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  1. #15


    Hi, I have a question about how the gg point will work this round and who will receive the top gg medal.

    First of all, for my points to count in a GG, do I need to be a trusted member in that gg?
    In the video Bebynho posted in youtube explaining the changes of the round, he mentioned that, but in the changelog there's no such thing. It only says about the 50%:

    Required gang robbery participation in order for gang points to count has been increased to 50%

    [B]So, do I need to have 50% of robbery participation AND be a trusted member to my points to count in the gg points?

    Other thing, the top gg medal will be given only for trusted members?

    And the last one is an idea:

    I know there's a lot of changes for gg coming up, so I think this is the right time to give a new idea.

    How about to implement features related to professions in gg? For example laboratories!!!

    Players should put the components in the gg laboratory, which would be upgraded as the other gg features, and the profit of the sell of the drugs should be distributed between all the players (trusted), and besides the money they would receive gg points (proportionally to robberies). It's an idea to have more ways of obtaining gg points besides only with robberies and engaging the teams to work together in other parts of the game.

    This idea could also be implemented with Hookers, Stock Market, etc. So the gang should have more professions playing together, as a real gg in real life has.
    Last edited by DAKAR; 07-13-2020 at 07:37 PM.
    - wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are - (Kurt Cobain) -




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