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Thread: suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default suggestions

    - move the button "alley" away from "nightlife". Nowadays, with internet on phone, most of the players connect in work too to do some robs in case an event comes and they are not at home. The problem is that, after you zoom in or out the screen in order so you can see, at the same time, the rave button, the rob button and the stamina button, a simple miss click on the "alley" button gets you out of the format you are in and zooms out the screen size to a minimum. extremely annoying
    - move or leave a bigger distance between "loggin" button and "sign in with facebook" (as a joke: personally i call it cacabook). Because of the same reason as above: a simple miss click and you go in wrong direction. again annoying
    - lower the amount of points each gang rob gives (or, since this will go in contradiction with ga 2 %, increase the points for each rob). as it is now, most of the robs last for about 15-20 days. But the difference is to big from the first ones to the last ones. lets take an example: you do NOT have to stress out 80 days of the game. Just play relaxed. In the last 40 days, at RO and BB, you and your team use items bingo. RO = 7200 points per ticket and BB = 9000 points per ticket. So, theoretically, it is enough to play just 5 real days in order to take top 1, or 2 or 3. 1000 tickets (1 item bingo) x 9000 points = 9 millions points per player. you add and standard 450 tickets over 24 hours = 4.050.000. so a total of 13 mil points each day. multiply by, lets say, just 12 robbers in team (3 hitmans for cover) = 156 mil. In 5 days you could do, with no sweat, about 700 - 800 millions points. what about the guys who rob from day 1 until day 50-60? they rob not 5 real days like the first example, but 15 real days and they can get a maximum of 300 millions points. Therefore, my suggestion is:

    either you lower the amount of points like (an example):
    -rf - 6; ss - 19; mpt - 58; ac - 96; df - 132; bp - 212; gb - 348; cr - 500; fk - 800; ro - 1000; bb 1200; illu - 1000; wb - 900; bg - 800 (this path will contradict with 2% ga),
    either increase the points from small robs:
    - rf - 200; ss - 300; mpt - 500; ac - 1000; df - 1500; bp - 2000; gb - 2500; cr - 3000; fk - 3500; ro - 4000; bb 4500. This path will force teams to play more and rob more from day 1 till end (also stays in your 2 % ga)

    All i try to suggest is to ballance out the gang robs.
    Last edited by razvan7; 10-20-2020 at 01:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    another suggestion: in order to go to level 5 the robber character must have (one of the conditions) 50.000 respect. lower it down to 30.000 respect in order to get to level 5. Previously, before you lowered the amount of point gain from money further then it is now, the robber character was able to reach lvl 5 in day 1 like the rest of characters. But now, with your ratio 1:3, the robber character is the only one who doesn't get to lvl 5 before day 2 (if he tries hard)-3-4. All the rest of characters start to buy components and do transactions on the market from day 1.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    at the end of each round we can check each players profile and see how much stats they finished with, how much money they have in bank or cash, etc. But we can't see the gangs. Maybe it will be a good idea to do the same with gangs: at the end of each round, if you click on a gang, you can see all the players in that gang, see their gang points, how many robs they've done, etc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello razvan7,

    Thanks for your suggestions and interest on improving the game,

    Some of your ideas can be useful in my opinion and we can consider them for future updates.

    1- We have been receiving same complaints from players about alley button, but I think it was delayed to update. ( I can check if it is suitable to change its place.)

    2- I am not sure, if login and facebook login buttons make much problems. Because, you have to confirm your facebook account after you click by mistake. But, changing its place is not considerable.

    3- About gang points, you might be touching to a good point. But, this has to be discussed with planning team. For the moment, we made changes on gang robberies to make them more worth to robb closer to the end of round. But, we did not mean to make first days robberies useless. Maybe, we can think about it to balance in the future.

    4- About robber, it is the only one who can make good cash on first days. Well, making it double could be a bit strict but, this is how we planned it for the moment. I will check some robbers and see.

