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Thread: R115 Changes !

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default R115 Changes !

    Hi guys ,

    The changes for the next round are .

    1. Pimp changes

    * Pimp is now required to sell to 5 boats instead of 4 to make lvl 11
    * We have balanced the amount of hookers pimp can have per level. Please check the game guide for more info about that

    Even though Pimp has to put a lot of money into hookers he has a really easy time making levels and his profits will never be influenced by events. So these changes bring a little bit of balance to a profession that is quite strong at the moment .

    2. Robber Changes

    * He will get all his building slots from lvl 4
    * 10% more money from single robberies
    * The Crims City robbery is now available from lvl 11 and day 60

    3. Businessman Changes

    Up until now Businessman had a 7% deficit when selling his drugs into dealer , this deficit has been lowered to 2%

    4. Dealer changes

    Up until now Dealer had a 5% deficit when selling his drugs into dealer , this deficit has been lowered to 2%

    5. Boat changes

    We have balanced the way drugs increase when you guys have to sell in harbor.
    The big drugs have seen a nerf of 5%

    6. Vip changes and Auctions

    * Vip 3 - 25 auctions , VIP 2 - 15 auctions , VIP 1 - 10 auctions - Non Vip accounts - 5 auctions

    7. Training

    * Each training will cost 50 stamina

    8. Alley mission change

    * A change to Consigliere mission , it will give 75 tickets instead of 35

    9. Gang points

    * Respect will no longer give gang points

    NOTE : For more detailed info check our YOUTUBE Chanel

    Last edited by Bebynho20; 02-07-2020 at 05:28 PM.



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