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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Let's not get confused ... your critique goes towards how we manage the business part of the game my friend ... and you are doing that without knowing the problems we are having.

    If you are here to tell me how to run my business please do not expect me to be happy about it .

    If you want to tell me that the game is not balanced , that crew is not banning people for X reason or that you do not like something in the game , PLEASE DO SO and I will be more than glad to help and answer.

    What you are doing is telling us you do not like we are asking for money not that you think DEALER IS OP for example or that PIMP should not be so weak 1 v1 ... or that you had problems in raves early game.

    You are not doing that .... so I am sorry if my sarcasm was too much for you.

  2. #2


    Tudo isso que vc falou eu tento fazer "via suporte", como vc mesmo sabe disso, e foram inúmeras vezes que relatei as coisas pelo suporte.

    Até onde sei, FÓRUM é para discutir, tirar dúvidas, e foi isso que fiz, debati um assunto que o SentidoErradoBR postou. É pra isso que tem o fórum, não?

    E vcs mesmo dizem para mandar as dicas e falhas tudo no suporte, e é o que eu faço.

    Agora os jogadores vem ao fórum pra debater e vc vem e fala essas coisas? Estranho...

    Mas tudo bem Bebynho, tenha um bom dia.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I do agree with you,the forum is for things like that but you said I put the blame on the players ... and I never did that.
    Also saying we will kill he game because we want to keep it GOING is something that I answered as well ... now the fact you did not like my answer well .. I am sorry for that.
    But I am the one with the numbers and I am the one with the feedback and complaints and I can tell you most players complain about OTHER PLAYERS more than about the VIP .
    Want the truth ?! The ones complaining about the VIP are players that have a chance to win , or play to win so therefore can win money ... and they want easy money and easy profit.

    Remember I am always here to answer your complaints ... but since I can't show you guys numbers nor can I get very " technical " i am left with the 20 % of sarcasm ... You will need to deal with it my friend hehe

  4. #4


    Ok Bebynho, vc tem suas razões.

    Mas pense, talvez o VIP sendo mais acessível vc teria mais lucro porque mais pessoas iriam comprar. É nisso que penso.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by HeBiTu View Post
    Ok Bebynho, vc tem suas razões.

    Mas pense, talvez o VIP sendo mais acessível vc teria mais lucro porque mais pessoas iriam comprar. É nisso que penso.
    In my opinion, the problem about VIP is not the price itself..Investing 20 Euro every round is not that expensive..Let's say 50 euro with creds too. Just think about this : you invest 50 euro and you have the chance to win a lot more. The real problem is the fact that players can buy VIP more than 1 time. Yes, you can argue that Cold bought it a lot of times and he didnt even get top 3 BUT here we are talking about a bad player, a player that has almost no idea about what he's doing. He should've reached at least 225-230kk with the amount of VIPs he bought. But what happens when good players start abusing this thing? My theory is that people who know that they cannot afford doing the same will just stop playing and even if the game has 3-4 players who invest 1k euro / round, the game will slowly lose the player base and without a player base the game will be closed anyway even though it produces money for the owners. The idea must be to find a balance and i think the change for the next round with 48hrs cooldown after ppl buy 1 vip will do wonders.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well , based on what COLd told me he was not getting much profit from the VIP ... and it is true you are not getting too much profit unless you are a dealer because hookers from VIP were not giving inventory points at least not that round.
    And the cookie and tickets will get you so far because you do not have the 40 % bonus at boats.

    The player base is not the top 10 my friend , the player base is actually the ones that do not appear on the front page .... that is my theory tho.

    Regarding TC's future we still haven't changed our mind because frankly nothing changed ... we will see in December.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    Well , based on what COLd told me he was not getting much profit from the VIP ... and it is true you are not getting too much profit unless you are a dealer because hookers from VIP were not giving inventory points at least not that round.
    And the cookie and tickets will get you so far because you do not have the 40 % bonus at boats.

    The player base is not the top 10 my friend , the player base is actually the ones that do not appear on the front page .... that is my theory tho.

    Regarding TC's future we still haven't changed our mind because frankly nothing changed ... we will see in December.
    Well, i would not waste my time asking such questions to that guy because as i've wrote earlier, he has no clue about what's happening..How can anybody who has at least 1 brain cell say that vip doesn't get you a lot of profit? Let's do some math.

    Let's say captain of sea event is coming and I have 300 tickets ready to rob. Ok, now let's say i am not a dealer and i get 4kk components / ticket : 2kk of an expensive drug and 2kk of a cheap drug, even tho it's 99% a lot more but let's make this example as a worst case scenario.

    2kk components of expensive drug = 666k drug which we will sell in drug dealer with a price of 93$.
    2kk component of cheaper drug = 666k drug which we will sell in drug dealer with a price of 28$.
    Now let's calculate the total : 666 000 * 93 + 666 000 * 28 = 80 586 000 $. With the basic cash that the captain gives, that totals for a 81 000 000$ / ticket.

