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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Changes for Round 127!!

    Hi boys and girls ,

    Round 127 is here and it comes with some small changes and some new features.

    • District

    We have created 2 new districts

    HP district - BLOOD BANK DIStRICT

    Increases the HP

    Day 1 to 19 - 5 More HP points per street
    Day 20 to 29 - 10 more HP points per street
    Day 30 to 39 - 15more hp points per street
    Day 40 to 49 - 20 more hp points per street
    Day 50 to 59 - 25 more hp per per street
    Day 60 to 69 - 30 Hp / street
    Day 70 to 79 - 35 Hp / street
    Day 80 to 89 - 40 Hp / street
    Day 90 to 99 - 45 Hp / street
    Day 100 to 109 - 50 Hp / street
    Day 110 - 119 - 55 Hp / Street


    Reduced prison bribe

    Corruption District

    Reduces the bribe money you pay the guards to escape from prison

    Day 1 to 19 - 1% per street
    Day 20 to 29 - 2% per street
    Day 30 to 39 - 3% per street
    Day 40 to 49 - 4% per street
    Day 50 to 59 - 5% per street
    Day 60 to 69 - 6% per street
    Day 70 to 79 - 7% per street

    Both districts will be available for HITMANS only at least for this round.

    • Hire Chemist

    It is a new feature that will allow players to use their labs more effectively and those that chose to play for top to rest more.
    It will give you the option to set up a queue of components that you want to produce removing the need to connect and do it manually every 3 hours.

    The max number of components you can queue is 5 with VIP 3.

    NOTE : Based on our testing this new feature will bring a buff to the NASA labs ITEM by at least 30 % .

    • Game changes

    We have removed the goggles from all levels for all professions besides ROBBER. It might sound strange but players reported robbing over 80% of their tickets with goggles which is not ok since goggles are a very powerful item in the game

    VIP packs changes

    Like always we want to give you guys more and better options when it comes to the VIP packs. Take a look and decide If any of the packs suits you and your needs in order to have some fun in the game.

    Only Hitmans can use the Roofies Item
    Future projects

    As you guys know we like to keep you posted with what we are doing here.

    Probably the biggest feature to hit the TC streets will be the UNIVERSITY , which we hope we can have for Round 128 ,at least in the beta version since it will need balancing.

    The app is going as scheduled, our developer is working closely with the company in charge of making the APP so that we can have it implemented as soon as possible

    As always thank you for the feedback and have fun !!!

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    Last edited by eagleking52; 04-11-2021 at 12:47 PM.



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