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  1. #1

    Default You can clearly see how much you're mocked if you check this pic out.

    Thanks a lot for forcing us to grind clons, making us have to get stats for our main account. (: Somehow, some people get around 20 clons every season, or they get some help from someone elses (: it is obvious in the season statistics. These people, who consist of a group of 4-5 Hitman accounts, can destroy any district at will. Thanks to the new system, no one playing only one account will be able to do anything. And this system is your doing, so ALL the thanks go to you (:

    You can clearly see how much you're mocked if you check this pic out. (: In this game all you need, in order to win, is a game crew friend (: dgfkhjfdglkhjfg HAHAH realyy

    Last edited by ZeL; 03-20-2020 at 09:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ZeL View Post
    Thanks a lot for forcing us to grind clons, making us have to get stats for our main account. (: Somehow, some people get around 20 clons every season, or they get some help from someone elses (: it is obvious in the season statistics. These people, who consist of a group of 4-5 Hitman accounts, can destroy any district at will. Thanks to the new system, no one playing only one account will be able to do anything. And this system is your doing, so ALL the thanks go to you (:

    You can clearly see how much you're mocked if you check this pic out. (: In this game all you need, in order to win, is a game crew friend (: dgfkhjfdglkhjfg HAHAH realyy

    20 clones.. I guess now you are frustrated correct?! The question is why you are frustrated ?! This was on BETA ... this is for all the same. YOU TESTED ON BETA !! And I think you forgot to cry a week ago so you are complaining now.
    Nobody here said it will be perfect .. and clearly after this round we will do our best to improve it but make no mistake , a dude that has more friends than you have will always have it easier.
    That is the reality ... so your frustration makes no sense to me here.
    If you think people are breaking the rules REPORT THEM ... and next time you call any of my crew CORRUPT without proof I will perma ban you so fast you wont have time to google an answer to post.

    PS: how can hitmans destroy any district at will when they can only see 1 district?! Please stop posting things that you clearly do not understand or .. well cant explain. People might actually believe that things you post here.
    If you want to keep a district, GO HUNT .. this is why we made them, for people to interact.

    PS : I will make sure to remove your beta account since clearly you are not using it.



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