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  1. #1

    Default Sugestão para melhorar a rivalidade

    levando em consideração que agora os players nao caçam mais como antes, a minha sugestão é a alteração da missao "the international killer", com a Barra de HP imposta pela crew, foi notado por varios players a diminuição das atividades nas raves e mansoes, sendo assim, fica mais dificil conseguir as bandeiras, considerando que a maioria dos jogadores sao brasileiros, minha sugestão é aumentar o numero de kills e diminuir o numero de bandeiras, o que acontece hoje é : 20 kills de 12 paises diferentes, minha sugestão seria aumentar para umas 30 ou 40 kills e diminuir para 10 ou 8 bandeiras, que seja proporcional a quantidade aumentada de kills. isso vai motivar ainda mais aqueles que nao conseguem as 12 bandeiras, porem agora eles tem que caçar mais pra ter uma quantidade maior de kills, aumentando assim a movimentação dentro das mansoes e raves, obrigado.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello PHDReis,

    Well, this mission is availible from day 30. I had 32 kills on day 30 even when I am crew and play less than others.

    I was able to make the mission easily.

    It is not that hard if you go in raves and smack players. However, when you just smack your friend's multis, of course, it is hard to reach 12 countries.

    Additionally, it is not obligation for you to complete this mission. You can just skip it or try to make it until the end.

    That is why, I am sorry but we do not think to change this for the moment.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello PHDReis,

    Well, this mission is availible from day 30. I had 32 kills on day 30 even when I am crew and play less than others.

    I was able to make the mission easily.

    It is not that hard if you go in raves and smack players. However, when you just smack your friend's multis, of course, it is hard to reach 12 countries.

    Additionally, it is not obligation for you to complete this mission. You can just skip it or try to make it until the end.

    That is why, I am sorry but we do not think to change this for the moment.
    Just some random suggestion, we know people use proxy/VPN to get weird flags or just to win some medal/reward from playing another country or so.
    Maybe we could have multis, from VIP2 or 3 to choose the flag you want, since this account is just to help the main account they couldn't win medals, by that it would be fun to smack someone from Iceland, Cyprus or Macedonia.
    I would choose some random Island flag for being colorful, it would be fun.

    By now, we see loads of Polish, Egyptian, Portuguese and Brazilian players... some other country can show up, but not as much.
    There goes my 2 cents to make the game more fun to play/hunt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by DieguinhoAquele View Post
    Just some random suggestion, we know people use proxy/VPN to get weird flags or just to win some medal/reward from playing another country or so.
    Maybe we could have multis, from VIP2 or 3 to choose the flag you want, since this account is just to help the main account they couldn't win medals, by that it would be fun to smack someone from Iceland, Cyprus or Macedonia.
    I would choose some random Island flag for being colorful, it would be fun.

    By now, we see loads of Polish, Egyptian, Portuguese and Brazilian players... some other country can show up, but not as much.
    There goes my 2 cents to make the game more fun to play/hunt.
    Hello DieguinhoAquele,

    What you are talking is a crime, against the rules, I hope you are aware of that.

    When those players who wins medals from a country which has less players, we check their IPs for vpn and proxy. You know why? Because, using vpn is against rule 15.

    If you are logging from a country, you must be with that country flag. We cannot change it. We cannot allow it. If we catch it, we can easily ban you permanently for abusing rule 15.

    Clearly, what you suggested is not acceptable for us.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello DieguinhoAquele,

    What you are talking is a crime, against the rules, I hope you are aware of that.

    When those players who wins medals from a country which has less players, we check their IPs for vpn and proxy. You know why? Because, using vpn is against rule 15.

    If you are logging from a country, you must be with that country flag. We cannot change it. We cannot allow it. If we catch it, we can easily ban you permanently for abusing rule 15.

    Clearly, what you suggested is not acceptable for us.
    Yea I know for sure, but the suggestion was for multi account only and restrict the rabbit account to not win any reward from said country.
    Just to mix the flags while playing, I would love to see more asian flags when playing, this would specially take place in gang robs, since I'm seeing a lot of spies robbing and jailing people.

    Again, I don't want to steal any medal from any country, this would apply only to multi accounts from VIP 2 or 3, even selected vip3 and people would pay more for that feature.
    Just a quick suggestion to help grown the game flag variety.



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