    5- About checking gangs, that can be trickable. And people can be offensive against the members of other gangs for other rounds. So, I do not think that it would be ok to open that page. But, I will forward it to planning team.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    - point no 2: just please leave a bigger space (more rows) between login button and facebook button. when i push on phone, because they are so close, sometimes goes in facebook. annoying as hell.
    - point no 3: yes, the first days are useless. let me explain with proof: in day 75 i had 60 mil points. in only 1 single illuminati day i robbed 30 mil points. so, any player can rob relaxed the first half of the game and put only some effort in specific day (illuminati) and still get top 1, 2 or 3 gang medal. therefore, my suggestion to level up the points for all kind of robs still stands. not necessarily make them all the same, but way more gradually: 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, etc or 500, 600, 700, 800, etc
    - point no 4: i play robber profession for 8 rounds (with and without vip3). i still stand by my suggestion for 30.000 limit in order to get to lvl 5. As a robber you need to rob your tickets. but, the way the game is now, you put him in a situation where he must choose: rob 10k or 11k for money but he looses stats, or rob for stats and looses money. either way he is the only character not going lvl 5 in day 1 (unless he chooses to loose tickets vs money). i am not trying to buff robber character. just giving feedback based on my experience.

    now for gang wars:
    - nobody said anything about the tricky side of the gang wars: gang A challenge gang B. Gang B accepts and gang A sets ga and go for smack. but, nobody said that, in the mean time, before gang B accepts the challenge, they can bring power in gang, then accept the challenge. Gang A smacks and looses. The fight should be only BETWEEN trusts and not whoever is in gang B at the moment at smack. Because in gang A only trusts can accept the fight, while in gang B can be anyone without trust and still be taken in consideration in the fight (also counting for ga mission - 15 ga's).
    - another tricky problem is time: gang A challenge gang B. Gang B has 30 min to respond. the leader of gang B plays tactical: he knows he is weaker then gang A so he waits (while he waits gang A is blocked and can't challenge someone else - but that is not an issue). with about 3-4-5 real minutes before the challenge expires, the leader of gang B brings in his gang power and accepts challenge. The leader of gang A will see the accepted challenge but he doesn't have time to call all trusts on for fight. he already invited other players for robs. at least half of his team is missing. my suggestion is to set the time again for 30 min starting with the moment when the leader of gang B accepted the challenge. there should be enough time for 4 gang wars during 6 hours of the day: 30 min starting with when gang A places the challenge, another 30 min since the leader of gang B accepts it.

    - another suggestion (i don't know in depth how the change will be so i can only assume from what crew wrote in changelog, forum, etc): i understand that from next round there will be no escaping button from rave. that means the players inside the club will have to wait full 7 sec after they entered the rave. i saw that nobody thought it through: a team wants to play for top gang. in order to achieve taht they must rob in gang. but, each player is stuck in rave for 7 sec. it is impossible that all players from the gang go in rave at the exact same time to fill up their stamina (even so they will still loose 7 sec to get out), so that means that, for 1 ticket, you must wait at least 30 sec just for all players to get out of the rave. while in the current system you can rob lets say 3 tickets per minute, in the new system you can rob 1 ticket every 3 minutes. and that in the good case scenario. imagine how many nerves all the players in the gang will have when they wait for 1 player because he is stuck in rave. i don't have a solution for this type of problem. even if you lower the number of gang members for fk / ro / bb from 8 to 7 it is still annoying as hell. the gang robs will get stuck. (as i said from begining, i don;t know the full scale of your new system; maybe you have something that works and i made this paragraph for nothing)

    - a new item: "ninja time" - for 10 real minutes nobody can see you in any rave therefore you can not be attacked (or, in order to give a fair chance to whoever is in the rave to overdose, you can be seen but, the guy who has this item activated, his name should be like in fog or with a different color). this might have 2 ways:
    path 1: you can not be attacked, but you can attack (this will give a lot of headache since you had a lot of complaints about ghost attacks). this path will be good for everyone including hitmans.
    path 2: you can not be attacked nor you can attack someone else. this path will be good only for whoever comes from work and just want to rob his tickets in peace.
    in order not to be abused, the item (5 credits) can be used only once per thecrims day.

