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Thread: memox

  1. #1

    Default memox


    Snälla sluta låt beby hålla på med sina stalin fasoner och ta förhastade beslut som gör såna stora förändrar i spelet, utan att rådfråga med spelarna och dem andra i crewet, vad jag har förstått det som.

    För han lyckas göra detta gång på gång.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Who told you I went all dictator on the game ... he is correct ! ...

    I wake up every morning and change stuff, not because I actually have chats with players that spend over 100 H playing the game.. I make them because I get bored and I want to keep Memox busy.. you can email him , he will confirm.

    1. Crew is here to do crew things.
    2. There is a planning team, that actually decides or agrees on at least 90 % of the changes
    3. Consulting players ?!... If I were to listen to players, we would ve closed the game 8 months ago so no TY. When a player wants to make a change is because it suits him and not the game .. so idk why should I be listening to " players " . The few ones I do listen or well, consider their advice is because they think about the game and the new players and those are few and in between.

    Thank you for the post... I think it is the 1st post we had in Swedish in the past 5 years

  3. #3


    Bebynho bannade mig permanent för att jag bröt mot chat-regler.

    Detta spel är så korrupt. Bebynho har en liten kuk och är en misslyckad 40 åring som bannar vem han vill.
    min bans anledning va "go to moscow and talk politics"... 15 år har jag spelat men aja, ingen bryr sig. detta är ett skitspel. 7Blades.



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