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Thread: Sugestão!

  1. #1

    Default Sugestão!

    Moldar o vocabulário é uma forma de combater o preconceito racial, vários termos já estão enraizados no nosso vocabulário, mas não é por isso que devemos prosseguir, não é?
    Mesmo sem querer, expressões e termos racistas reforçam estereótipos!

    A expressão “mercado negro” segue a mesma ideia. A palavra “negro” é usada para definir algo proibido, ilegal ou perigoso.

    No Brasil diversos termos tem sido modificado por conta disso!

    A minha sugestão é que o MERCADO NEGRO se torne MERCADO ILEGAL
    Ao em vez de BLACK MARKET utilizem ILLEGAL MARKET

  2. #2


    Good idea, and change gang wars for baby boys fight , whoores -> massieurin ...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by xxarisxx View Post
    Good idea, and change gang wars for baby boys fight , whoores -> massieurin ...

    seriously is that your answer? really i don't know what to think of you anymore

  4. #4


    muito boa sua objeção sobre o uso da palavra! para a próxima rodada quem sabe.....

  5. #5


    Gostei da ideia, parabéns pela iniciativa, minha sugestão seria Mercado Clandestino.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013



    Considering what you write here, I feel like you will use anything I say as offensive. Why?

    Weather is dark or black. Pineapply is black. My sweatshirt is black. So, I wear black sweatshirt to make you feel offended? This is nonsense. Firstly, you must remove that opinion from your mind. If you feel yourself black and different from people, you will start feel offended from anything.

    Because, life is full of blacks. It is not about being racist. This is a color we use for things in life.

    Such terms are inside of our lives. When we have black market in real life, so what? Shall we change all the terms we use because you feel offended?

    You shouldnot look for something to feel offended. You are same like me. If I feel ok, you must feel ok. It is not something to define you or your color or your religion or your country.

    There is, Black Friday, Black Sea,etc. Will you ask to remove them all?

    Look here, this is in life itself.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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