    - top gang 2 and top gang 3 leaders to get also a pink medal. this will make more intense the game. more gangs will play, therefore more interaction.

    - when a player makes an investment to the bank (until day 80): because there are so many zero in the invest, a player can missclick the number and he losses money. example: it is day 76 and i want to invest 800.000.000.000. i missclick and i press enter after i invested "only" 80000000000 (hard to see the difference to 800000000000). in this case, if i cancel the invest i loose 2 %. if i go ahead with the invest again i loose money because i didn't invested max amount. my suggestion is to give 5 min time in which a player can cancel the investment for free.

    - when buy detox: in the box you can write 999. it should be max 99. example: a player has respect 8 mil and he wants to do detox from 44 %. he wants to write 44 but he missclick and writes down in the box 444. the game will charge him 444. the idea is to set up the box for maximum 2 digits (stamina can be from zero to 100, but, after 90 % a player goes straight to hospital if he charges in club).

    Last edited by razvan7; 12-15-2020 at 01:39 AM.

  6. #6


    about the exit button, it would only disappear when another player enters the rave (this is how it was in beta). so a majority of the time, you will not have to wait the full time in rave.

    about login button and methadone purchase, strongly agree, small QoL changes like these are important.

    about early gang robbs, everything else in the game scales massively with round time, so it is no surprise they are like this. and one reason they are like this is to give players an incentive to keep going until the end of the round (a lot of people already quit early when the late robberies are huge, imagine if they were not so much better...)

    about investment cancel, disagree. though i understand your point about a possible typo, there are many severe mistakes you can do in the game if you misclick or typo, some much worse than 2% of your investment (i.e. buying the wrong special item or activating it at the wrong time). one should be careful and double check the amount before they invest, there should be no going back beyond that point.

    still about investment, another reason it would be a problem is you could keep investing and cancelling for free, thus eliminating respect control which is an important part of the game.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hey there,

    I see some point of views and suggestions and I appreciate your time and details explanations.

    About log in page: I have an idea and I will suggest that. We can change the place of Facebook/Google login under "Send registration email again" button. So, forgot my password, and all these buttons will be under log in box. Facebook/Google logins will be under them. (I hope to receive developpers' confirmation about it.)

    About Alley tab, I asked them to put it under "Districts" tab. So that, you will not have issues any more. (We will talk about it on planning meeting)

    About Gang Points, we have already re-organized them this round. Illuminati is bigger random event and it comes random, twice or 5 times a round. So, we cannot compare it with normal gang robberies. But, still, I will check all the robberies and their points and I will see if we have to do something about it. "WE DONOT PROMISE FOR ANYTHING HERE BECAUSE, IN MY OPINION, IT IS ALREADY GOOD ENOUGH."

    About robber profession, I had also 1 similar feedback about pimp. But we made their level requirements like this for a reason and we will keep them the same. The only parts we wish to change about level requirements are illogical requirements such as lower power on higher levels, or lower robbery numbers on higher levels. (So, please feel free to report them to me.)

    ABOUT EXIT BUTTON: You will still have Exit button to play game fast. But,when you meet someone inside the rave, Exit button will not work. So, you cannot escape them. This was the main reason we brought HP system. If you cannot escape from them, you must harm them some way. And we wanted to bring HP feature. You can either have a chance to win or harm them to lose HP and cause them spend credits for it.

    You do not need an item, we already brought 5 raves options for you to stay safer in raves and meet less people. And hunters are already complaining a lot about non able to find victims in raves and we cannot also create an item to make you invisible for hunters. It would be killing hitman profession forever.

