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  1. #1

    Default Bot user // EwiLTrackeRVitoR - 16326136



    I would like a position on the Ban suffered by user EwiLTrackeRVitoR - 16326136, he was banned after the end of the roud by Rule # 5, this player took advantage of Bot, made stats until he didn't want to, then donated to the Top 1 Respect StrykBogdZdzHall - 3097005, and you do not agree with me that with these stats entering 3x day, he got stronger and consequently managed to kill more players and thus increase his stats even more, until when will you allow this? It is very clear that EwiLTrackeRVitoR did everything to get stats and pass it on in the end, so I think it would be fairer for you to remove all those stats donated to the Top 1.

    It seems that you don’t learn Bebynho, as long as there are stats donations between the players the game will continue like this, you have to take action on it for yesterday my friend, you have to have something for anyone to know who is inside the Rave or remove the stats of x1

    And to all the players who seriously played the roud, the IDIOTA TITLE FOR US, because we have a Top 1 that won due to another player exploring Bot to strengthen him, we deserve the IDIOTA TITLE.




    Gostaria de uma posição sua sobre o Ban sofrido pelo usuário EwiLTrackeRVitoR - 16326136 , ele foi banido depois do fim do roud pela Regra #5, esse jogador se aproveitou de Bot, fez stats até não querer mais, depois doou ao Top 1 Respeito StrykBogdZdzHall - 3097005, e você não concorda comigo que com esses Stats entrando 3x dia, ele ficou mais forte e consequentemente conseguia matar mais jogadores e assim subir ainda mais os seus stats, até quando vocês irão permitir isso? Está bem claro que o EwiLTrackeRVitoR fez de tudo pra ter stats e passar a ele no final, então acho que nada mais justo seria vocês retirarem todos esses stats doados ao Top 1.

    Parece que vocês não aprendem Bebynho, enquanto houver doações de stats entres os player o jogo continuará desse jeito, vocês tem que tomar uma atitude sobre isso pra ontem meu amigo, vocês tem que algo para ninguém saber quem está dentro da Rave ou retirar os stats dos x1

    E a todos os jogadores que jogaram serio o roud, o TITULO DE IDIOTA PRA NÓS, pois temos um Top 1 que venceu devido outro player explorar Bot para fortalecer ele, merecemos o TITULO DE IDIOTA.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well, I would not call all players idiots ... some can actually use Math but let me explain how it works , MATH and Rule 13 I mean

    Top 1 has 220 kk stats ok ?! Let's say that this guy you complain about gave top 1, 10 kk stats in respect which is clearly not the case but I want to say that just for the fun of it ....
    These stats were given at the end of the round not during the round therefore they mostly influenced their final respect.

    Now let's do the Math ... 220 kk - 10 kk = 210 kk ... easy peasy no ?
    Top 2 is 200 kk ... now from where we are sitting here ... there is no change in top and that is how RULE 13 works.

    I like how you are trying to teach me ..... maybe you want me to create a rule YOU CAN'T have friends IN TC .. Rule 17 ? Is that OK?
    We can't STOP PEOPLE FROM ASKING HELP ... but we can apply RULE 13 when it makes SENSE and when it influences the final result of the game ..

    I do agree with you .. I hate cheaters and every round I do the best I can to make their life hard

    Thank you for the report !

  3. #3



    I feel like a complete idiot, yes, my 30 Euro was thrown in the trash, because only he EwiLTrackeRVitoR - 16326136 got me 350k int (he was a thief).

    I really can’t understand, you know about donating stats, you don’t want to do any of the ideas I’ve already put here because I’d end up with 99% of it, don’t want to remove stats from x1, so seriously, because you don’t come back with the search fields for rave? I don't know why modifying the system is that it is circumvented with the greatest ease in the world and you don't seem to care about it

    I'm sorry here, because I really like this game, I like the people who play with me, I think I keep playing more for them than for The Crims itself, because it is dying every day, in fact I think it breathes through devices , I really hope that you change these stats scheme, because if not, soon we will have many people using bots and then transferring stats to another character.

    Let Roud 117 come, I'm going to be a killer, because with another class it is impossible to play ......... so I get strong and donated all my stats to someone, however, I won't need to use Bot, Script or Macro.

    Thanks for at least responding and trying to do something, thanks.


