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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Idea about Stock Market

    Hello .

    We have 2 free transactions per TC day at Stock Market
    Will be great if you add another Item in BlackMarket.

    Something that guarantees a transaction when buying or selling stocks.

    for example : 1 power of involvement in business = buy for 5 Credit :P

    And may be limited to 6 or 12 hours ( 1-2 TC days ) from the time it is purchased

    With this option you will also increase the number of credits purchased and for player the chance to be a successful Businessman

    in my opinion is not enough just 2 transactions for 1 TC day because the number of stock is limited at 999.999
    . so if you do a simple mathematical calculation result is 999.999 x (we say 1000$ profit for 1 stock) = 999.999.000$ so.. you must be very lucky to catch a 1000$ profit every day

    the effort made with only 2 tickets is not enough for a stock exchange

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hello Alex

    Well as BM you have 2 Tr for a reason... actually 2, and I will already explained this once but I will do it for you one more time.

    1. Nerf to all professions that are not BROKER ... they used stocks as an early buff to get money.
    2. Buff to broker since now he can't have his stocks stolen by ALL professions , you now probably must be a broker to have a real impact there.

    I do agree there is a need for an item there but for the moment we do not know what the item should do. That being said we already made some changes to ST MK and the impact up until now was quite big .. I do not think it is a good idea to buff it even more until someone actually plays BROKER seriously and we can see the impact the changes we already made , have on the game play.

    Btw people make much more respect from there even with 2 tr :-s ... there are strategies and strategies

    Keep the feedback coming .. TY
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 08-16-2020 at 01:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    ok .TY Bebynho20

    Maybe will help my idea in the future when TC will think some changes there

    i hope with next round will be more than 4 item's in Black market ( to buy with Credit ) ... i wana spend some Credit



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