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Thread: Jail bug

  1. #1

    Cool Jail bug

    this bug happend before we even saw crew write this on newspaper, I let turkish players to rob in our gang, so they abuse this bug and **** all team from poitns and stats. We are still waiting for some information becouse we need to stop robs and we are still waiting. Not even 1 message that we get jail, nothing. If You rob in our gang - robs are fast. In 3 minutes robbing 30-40 fk and loosing >60% stats is rediculous.

    BRING BACK DAY 55 or bring back stats for all for this . Sorry is not enough when players are playing for top gang paying for vips .

    Was very happy to make even gang name of Happy Birthday TC but ...

    Let us know what will be done, can't write to 50-100 people what happend. It's not my job

  2. #2


    Fully agree with what aris has said. The bug got abused and cost all the players in gang a large chunk of their stats/points. This shouldn't be ignored or brushed under the carpet. The game is not perfect and never will be but stuff like this should not happen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    very unfortunate your story. it made me cry to the heart. you poor poor thing. like a little boy. but, truth to be told, there was a remark above the gang (at least until 2-3 rounds ago) which said something like this: "be very carefull in which gang you get in or who you invite in your gang". it is pretty much self explanatory. I saw the announcement for bug and i stopped for the full day the robs; u kept on going = your fault. as for the story you paid vip ..... we all did. so did RBK. and look where it got him.
    suck it like a man
    Last edited by razvan7; 12-01-2020 at 09:45 PM.

  4. #4


    Like Beby said, don't need to talk to You but...

    You are not right, couse I start very early , even before this was in newspaper.
    U said about loook who do you let in your gang , look at my comment in Your gang.

    And about suck we will speak

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    about that comment yes: any admin can have a look at account xxarisxx (id 17389983) and account patbrz (id 17556086)? if they don;t have trust that means aris used another program (doesn;t matter which one, it doesn;t matter if it is called TeamView or whatever) to send a chat from a different account using a third party program which, by the rules of the game is punishable by ban on the spot and without any comments.

    "[57 15:38] patbrz Aris here, regards. Fresh You should know where is Your place "
    Most likely aris has trust with his spy (that is not a problem) but himself admitted he sent a message from another account in his post: "U said about loook who do you let in your gang , look at my comment in Your gang." How stupid can you be to give yourself away?

    As for "suck". it is more like an expression: "take it like a man" - i changed it a bit in "suck it like a man". i see you took it seriously.
    best of luck
    Last edited by razvan7; 12-01-2020 at 11:30 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello All,

    There was not bug about jail in gang robberies. As a favor for Thecrims Birthday, we had allowed everyone to hunt or robb without jail. But that did not mean that you would not lose stats or money when you fail.

    However, there was ONE special part missing.

    Whoever failed in Gang Robberies, they did not receive any message notification for failure which they were supposed to receive.

    Of course, leaders are responsible for Jails due to weak players since they have to invite trustable players to avoid such jails. But, once they get in jail, they could kick the person before.
    This time, since no notification has been received, they kept robbing and losing more.

    This is why, we have decided to give back what you lost on these robberies.

    Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

    Note: Please do not make arguments between each other on such cases, better to leave the response to us for such complaints or reports. Because this would create more arguements and more mess on 1 single topic.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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