Hello Gansters
I would like to not complain but give u an idea.

First of all, congratz. You make this game better and better from round to next one. We didn't see 850 players online for couple of years .

I would just change loosing poitns from gang assault. You change loosing stats from ga becouse of this that in 5 min getting 3 ga u could loose almost half stats what u was working on. Same problem is now with gang points.

I would change this that. First: you rob few hours getting like now 400 points for rob Cassino Royal but when u get hit u loose like 100-200 tickets of rob . Let killers fight for top kills and let robbers do their job

I think 99% players would agree with it .

Second : milk
Like You know it's not important to win topgg with robbing . The most important think is milking all people in the late time of round like day 100-115 . I hope u can change this somehow, like u did this with stats

Regards , Aris