    Eu me sinto um completo idiota sim, meus 30 Euro foi jogado no lixo, pois somente ele EwiLTrackeRVitoR - 16326136 me tirou uns 350k int (era ladrão)

    Eu realmente não consigo entender, você sabe da doação de stats, não quer fazer nenhuma das ideia que já coloquei aqui pois acabaria 99% com isso, não quer remover stats de x1, então serio, porque vocês não voltam com os campo de busca de rave? Eu não sei porque modificar o sistema sendo que ele é burlado com a maior facilidade do mundo e você parace não se importar com isso

    Fica me lamento aqui, porque eu realmente gosto desse jogo, gosto das pessoas que jogam comigo, acho que continuo jogando mais por elas do que pelo The Crims em si, porque ele está morrendo a cada dia, na verdade eu acho que respira por aparelhos, eu realmente espero que vocês mudem esses esquema de stats, porque se não, daqui a pouco teremos muitas pessoas usando bots e depois transferindo stats pra outro char.

    Que venha o Roud 117, eu vou de killer, pois com outra classe é impossivel de jogar......... assim fico forte e doou tudo meus stats pra alguém, porém, não precisarei usar Bot, Script ou Macro.

    Obrigado por pelo menos responder e tentar fazer algo, obrigado.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Why do you think I am trying to make life hard for them?! It is because I am thinking of people like you ... and you are correct they make all look like idiots because I had to change the game because of them more than once ...

    That being said , I am really really sorry for the inconvenience this caused you and all the players ... every round we ban at least 5 to 8 accounts for RULE 5 some early and some late into the round. I guess better late than never ....

    I think the solution is not to remove the stats from 1 v1 but to change the way people assault .. now they use macros because they need SPEED .. if we remove SPEED from the equation there would be no need for macros ... heheh

    that being said imagine that you wont be able to run from people either .. it would change the game totally

  5. #5



    I thank you for your time Bebynho, and I also believe that in an hour we will be able to beat these Bots
    I'm waiting for this change in speed

    #Thecrims, more than a game, a family.
    Agradeço pelo seu tempo Bebynho, e também acredito que uma hora conseguiremos vencer esse Bots
    Fico no aguardo dessa mudança da velocidade

    #Thecrims, mais que um jogo, uma familia.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    This are the scenarios... of the new assault .. clearly not finished because I haven't worked on it but ... I was thinking of making a poll and ask the community about it

    Once players meet in rave there will be no more option of running away from a fight. You can either fight or just get a red relation so even If you leave the rave before getting assaulted you will be in danger for a short period of time.
    If a player that i met in rave leaves rave I will have 5 seconds where IF i go on the assault PAGE I would be able to assault him from there.
    You can get rid of your RED REL by undergoing plastic surgery.
    PLASTIC SURGERY WILL TAKE 5 real seconds. OR

    What If I am at 30 HP bar points ? How do I increase that back to 100 ?

    The same way energy goes up you HP bar will .

    With each assault you will lose HP points .

    Situations :

    Player X 300 k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Players Y 200k AP ( hitman ) results in
    Wounded Scenario
    Player X wins 5% Stats but loses 20 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 5% stats and 35 of his HP points


    Player X 300 k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Players Y 200k AP ( other Profession ) results in
    Wounded scenario :
    Player X wins 5% Stat but loses 15 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 5% stats and 40 of his HP points


    Player X 300k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Player Y 120k AP ( hitman) results in
    Kill scenario :
    Playes X wins 3% stats but loses 20 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 3% stats and ALL of his HP points

    Since I will be able to assault the player for 5 seconds , which is time enough the surgery should be INSTANT.
    In order to make this work we will have to create new things such as:
    HP BAR max 100 points
    HP bar will influence what you do in the game, If your HP bar is 0 points ( max 120 ) you will be dead so you can’t rob nor hunt. The only time you can lose your HP bar is either OD or getting killed by other players.
    How do I increase my HP BAR ?!
    Well in case you are attacked and killed by a player, the only way to increase your HP is by getting out of the hospital with credits or simply wait for the time to pass. ( same as we have it now )

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    This are the scenarios... of the new assault .. clearly not finished because I haven't worked on it but ... I was thinking of making a poll and ask the community about it

    Once players meet in rave there will be no more option of running away from a fight. You can either fight or just get a red relation so even If you leave the rave before getting assaulted you will be in danger for a short period of time.
    If a player that i met in rave leaves rave I will have 5 seconds where IF i go on the assault PAGE I would be able to assault him from there.
    You can get rid of your RED REL by undergoing plastic surgery.
    PLASTIC SURGERY WILL TAKE 5 real seconds. OR

    What If I am at 30 HP bar points ? How do I increase that back to 100 ?

    The same way energy goes up you HP bar will .

    With each assault you will lose HP points .