    I do not agree to give pink medal for other gangs. Because, its name is TopGang Leader. We already give too many medals for a small number of online players in the game. And it is useless to give extra medals for others. If we can see 10 gangs fighting for topgg and they also make huge efforts on their own gangs for win, then we can reconsider this. But for the moment, I do not see any reason to give them medals.

    Investment amount, putting "." for milloins amount, I was also suggesting that before. However, I have to speak with developper about it. But still, this has to wait for some time even if it is possible to implement. About undo invest for first 5 minutes, that is huge time. If we do such option, it can be either 10 seconds or maximum 1 minute. But, this has to be discussed with planning team members. I will see what we can do and how fast we can do.

    About detox, whoever fill their addiction up to 90% or more, they either use Detox button directly or Detox with credits. I do not think that Methadone is useful for this. But, it is usefull up to 11% addiction. All the boxes on that page, buying stats and methadone, they are all connected. So, we allow you to buy 999 strenght there and this is why you can put 999 on methadone as well. Maybe, we can divide them from each other. But this has to be checked.

    I will keep some notes about all of them and I will check with our planning team.

    Thank you for your feedbacks.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    example. a player gets trust in a gang. for whatever reason he gets out of gang. after a while he wants to join the gang. here appears a problem: the "join" button is on the left side and the "delete trust" button is on the right side. because all the other items, like googles of fortune, hide points, hide invest, etc have the activate button on the right side, it is a commonly mistake that, when u want to join your trust gang, the player pushes by mistake the "delete trust" button. as a 2nd waive of pure bad luck, there is no return or safety net of the action. Therefore, in the last 4 rounds, there are only 2 or 3 gangs with full 15 trusts at the end (i understand that some gangs are not full because of some bans or some players didn't had enough points to get in) but, the problem still remains. so, my suggestion is: change position of the buttons: on the right side "join" button and on the left side "delete trust" button. But, the most important change which should be done here is: when a player pushes, by mistake or not, the "delete trust" button, he should get a message like "are you sure you want to delete trust?" then, if he still chooses to proceed with the action, the trust should be removed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by razvan7 View Post
    example. a player gets trust in a gang. for whatever reason he gets out of gang. after a while he wants to join the gang. here appears a problem: the "join" button is on the left side and the "delete trust" button is on the right side. because all the other items, like googles of fortune, hide points, hide invest, etc have the activate button on the right side, it is a commonly mistake that, when u want to join your trust gang, the player pushes by mistake the "delete trust" button. as a 2nd waive of pure bad luck, there is no return or safety net of the action. Therefore, in the last 4 rounds, there are only 2 or 3 gangs with full 15 trusts at the end (i understand that some gangs are not full because of some bans or some players didn't had enough points to get in) but, the problem still remains. so, my suggestion is: change position of the buttons: on the right side "join" button and on the left side "delete trust" button. But, the most important change which should be done here is: when a player pushes, by mistake or not, the "delete trust" button, he should get a message like "are you sure you want to delete trust?" then, if he still chooses to proceed with the action, the trust should be removed.
    Hey there,

    We already tested it just to make sure that you were right about it or not during the round.

    If you block pop up messages on our website, you donot get confirmation message, WHICH IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY.

    What you are asking is already there. But you do not prefer to use it. You block it and this is why you complain about it.

    It is actually useless to compare items with gang page.

    Because you have only 1 button next to Items.

    But, on gang page, you have ENTER & DELETE TRUST page. You should not auto click such important button and if you make the mistake, you must face it and accept its consequences. Because, we will not consider to give you trust back or remove 5 game day waiting block.

    This is why, I strongly advise you that you must give attention on this page.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    suggestion - maybe a new daily mission: rob 50 tickets (solo or in gang). reward: 1k skill, or 1 aleatory item, or 100 mil $. The point is to be every day so it keeps players log in each day



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