo certo e o crew n fez o trabalho deles, em vez de ao menos remover respeito, nem isso fizeram dos kra deixou ganhar com bug e a porra toda, lamentável.

    I will talk in english for everyone know what are we talking about.

    hahahahaah, you must be kidding with me of talking about almi's team with TW, God, man, go get some treatment.

    First of all, I replied on what Mr. TcTaBuTcU said about Dirty Stats, or don't you know how to read? I Just said that the bans are too short.

    Second, you boast himself as best BR player, but when we enter on your profile, removing gg medal that serve as nothing, you have more BANS than skull + trophy + top medal, stop being non sense. Everyone in TC knows that your team of loosers only won when have auxiliary things outside game or bugs, nothing less all of them have 10+ bans on his accounts. Must be because of that that you never leave the game, if you try your luck in another one, you don't go over mediocrity. I play this 1x per year, came back in 2017 and won something, playing CLEAN and FAIR. This round i will try to win again, PLAYING CLEAR. And if I don't, there's no problem, at least I'm not a scumbag that use something and after that, say that i'm a god of the game. No, you're not and will never be recognised as the best Br Player, Honome, Hekate, IngridDin, Smoke2Much... all those players was better than you, and yet Honome and Smoke still are.

    And I don't care at all if you got banned for six months for bug alley, in fact to me it's too few. Should be permanent ban. Because it's only shows and prove my point: you only play with something to help you. If you find something that can help you, you will use it, it only shows your bad character to always use something to be ahead the opponents. This only shows the ridiculous player that you are, that depends on something to win, and not only your own skill.

    Anyway, this shouldn't be what we supposed to talk here, I will not answer more shits that you write. In fact, you need to be far away from this topic, because you're one of the ****ers that **** the game

    And guys, we can't say that Mr. Bogdan don't have a point when he say that the problem are ALWAYS the same faces. Something must be very wrong when always the same faces keep doing shits. If i'm here and wasting time here, is because i do like the game and care about the game, or I would simply use something too or simply quite. But no, I really want to this be fixed and we play a fair game.
    Last edited by em4n; 01-23-2019 at 03:16 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    How do I know that you dont ban cheaters? Simple, I see them playing a full round with shitty things and nothing happens..and even more, they win a place in top ! How do I know that a cheater is a cheater? Since me, as player who plays for top, i spend more time than you on this game i can see some things clearly, like players that are insta buying drugs in drugs dealer, players that use a macro for hunt etc. Here is your logic.
    50-60 Accounts being banned for bot means nothing. I am not saying that abuse crew isn't banning anything at all ,i am just saying that 90% of the people who cheat are not being banned. And mostly the players that are playing for the top are the ones that are not being banned. I honestly dont care that much about poor John playing TC for fun with 1 rabbit. I do care about the "legends" in the game who are playing with more than 10 accounts with macro on them for robbing or other shits.
    MAN first questions is that HOW DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS CHEATING? If one player achieved any of top 5, does it mean he/she cheated? now you are talking about the guys who are got any of top 5, you are one of the top players too so did you cheated? As I said before YOU HAVE TO REPORT THEM IF YOU HAVE ANY CLUE.

    Every round it takes a lot of time for you to do the checkings and everytime the top will be always the same as it was when it finished. And also you are not doing any checkings at all. I can even give you an example for this. Round 102: every crew member told me that when the round finishes, abuse will check EVERY KILL that the top killers made during the round, they will check if it's dirty or not, and remove the dirty kills from everyone at the end. Guess what? Nothing happend. After 2 weeks of "checking" the top came with the exact same result as it was before. I even made a test for this , i asked a friend to make an account with VPN and give me 3 kills before the round finished to see if the said account will be banned and the kills removed. Guess what? The account wasn't even checked by the crew team.
    Man if the top is same after checking, does it means we dont check carefully or we let cheaters be in top? I'm really curious what you are talking about, you simply say " you check the winners but they are not being banned" so we have to ban someone from winners to be "abuse crew are working hard"? we are checking everyone not only winners but also killers, top gangs, top 1 of each country etc. And we are banning a lot of top 1 country account for proxy or multi etc. no man you are totally wrong with the killers, every round from each top killer we are deleting approximately 100 kill, that means you did not followed very well. WE ARE DELETING KILLS FROM TOP KILLERS AT THE END OF THE ROUND AND IN ANY CASE OF FINDING VPN/MULTI ACCOUNT WE ARE CHECKING AT AS WELL IF THERE IS SOMEONE GOT KILLS FROM THIS ACCOUNT, THEIR KILLS CAN BE DELETED DURING THE ROUND EXCEPT TOP KILLERS. By the way, you may miss this detail, WE ARE NOT DELETING THE TEMPORARY BANNED ACCOUNT'S KILLS (IF GIVEN) WE ARE DELETING THE KILLS TAKEN FROM PERMANENTLY BANNED ACCOUNTS.