    Now let's see how much we get in 300 tickes : 300 * 81 000 000 = 24 300 000 000 $ which means 1.2kk respect without counting the bonus if we sell the drugs to boats or vip events. As i've said this is the worst case scenario.

    So a non dealer profession that doesn't buy vip in a captain sea event day will make 1.2kk respect. Now let's calculate this for a player that buys vip 4 times.

    As you already know, the components are doubled with cookies so in 300 tickets the vip user will make 2.4kk respect. And because he bought vip 4 times he will get another 300 tickets which means a total of 4.8kk respect.

    4.8kk - 1.2kk = 3.6kk bonus respect for the vip user. In 1 single day. If he sells the drugs to boats or vip events he will get at least an extra 4kk respect versus the non vip user. If there is a guy, like Cold, who buys vip at least 30 times like he did, he should get an extra 30kk respect in 1 round versus the non vip user. But after day 100 the components give in robbs are doubled anyway because of the system so the cookie will become much much more powerfull so i can comfortably say that Cold should've had at least 35-40kk more respect than the non vip users because he bought so many VIPs. So because he failed horribly and he is not that good at this game/profession , it doesn't mean the VIP is not getting you too much you said.

    And we also have to calculate the profit from hookers, especially if you are a pimp, and the goggles.

    And i don't even wanna calculate how much a dealer which abuses this VIP can make because i dont wanna get depressed .

    And by the way, i never said the player base is top 10, i know it's not that.
    Last edited by yoBogdan; 09-05-2019 at 07:54 PM.

  8. #8


    O jogo e bom! - bebynho (urgente)
    Tiro meu chapéu para esse jogo FDP!
    O que incomoda realmente os PLAYS são as desonestidades de ALGUNS "maioria" dos jogadores, valor do vip da para pagar!
    Mas você vai pagar para concorrer com tanto hacker, com jogadores com mult acc e etc ?
    Bebynho você só precisa fortalecer as REGRAS, façam elas valer novamente porque elas viraram uma PIADA!
    Não pode mult acc, serio? Sinto varios dos Plays que jogando de MULT acc, varias as EQUIPES que jogam com mais de 30 contas e assim por diante...
    então bebynho façam as regras valerem apena e você vai ter PLAYS SATISFEITOS.

  9. #9


    Hello guys, first of all
    Theres alot of ways to "earn" money on online games, and to be honest, "TheCrims" IS NOT, and not even close to be the most expensive one, for example, FreeFire (Most popular actually of the world) sometimes to get only 1 skin, people waste more than R$ 1000,00 (250 EUR)in diamonds, yes, just one clothe.
    AND, to be honest guys, complaining for the "price" or the benefits of the VIP, its just bullshit, its fun to laught at for example ColdKillah's face, due his noobish, but... if you are a good player, you can win even without having a VIP
    I got Helped a little by some friends in the last game days, and thats it.

    THE REAL PROBLEM OF THE GAME, its not the VIP, but of course if it be a little lower price, more people could have access, and the game would earn alot more.
    BUT THE REAL PROBLEM OF THE GAME IS: Botters, Cheaters, and etc.
    Why? Cuz the cheaters, steals out the fun of the game, and make REAL players, having no chance at all, so giving up at the begin of the round.

    So, the problem is not the VIP, even thought only 1% of the players try to win EVERY round, regular players, try 1 round per 3, or even 1 try per 5 rounds.
    Cuz we are NOT robots.

    The real problem of the game for example is: People having 2190309213 Spys to kill and make Stats, Botting, Cheating, and etc
    And THATS THE REAL REASON, why players give up.
    So, the thing is, ALL THE PLAYERS, should get the own part of the responsability, and try the best to help the game and improve it
    Blaiming the guilty 100% on the Crews doesnt change a shit

    Want to make the game a little better?
    Second, if someone, even if its your "friend" is botting, or cheating, go and report it, because his dirty playing, could not be messing up YOUR GAME, but for sure is killing the fun and the chances of at least more 50 HONEST PLAYERS.
    Third, come up with REAL IDEAS, to make the game a little better, even if people wouldnt stop cheating and botting, do like me, THINK IN WAYS to Stop them, or at least, make their dirty game alot harder.

    Complaining about things like "VIP", wouldnt change anything, and to be honest, its better alot of people buying alot of VIPS, cuz it wont change a shit, cuz you need alot more to win a round than "VIPS" and the live proof is Cold last round.

    Am i wrong @Bebynho20?

  10. #10


    And its fun to me people like you, complaining about the game problems, blaiming it on the VIP
    the vip is not the problem, the problem is people like YOU, that cheat, bot, and etc, and steal other peoples conquests
    for example, i was in the chat with the Turkeys and Egypts guys, and i saw how hard they worked to gain TOP 1 GANG
    but they didnt get it, wanna know why? cuz inside imperium, has alot of Spys, and Cheaters, that you guys made just to put the gang robbing 24hs per day

    the problem of the game is not the vip, is people like YOU, that see dirty players cheating and do nothing cuz its your friend.

    shut the **** up



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