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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Sugestão e Melhoria ( Evento Hacker)

    Boa noite, queria sugerir um item para quando o evento HACKER vim, se na própria descrição do investimento do banco diz: Seu investimento aqui estará seguro, como pode ter um HACKER que pega ele? no caso do item ele te manterá seguro desse roubo, dai vcs decidem como pode ser comprado esse item, abraços!!
    Nickname : Comp

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Comp,

    This hacker event is created for a reason. You need to make a guess and choose the best investment type for your game.

    If I create such an item to protect your invest and put a price for 100 credits or 50 or 500. This will be completely pay to win.

    We cannot create more features where people are forced to spend more credits. We already have a lot. So, it is not suitable to create more ways to show game like paytowin.

    And this kind of item would remove the impact of luck on winners. We do not want that.

    There must be big part of strategy affect, some luck, some planning (which can be considered as luck), and also you need vip and credits to make more profit.

    You cant win a round with money.
    You cant win a round with only best strategy.
    You cant even win a round with strategy and money as well.

    Because there are rounds when players stocked some drugs until the end of round and with their best luck, they had the ship of this drug. So, they were soo luck to have such 2 3 ships in a round and they could win a round with this luck and strategy.

    Yes, this is also a strategy but it is completely based on luck since it is about ships.

    So, I love the game how it is now.
    The only part is hunt system. But, I do not have any better option to use for hunt/kill system unfortunately.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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