    You don't want players to stop playing during the round but you don't remove the dirty kills during the round? Are you serious? So what if i play for top kills and i see the guy above me having 500+ kills with 10 tc day left until the end of the round. How can i know what's the real difference? How can i know how many dirty kills he has? Maybe the real difference is something like 5-10 kills but because he is killing 100+ accounts per tc day i would get discouraged and stop playing. And what happend in round 100 is the best example, and also what happend with me and br team in round 102.
    YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD TO GET A POSITION IN KILLER.IF YOU ARE BEING DISCOURAGED BECAUSE OF A PLAY IN FRONT OF YOU I STRONGLY RECOOMMEND YOU NOT TO PLAY FOR KILL PLAY FOR RESPECT. Can you knwo the final respect of each account? no, so it does not matter if you know the exact kill of top killer accounts. Anyway if we do the same as you say in any way the kill's will be changed BECAUSE OF END ROUND CHECKINGS. Someone will be banned PERMLY ofc. so the account whose got kills from that permly banned account's kills will be removed AT THE END OF THE ROUND as we check it at the end of the round.

    The punishment for this should be ban for the whole round or resetting the stats to 1. Why? I will give you an example: The round starts, i up my account by milking dirty stats to an incredible amount of strenght,above everybody else and i hunt freely and also insta smack with GA every gang. Until crew decides to ban me, 50 days later i am totally dominating the game by killing everyone and triple my amount of stats. Then crew bans me and removes the stats that were dirty, for example 5kk strenght out of 20kk. Wow, after 5 days of being banned i return as a top killer(probably top 1-2 since i was killing literally everything before) and probably still top stats. So what did your ban achieve? Nothing.
    This is the point which I Agree with you, the punishment of milking dirty stats MUST BE MORE THAN 6 days.

    Because everybody knows what is going to happen, that there will be literally no change to top 1-5 killers or respect.
    You cant know if someone will be banned at the end of the round. There are a lot of examples of banned accounts from top 1-5, there are a lot of examples of the top gang are changed due to BANS. There are a lot of example of changing in positions of top killers due to deleting kills.
    Abuse CREW
    [email protected]

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hi there,

    As Beby said, we wave abuse rules for each rule and each ban!

    Another thing:

    "Player X using bot to hunt, ban him please".
    "Player Y have 314 accounts".

    Of course you report is very very important to us (Abuse Team) and we love that you want help us to catch these stupids cheaters.

    But I need remember you guys, Abuse Team work with strong evidences, not only with reports!
    I mean, you reported player X by bot because he is fast, and of course we will check him.
    But the fact that you think he is breaking some rule does not mean he's going to get a ban!
    As I said before, we work with strong evidences, not only with reports.
    So, our logs are our bible!

