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  1. #1

    Default REPLYING to: ROUND 112 CHANGES !!!

    Hi, since the thread is closed, I've made a new thread...
    Anyway, changes looks good to me, looking forward to the next round apart:

    "10. You can only leave rave by pressing the EXIT BUTTON .
    this is a huge change and it was made, like always , because of our intent to catch cheaters. This change should lower the attack speeds as well .... I really do need your feedback on this."

    This change I don't like, because since I have a slow speed internet connection and about an hour or 2 hours to play a day, it will take me ages to kill my tickets..

    On the other hand, please do consider this: by the time I completed 2/4 robs on the 2nd window (I used 2 windows for robs: 1st for raves - 2nd for robs), the 1st window was still refreshing -
    I mean I was still in rave and the "EXIT" button was still visible and clickable even though I've run out of stamina and I shouldn't have been in rave once I've done 1st robbery without mentioning 2/4 robs done and still in rave. So, my point here is - IF I still keep using 2 windows for robs but instead of clicking "rob the bastard" I would click "EXIT" button first - would I be banned for RULE 5 just because Robbery completed faster than I exited rave because of my slow internet speed??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I do not think you can use 2 windows .. but if that is possible , no you will not get banned for RULE 5.
    Rule 5 says you can't tamper with the browser , it does not say anything about playing on 2 pages.

    Now sadly there is no other way but this one.. and to be hones the pros outweigh the cons or at least in our mind.
    What it is infuriating is that because of a bunch on " losers " all the community has to suffer and we have to make some changes that actually bring nothing to the game. Not to mention the changes might create problems during the ROUND since testing with 3 people on beta is not the same as with 500 on live. OFC we do hope that is not the case.

    That being said I am glad you like most of the changes and I hope you can give us a good feedback !!

  3. #3


    This new update feels like bullshit, atleast make the friggin exit button stay still when someone enters the nightclub, it jumps down like 1/5 of my screenheight now.

  4. #4


    I agree with fliffs, you should make it so that the EXIT button is always at the same position, since the name of players in raves is also at the same position, the attacker knows where he has to hold his mouse to make a quick kill, while we have to scroll to find EXIT button first and then you just die.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I am sorry ... but why do you need to scroll?! I ran for at least 5 people and I did not need to scroll .. i only moved 1 cm and i was out !!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    I am sorry ... but why do you need to scroll?! I ran for at least 5 people and I did not need to scroll .. i only moved 1 cm and i was out !!
    With chrome, the "leavebutton" only moved for like 1 cm. With firefox thats my primary browser, the "leave" button moves for like 10cm. and instakilled

  7. #7


    Well at first my reaction was to scroll, now as I met more people I don't need to scroll that is true, but still when you take drugs, you move your mouse on the EXIT button, if at that moment a player joins EXIT button goes down a lot like 5 cm ( I'm using firefox ).

    Since the killers know where they need to point their mouse they have an advantage. I think they would still be able to kill players if the EXIT button always stayed at the same place, but they would have to be fast enough. Because right now, it easier for them to just immediately click drop down list and select player, than it is for us to immediately react when someone joins. Not to mention if taking the drugs takes like 0.25 seconds and they join as you take drugs, then you have 0 chances, because you have to first wait for drugs to be taken and then move the mouse down to the EXIT button.

    I hope others share their point of view, so we could see what more people think.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal



    I dont see why its hard to exit rave... still hard to hunting and with those changes even harder, its so much easy to go out of raves quikly.

    I was thinking if "exiting" have only a boton = 1 click, why assault not? It should be able to choose our victim only by 1 or doubleclick on is avatar when meeting rave.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    I do not think you can use 2 windows .. but if that is possible , no you will not get banned for RULE 5.
    Rule 5 says you can't tamper with the browser , it does not say anything about playing on 2 pages.

    Now sadly there is no other way but this one.. and to be hones the pros outweigh the cons or at least in our mind.
    What it is infuriating is that because of a bunch on " losers " all the community has to suffer and we have to make some changes that actually bring nothing to the game. Not to mention the changes might create problems during the ROUND since testing with 3 people on beta is not the same as with 500 on live. OFC we do hope that is not the case.

    That being said I am glad you like most of the changes and I hope you can give us a good feedback !!
    Okay, so.. THE FEEDBACK:

    There's not much for me to say at the moment, because everything seems to work fine (unlike my internet connection - which is slow)...

    Good news for me is that I'm still able to use 2 windows (1 for raves and 1 robs), no problems whatsoever either. Sometimes I do get a message that my "method not allowed", but it's my own fault really - because either I forget to click "EXIT" button and once I click "rob the bastard" I get notified about the "method not allowed" (yes, I remain in rave till I click "EXIT" button) or if I'm robbing in gang, I might click couple of times more than needed "rob the bastard" button and once I enter the rave, I get notified about the very same "method not allowed"... which is my fault as I've said.

    I assume that I won't be banned for these notifications (I see no reason why should I be banned) and I'm pretty happy with all the changes made - so, keep up the good work, THUMBS UP!!
    Last edited by LaptopGangster; 10-24-2019 at 04:39 AM.

  10. #10


    So the problem is this, when one other guy enters, the leavebutton with firefox moves from "hooker-button" height to "bank-button" height.

    I do not have trouble getting killed by me screwing up, but when the button moves?



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