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  1. #1

    Default Suggestion: assault button in raves

    Hi, I know there have been several changes to the way assaulting works in order to try and make it more fair to players in general.

    It seems the biggest issue at the moment is players who use scripts / mouse recording to execute the 3 needed clicks instantly, whereas a legitimate player needs time to:

    - react to seeing a player on the rave
    - click on the dropdown, move the mouse to the player name, and click on it
    - move the mouse to the assault button and click on it

    And this is assuming another player does not enter the rave as well in the meantime, which will force you to check which player you are selecting.

    Now perhaps this has even been turned down before for whatever reason, but I think it's best to bring the suggestion regardless.

    Have one assault and one gang assault button for each player, close to their names, so that you only have to click on the player's button to hit him.

    However, add a fixed time delay ('approaching victim...', 'going for the hit...', are some contextual examples) which would make up for reducing the amount of clicks needed. This could be represented as a progress bar under the player's name or where the assault buttons are currently located...

    This would vastly reduce the cheaters' advantage while overall keeping the same amount of time needed for the assault to register (giving the victim some time to run, as it seems to be intended today).
    Last edited by SwordGrunt; 04-02-2020 at 05:21 AM.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by SwordGrunt View Post
    Hi, I know there have been several changes to the way assaulting works in order to try and make it more fair to players in general.

    It seems the biggest issue at the moment is players who use scripts / mouse recording to execute the 3 needed clicks instantly, whereas a legitimate player needs time to:

    - react to seeing a player on the rave
    - click on the dropdown, move the mouse to the player name, and click on it
    - move the mouse to the assault button and click on it

    And this is assuming another player does not enter the rave as well in the meantime, which will force you to check which player you are selecting.

    Now perhaps this has even been turned down before for whatever reason, but I think it's best to bring the suggestion regardless.

    Have one assault and one gang assault button for each player, close to their names, so that you only have to click on the player's button to hit him.

    However, add a fixed time delay ('approaching victim...', 'going for the hit...', are some contextual examples) which would make up for reducing the amount of clicks needed. This could be represented as a progress bar under the player's name or where the assault buttons are currently located...

    This would vastly reduce the cheaters' advantage while overall keeping the same amount of time needed for the assault to register (giving the victim some time to run, as it seems to be intended today).
    This is actually a really cool ideia and I've suggest myself many time to remove the 3-4clicking steps since the cheaters and better can easily automate that and take huge advantage of common and human players that need to react real time against it.
    The 1click is good but if doing so, the cheater would also be overpower because of stress of clicking so many times and getting tired of that too.

    What could really bring the game to shine again is, get the avatar photos bigget in raves, somewhat as double of the actual size and show an target button on the picture, ON A RANDOM POSITION, let's say we can take the double-sized avatar picture and device in 9 sectors or 6, from the top to the bottom. Every sector could show a target, this would make human player reaction matter and also make the cheater work a little harder to code some-shit application to run for the target.

    It would be fun to hunt, it would be less dramatic about the cheaters and more about hitting while aiming as any other react game, since hunting is more like that. Please devs, hear us out or every round will be the same as ever been, cheaters and scriptures everywhere.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by SwordGrunt View Post
    Hi, I know there have been several changes to the way assaulting works in order to try and make it more fair to players in general.

    It seems the biggest issue at the moment is players who use scripts / mouse recording to execute the 3 needed clicks instantly, whereas a legitimate player needs time to:

    - react to seeing a player on the rave
    - click on the dropdown, move the mouse to the player name, and click on it
    - move the mouse to the assault button and click on it

    And this is assuming another player does not enter the rave as well in the meantime, which will force you to check which player you are selecting.

    Now perhaps this has even been turned down before for whatever reason, but I think it's best to bring the suggestion regardless.

    Have one assault and one gang assault button for each player, close to their names, so that you only have to click on the player's button to hit him.

    However, add a fixed time delay ('approaching victim...', 'going for the hit...', are some contextual examples) which would make up for reducing the amount of clicks needed. This could be represented as a progress bar under the player's name or where the assault buttons are currently located...

    This would vastly reduce the cheaters' advantage while overall keeping the same amount of time needed for the assault to register (giving the victim some time to run, as it seems to be intended today).

    We have few idea's already to change that as I'm trying to work on something similar to your idea ( the two option for each victim ).
    I'm working on a presentation for that and soon I will present it to our planning crew.
    I hope this can be changed soon. ( In few rounds )
    Last edited by Generozo; 04-02-2020 at 03:08 PM.
    Best Regards,
    Generozo Crew

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by kisses View Post
    I've suggest myself many time to remove the 3-4clicking steps since the cheaters and better can easily automate that and take huge advantage of common and human players that need to react real time against it.
    How can we change that, any idea's ?

    Quote Originally Posted by kisses View Post
    I have that already on my presentation.

    Quote Originally Posted by kisses View Post
    It would be fun to hunt, it would be less dramatic about the cheaters and more about hitting while aiming as any other react game, since hunting is more like that. Please devs, hear us out or every round will be the same as ever been, cheaters and scriptures everywhere.
    Thank you for your report.
    Best Regards,
    Generozo Crew

  5. #5


    Great to hear something is on the works. Looking forward to seeing it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Guys ...

    2 weeks ago I spoke with memox about this and if he would implement my idea , people would have it hard knowing where the victim will appear in rave...

    click 2 , 3 4 times is not a problem for cheaters .. they do not click ... macro does it for them

    In any case , next round will come with changes that will make them cry a little bit ...

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Generozo View Post
    How can we change that, any idea's ?
    Sorry for the late reply Generoso, I don't usually check the forum daily, well about the change, giving the random position inside the rave would be a way of changing that.
    Or changing from a list to smack someone to a point click position in their picture, at a random position in the canvas.

    I have that already on my presentation.
    This is already an improvement, would love to see something like this not going to lie. Bots would basically be forced to aim to the click and only scripts that directly execute the action would be working, and this is much easier to ban from the logs

    Thank you for your report.
    No worries Generozo, as the round goes on many of them drop dead haha

    Thanks for actually reading us Generoso

  8. #8


    For me, the way it is now is great, compared to what was in 96 round when I was playing. For example, the bug when we got hit, while seeing nobody else in club. Now when it has been fixed and You also added good ideas that GA take no stats now and raves can't be searched to donate kills(or made it harder), made it fair for average players. Game is better, keep the good work, it is playable as it is. When it comes to cheaters, you could make 'anti-bot' program or make it recorded somehow to see if a player really clicks as he should. I hope this game will be even better and more people will play. Make the steam version and you'll be set for life



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