    Situations :

    Player X 300 k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Players Y 200k AP ( hitman ) results in
    Wounded Scenario
    Player X wins 5% Stats but loses 20 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 5% stats and 35 of his HP points


    Player X 300 k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Players Y 200k AP ( other Profession ) results in
    Wounded scenario :
    Player X wins 5% Stat but loses 15 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 5% stats and 40 of his HP points


    Player X 300k AP ( Hitman ) assaults Player Y 120k AP ( hitman) results in
    Kill scenario :
    Playes X wins 3% stats but loses 20 of his HP points

    Player Y loses 3% stats and ALL of his HP points

    Since I will be able to assault the player for 5 seconds , which is time enough the surgery should be INSTANT.
    In order to make this work we will have to create new things such as:
    HP BAR max 100 points
    HP bar will influence what you do in the game, If your HP bar is 0 points ( max 120 ) you will be dead so you can’t rob nor hunt. The only time you can lose your HP bar is either OD or getting killed by other players.
    How do I increase my HP BAR ?!
    Well in case you are attacked and killed by a player, the only way to increase your HP is by getting out of the hospital with credits or simply wait for the time to pass. ( same as we have it now )
    This is a really good ideia, but... you keep losing HP points when attacking? If so, we would need to recover by credits, which could lead to hitman wasting maybe 200credits/day while hunting and not even getting kills, since wounding an enemy will drain HP, just slower than getting smacked.

    What could help a bit is, create an item, such as condoms but higher duration time so you can hunt/protect from losing too much HP points and dying from it (would you die at 0HP?).
    In the beginning, hunting is easy and you can find lot of people in the raves, but later on it's a bit complicated, less players and many Raves.
    IMO, we should allow players buying raves only if business man or warehouses if pimp, hitman at least should not have one. Maybe robbers, dealers and brokers could, not sure about that. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, would it be too hard to play without rave/warehouses? Yes, if you don't have friends.

    Lowering the number of raves is good for hunters and could make the more challenging while robbing too. Also could give some aspect of teamwork, as a businessman-friend can create a rave, put max respect and you as a robber can stamina-up there.
    Max respect should be somewhat related to Levels or Respect to pass-level, why can we write down Max Respect but no names, get it? This can help people find raves the same way as writing down the name of it. For instance, level 3 = 1500respect, Level 4 = 4500respect, Level 5 = 25000respect and so on... (I know some classes are different and some needs less respect to level up, but most of them are in the same range, per say).

    Going back to the HP ideia, again real good. But will the addiction effect HP points tho? It could lead to finally some implementation besides OD from 90%+.
    If you are highly drugged you lose some of your cognitions, you think you're a super man, man of steel, your ball grown, you lose fear, etc.
    This could give an advantage while playing with high addition bar, for example if you're addicted at 80% and hunting, instead of losing 20HP points when hitting somebody and wounding you could lose 40% less (1/2 of 80% addiction, trying to balancing it, this could vary between classes or drugs) of the HP, so instead of losing 20HP, you'll lose 20-(0.4*20) = 12HP.
    Same calculation could go into losing, killing and maybe getting killed.

    Drugs also have different effects, can this apply in the addiction meter? Maybe giving it a flat color and the advantages/disadvantages of using or not using such drug, besides clicking like a chicken head on anything to get stamina when entering rave/club. For example, when mousing is on addiction bar and the color is blue (idk, cocaine?) or green when weed. Both have different effects and could lead to diff bonuses. (trying to think more of RPG-like game)

    Hit Points bar scenario: Robber using googles to rob, going fast. He's at 10% addiction and get hit by someone with 500k power (he has 80k), he dies, right? Well, yea 10% addiction won't help much if he's at 80HP for example, but not entirely if he is at 100 HP.
    But take 77% addiction instead, he's robbing and get hit same guy, the dude gets a kill count, but some message appears in the hospital page for the robber (you're already too wasted, leave the hospital crack-head), this can happen if the robber had 100HP and 77% addiction, if he dies he loses 100HP, but calculating 100-((1/2*0.77)*100) = 61.5, so he loses 61.5 of his HP, ending up with 38.5HP.

    PS: maybe you think 1/2 of the addiction is too much, lets make 1/3 or 1/4. Same example for the crack-head:
    100-((1/3*0.77)*100) = 74.3, he leaves hospital with 25,7 HP.
    100-((1/4*0.77)*100) = 80.75, he leave hospital with 19.25 HP.

    "But I never get hit, maybe 2 or 3 times in the entire round!!"
    Well, if still too easy for you, maybe add a probability to find a security guard when leaving the hospital, 25% chance?
    Every time you try to leave the hospital with high addiction, his power could go higher and higher like districts. You need to win 1v1 to leave it OR pay 10credits?

    But again Beby, that's a really cool ideia! More of RPG and less of macro and brain-less clicking.
    Last edited by kisses; 04-17-2020 at 03:02 PM.



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