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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Changes to Rules Update !

    Good morning ,

    In past years the way we dealt with "cheaters " or those we think broke the rules was quite mellow and this allowed them to get better at what they were doing and that is ruining the game for all those that played for fun.

    Here are the changes :

    1.One thing that The Crims was doing was giving those banned for Rule 5 the chance to prove their innocence by testing them or granting us access to their computers. Since this can be legally quite complicated and since clearly we might have , in the future , Ill intended Crew members I feel pressured to STOP this practice.

    what does this mean ?! Well once you are banned for RULE 5 you will no longer be tested nor will you be given the chance to prove your innocence. Any testing and trials to replicate logs will be done by ABUSE CREW MEMBERS after they have gathered info on how the players performs different actions.

    I want to point out The Crims was the only game in the world who allowed TESTING !! And after 5 years of seeing abuse work and improving our systems I can proudly say that out of 100 bans for Rule 5 we probably had to revert about 5 which is a hell of a number. So I am confident we can keep up he good work.

    2. All bans are going to be directed at the person and not at the accounts like we used to meaning once you are banned for 2 months all accounts you make during those 2 months will be banned on sight.

    3. Breaking the following rules will lead to your account being terminated : Rule 4 , Rule 5 ,Rule 11 , Rule 14.

    Each case will be treated individually since accounts can be banned due to TRUSTS breaking the rules or in the case of stolen accounts. In this case the account to be terminated will the one of the player that broke the rules and not the account where he is playing on at the moment the RULE was broken.
    * The account will be terminated, as per the TERMS and Conditions you guys agreed upon the moment you created the account, at the end of the ROUND the account got banned.

    Note: None of these changes are opened to discussion so once you are banned for RULE 5 you are basically giving away all your accounts since these changes apply to all accounts a person might own.These changes to these rules are to be applied starting NOW.

    Last edited by Bebynho20; 01-25-2020 at 08:37 PM.



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