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Thread: Nightclub bots

  1. #1

    Default Nightclub bots

    Could you finally do some moth*****ing thing on the subject?? Or disable fu**ing feature if its too hard for you to handle? Or maybe you thought that floating buttons would do the thing?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello BigPimpinn,

    We already do the work to catch botters on the game and we already banned some people.

    A person cannot be banned for bot just because you said so. We have to prouve it with our logs. In this case, if we cannot, that means they are considered as clean until we say opposite.

    We change our system and assault system, just to catch botters and keep them away from game, but they also improve their bots. So, this will always be a war between game and them.
    I hope we will succeed in the end, because we will keep working to keep them away forever.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3


    Don't bullshit me.
    It should not be so hard to prove with logs since you mostly got to check players from top~50. But, they are buying credits so you just overlook it. That one thing.
    Another is, the war you losing so pitifully that its hard to watch. Basically the war is on non-cheating players I belive.
    For example: I see a guy entering the night club that I am in, so I want to exit. What exit button does? ****ing float away 2 times !! And what the bot does? I think no explanation needed. If you want u can check it out by yourself,
    just talk to some green-flag dudes via google translate. They are so nice that they will give you the bot so u can try.

    In sum: if you cant fix it, I insist to revoke money prizes for first places.
    Its just unfair for righteous players.

    Have a nice day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello BigPimpinn,

    Game is not asking you to buy credits or vip. Or it is not asking you to spend whole day here.

    If you select to play or buy credits, that will be your choice.

    We are here, implementing features and we are working to provide as good service as we can. But, I am as Abuse Leader, I do not care about what players buy. I do not check if a player bought vip or 10.000 credits when banning them. I check if they cheat or not. If I can prouve that they cheat or not. So, what you say is just your opinion, which the facts are opposite actually.

    You have to admit that players can be faster and better than you. They do not have to be just cheater to beat you. And if I cannot see any suspicious logs on our records, what will be my reason to ban? Your complaints, your reports, or your words? Ok then, lets ban every single player since everyone can complaint about anyone.

    That is not simple as you think.

    But, you can be sure that game is losing players and business because of cheaters, especially botters. I want to catch them all more than you or any of your friends. Because, that is also what I am here for.

    When we come to you politely and sincerely, we expect the same.

    So, I hope you stop using some bad words you used on your messages. It is not a way to give feedbacks or complain.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  5. #5


    are you really serious stating that players like xTracKeRx are clean? Have you ever met them in the club?
    it is impossible to run away. No one is so repeatedly fast.

    The same was with the xTigerX 2 rounds ago. Whenever he entered the club there was no way to get out without getting hit.

    You just do not give a sh*t, as such scripters are buying tons of VIP packages and you do not care about the regular players.
    This is not the good way, as it is better to have couple of regular users than one cheater.

    The new HP stuff does not fix this at all, as once you go out from hospital, you are a one hit guy to anyone. Unless you pay for the blood transformation of course.

    End of this game is near, if you treat regular players in this way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello mordaNIEszklanka,

    If you do not understand what I am trying to explain on my previous post, I donot have any other word for you.

    Do you think I get the money in my pocket?

    Are you the only genius here who can think that people leave game because of cheaters?

    We are all on same part. We are against cheaters like you.

    I will not give you more words here since you have difficulties to understand my words or to believe in us.

    Well, if you do not believe in admins, what is keeping you here? Are you playing a game you think it is unfair? Then, there is problem with you man.

    You can believe whatever you want. Reality is here same. And I donot need your belief on me to do my work or to keep my motivation high to catch cheaters.

    I wish you a wonderful life in your lifetime.
    Have a nice day.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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