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Thread: Gg LaGg Gg

  1. #1

    Default Gg LaGg Gg


    Excuse me but I'm just making this post to inform you that I won't pay a single dime for this game again whether any of you is interested or not.
    As a CUSTOMER paying for an entertainment service I find it beyond frustrating and unacceptable to face such a low level of delivery.

    LAG. In case you haven't noticed it's 2020 not 2006 anymore.
    As a paying CUSTOMER I don't accept any excuse of the "there are not many people anymore no reason to upgrade servers or maintain them properly or expand them" fashion. Switch host to AWS, do your mumbo-jumbo magic I don't care and IT IS NOT my responsibility to care. I pay you you don't, remember?
    As a paying CUSTOMER I accept a level of playability above mediocre level. ffs, we are clicking another page then a different one pops out. You are entering a rave and the page never loads and after one second you are hit by someone you didn't even see.
    You click the exit button in an EMPTY rave and then you get the message you were hit by someone you never saw on your screen. You click the exit button in a rave and you are stack in there for 30 seconds staring at a frozen screen. I'm not even mentioning all the miss-clicks happening with buttons moving all over the place and people messing
    your screen when pilling up in a rave.
    I know the servers overload, I would accept a global lag for everyone out there. But in the above examples its obvious that some people can hunt normally while others can't even have the rave page loaded on their screens.
    As a paying CUSTOMER I demand a level of service that justifies the money I pay to YOU. We live in the same world, some people don't work, some people lost their jobs. It's not the amount you pay I'm whining about, it's the fact that you feel betrayed for all these years you spent in this community and the fortunes you spent obviously and the game gets worser every single round.

    Well, from today you lost one CUSTOMER, whether you care about it or not.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    man i love when the smart ones come to show us how to run the place ...

    should i send you a print of the AWS servers boss?! Nobody is making you pay jack here ... do you think we love the lag?! Do you ?!
    It is beyond me how any of you think we actually enjoy the situation ...

    Let me bring you down to Earth ... yesterday I was shown a game by a player here ... the same as TC , browser game .. that game protects its servers by allowing only 11 clicks per minute and If you want more , 40 you pay for it.
    I wonder how many clicks you make in The Crims .. or many others.

    As an old player there is nothing more I hate than lag ...but when I can't control it, well I can't control it.

    Have a nice day .. and don't forget to wash your hands !! welcome to 2020. Rant over !
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 04-21-2020 at 08:11 PM.

  3. #3



    Either you totally missed my point or you pretend you don't understand what I'm saying.

    No, you didn't force me to pay but anyone playing with a goal in mind will have to pay in order to stand a chance against competition. Plus I believe that's your main source of income or at least part of it.

    I'm not dictating what you should do to fix your servers nor I implied you enjoy the situation. Your words not mine. "Do your mumbo-jumbo" means in a very broad sense do your best technically, programming-wise or whatever but again I don't care. I SHOULDN'T CARE. It is not my job to care to conclude this part.

    As a customer everyone should demand an acceptable level of service. For some the game was/is/will be unplayble in the course of the round. As a professional myself in another field if my product is not up to expectations I have simply failed. It's not bad to admit it from time to time. That's the process of becoming better, broadly speaking.

    I don't want to make this post a drama series plus I don't know you so don't take criticism too personally. I'm just stating as an individual that I consider paying for this game at its current state a waste of money (for those willing to pay). If we make a poll about this argument what do you think the outcome would be??? Just saying..

    Anyway, happy days no hurt feelings. Over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Morning ....

    I take everything personal man ... let me explain why.

    The Crims is a small community and 1000 of its members are on my SKYPE complaining daily about bans about lag about bugs or asking for credits. I am there for all of that ... there is no stress bigger than The Crims .. trust me.

    Now yesterday i played CS ... 180 lag who do I rage to? Who do I write to about that ?!
    Last night I had a chat with our only dev ... and we are trying to find a way to improve the quality of the servers but i just want you to remember that we can't control everything.

    In any case since the round has started I have been here from 8 in the morning until 12 or 1 at night so when we have lag I try to deal with it.

    If you played other games , big ones, and you probably did consider this ... How much testing is involved before a new patch come out ?! How many people test said changes and on what environments. How many devs are involved in creating said changes.
    We are doing our best but yes YOU SHOULD COMPLAIN about things that are not OK and what happened the first day TC was not ok.

    I do think things have improved tho since yesterday afternoon... not perfect but improved.

    Stay safe and if you want to send me feedback , good or bad this is my email [email protected]

    PS: sry for being snippy hehe
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 04-22-2020 at 11:26 AM.



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