    Best regards,

  5. #15


    can i add something? please remove kill requirements from Robber (and from any class that isnt hitman), and i wouldve never been banned in my life, you know how hard is to get 7 kills when you only PvE? let kills for hitmans PLEASE! (only the requirement from level 12 - 7 kills).

    edit; i dont care about tops, to kill other players, to be annoying, i just feel nostalgic playing TC and i dont want to be hunting in raves while there is those teams hunting), can you at least make a job there is pure PvE? (PvE = Player Vs. Envoirment)

    edit2: ive been telling this to Peppe69 a long time ago, and ill keep abusing a vpn to creat an account to get 7 kill for that ****ing mission EVERYTIME i can (no stats, nothing, i care only about personal record), untill you understand how i feel in this game or ban me 4ever

    edit3: i dont cheat even in solo games as i feel dirty, nor i do any sin in real life, soo let me ROB ONLY for gods ****ing sake!

    edit4: where is the RPG when u ask a Businessman to kill 7 people? why get hes hands dirty?
    Last edited by XBear; 01-24-2019 at 05:56 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by XBear View Post
    can i add something? please remove kill requirements from Robber (and from any class that isnt hitman), and i wouldve never been banned in my life, you know how hard is to get 7 kills when you only PvE? let kills for hitmans PLEASE! (only the requirement from level 12 - 7 kills).

    edit; i dont care about tops, to kill other players, to be annoying, i just feel nostalgic playing TC and i dont want to be hunting in raves while there is those teams hunting), can you at least make a job there is pure PvE? (PvE = Player Vs. Envoirment)

    edit2: ive been telling this to Peppe69 a long time ago, and ill keep abusing a vpn to creat an account to get 7 kill for that ****ing mission EVERYTIME i can (no stats, nothing, i care only about personal record), untill you understand how i feel in this game or ban me 4ever

    edit3: i dont cheat even in solo games as i feel dirty, nor i do any sin in real life, soo let me ROB ONLY for gods ****ing sake!

    edit4: where is the RPG when u ask a Businessman to kill 7 people? why get hes hands dirty?
    Thank you for your feedback!

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Peppe69 View Post
    Hi there,

    As Beby said, we wave abuse rules for each rule and each ban!

    Another thing:

    "Player X using bot to hunt, ban him please".
    "Player Y have 314 accounts".

    Of course you report is very very important to us (Abuse Team) and we love that you want help us to catch these stupids cheaters.

    But I need remember you guys, Abuse Team work with strong evidences, not only with reports!
    I mean, you reported player X by bot because he is fast, and of course we will check him.
    But the fact that you think he is breaking some rule does not mean he's going to get a ban!
    As I said before, we work with strong evidences, not only with reports.
    So, our logs are our bible!

    Best regards,
    I think there should be a change of philosophy. Maybe the players should try to prove to you that they are not guilty instead of you wasting 100 tc days trying to find evidence to ban them. For example, it may take 10 real days for you to catch a hitman that is using macro for attacks because the logs are not clear enough or i dont know, something like that, but it may take 1 hour to find the answer by banning him without evidence and inviting them to prove they are not using anything.

    Also, i think you need a new system which can help you finding the players that are not hunting fair. For example, you take 3-4 hunters, the fastest ones in thecrims that are known by the crew for playing fair, you make tests and see which is the fastest attack they can make and then everyone who attacks faster than that would be automatically banned by the system. Then the player should make a ticket or whatever where he has to prove that he can attack with that speed for real. It takes only a couple of hours/minutes to find cheaters like that and you dont need to waste 100 days trying to find anything in logs.
    Last edited by TheChipmunks; 01-26-2019 at 04:34 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by TheChipmunks View Post
    I think there should be a change of philosophy. Maybe the players should try to prove to you that they are not guilty instead of you wasting 100 tc days trying to find evidence to ban them. For example, it may take 10 real days for you to catch a hitman that is using macro for attacks because the logs are not clear enough or i dont know, something like that, but it may take 1 hour to find the answer by banning him without evidence and inviting them to prove they are not using anything.

    Also, i think you need a new system which can help you finding the players that are not hunting fair. For example, you take 3-4 hunters, the fastest ones in thecrims that are known by the crew for playing fair, you make tests and see which is the fastest attack they can make and then everyone who attacks faster than that would be automatically banned by the system. Then the player should make a ticket or whatever where he has to prove that he can attack with that speed for real. It takes only a couple of hours/minutes to find cheaters like that and you dont need to waste 100 days trying to find anything in logs.
    I understand what you mean!
    Thank you for your feedback!



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