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Thread: suggestions

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    activate "sabotage". It can look like this: comes every 4 days like "gang wars". When the event is in town you have 2 choices you can go for: gang sabotage or solo sabotage (like solo attack or gang attack). If you go for gang attack, the gang with the most power wins the fight and he gets to choose, as reward, 1 real hour to block the opponent gang to do robs (example: you can set the block, for the looser gang, from 16.00 to 20.00). The block will work like gang wars: the leader and the trusted members can't do robs for that specified amount of time. For solo sabotage, the fight can be only between players from the same country: whoever wins the fight can stop production of the buildings and whores for the looser for 1 thecrims day.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Alina,

    Thank you for your interest and suggestions.

    Well, we had already sabotage in plan before but it did not work. It is still in our hands and we might implement it in the future.

    What you suggested seems to me a bit complicated since the blocks work on only players and on gangs. And how to apply the blocks. It has to be thought more.

    Still, I have shared your opinion with our team and owners. So, they will check your suggestion.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    in order to make the fight for gangs more interesting and more dinamic, i propose next:
    - style 1: divide EVERYTHING that is in gang category at 3: that means max 5 members, donations divided by 3, etc. This way, because the gangs are so small, the fight should be fierce. this way, the gang wars will really matter when is to see who takes top 1,2,3. Also number of players required to do the robs shrunk.
    - style 2: divide EVERYTHING in 2: max 7 members, etc - from point 1.

    an older idea: every gang robbery should give the same amount of points, no matter how hard is the robbery or what day in the game is. I already know Beby answer, but I still it will be a good idea: who wants top gang must rob. From a player point of view, each rob has the same grade of difficulty: even if is day 1 for ac / df or day 25 for illu (thanks to sf I can say that is easier to make skill for illu / fk / bb, then skill for df in day 1 and still have tickets).

    If you combine these 2 ideas, I think you can revitalize the gang fight.

    plus, try to make a pink medal for top 2 and 3 gang leaders. Will also make more gangs to play. I don't think that is so hard to introduce 2 more medals.
    "Wish you all a good day and I am always happy when someone uses the FORUM"

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    hi all. for now you have in docks only ships (for drugs) and trucks (from levels or alley missions). Ship take any amount of drugs, trucks only a small amount of drugs. What if you add a middle "cruise ship". It can go different ways:
    - buy a fixed amount of, lets say, 500 millions of each drug or only a specific drug.
    - or, it comes only 1 hour in a specified date (like normal ship), but the player doesn't know when. it can take unlimited amount of drugs or again 500 mil.
    - maybe a new way: when it comes, instead of you selling to the ship, the ship can sell to you: you pay x amount of money for x amount of drug components (or even drugs) for the next ship. like in a ratio of 2:1.8. So a small gain for the player. Example: the "cruise ship" comes. the player goes to the docs and he can buy 33 mil heroin for (if the price for heroin in components is 30, that means 3 billions for 1 transaction) 25. the player can make maximum 5 transactions or 10 or unlimited.
    - or, in this specific day (meaning only this day), with only this specific type of ship, you can "hire" the crew from the ship and, in exchange for 50 credits, you can produce 10 % more drug components.
    Last edited by alina; 04-09-2022 at 05:12 PM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    create a new feature called "car dealer" (you can put it under "drug dealer"). In here the player can buy 13 different type of cars, each type of car can be bought only if you reach a certain level:
    - if the player is lvl 1 he can buy only - opel (one a day max)
    - if the player is lvl 2 he can buy only - skoda (one a day max)
    - if the player is lvl 3 he can buy only - nissan (one a day max)
    - if the player is lvl 12 he can buy only - lada (one a day max)
    - if the player is lvl 13 he can buy only - dacia (one a day max).
    These cars can be sold only at ships for a 20 % - 50 % profit. For a bigger profit, the player can pay 50 credit for upgrades on car parts.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Alina,

    Thank you for your suggestions.

    However, in order to keep them trackable, it is better if you send them 1 by 1, (not under 1 post), so that we can share them all and also players can see them.

    It seems like a comment onto the main post, so people do not take it serious.

    Car dealer does not seem to me something entertaining. I mean, it will not bring a new strategy to the game.

    Also, about ship bringing drugs for some time, this can help some people and some could lose because of this directly. And it seems a bit old drug dealer. It has to be calculated with its all details and carefully to make it balanced.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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