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  1. #1

    Default Ideas and Improvements (Bebynho20+eagleking52) your attention plz

    Hello there dear reader,

    I am an old player of this game 14+ years, however my current account been here for almost 9 years. I got back to playing the game last round after a break since round 100.
    I like the new system and the changes done to the game, however by playing this round i felt like i needed to make this post to help improve the game to the best of ability.
    Note: i will be making head titles to the category that my suggestion fall under to make it easier to understand.


    - I think the price of credits is too high for certain countries comparing to other countries.
    - I think the amount of credits should be increased 50% more on each one the exist currently.
    - adding 2 more packages for credits one gives 2500 credits and the other gives 4000 credits and that the player can buy it for a good price through paypal. I personally bought with more than 100 dollars round 129 and i felt like i was losing money with no good offer, so i do think more packages and fair prices will make this game profit more.


    - the vip packages prices i think should be re-evaluated.
    - the 48 hours limit between each vip should be removed and here is why: 1) more profit to the game. 2) players who are playing top killer can buy as much as they want and have advantage added to them. 3) some will say thats a lot or will make people abuse it. well my dear friend this game is a strategy game and some of those strategies and game money based and some with real money you get and lets not forget that everything in the game is based on math. for instance, using 1 item for buildings gives u 80trilion when all building are level 13. and using 1 item for money laundery gives u 10% some players will wait to 1 billion and invest with that item and make more. so i hope u got my example that the player choses how to strategies. and the same for vip because such change will help 2 characters the most: hitman, and robber. to get more money from the item and stats from hitman. and the math still add up to a limit which i believe the major concern of game developers. (so instead of making it every 48 hours so its 15 in total make it 30 vip's per round max with no time limit same as the special items.. the player choses when to use them and thats how buying vip could become more of a strategy for players than profit for the game) no offense.
    - also with each vip package u get credits for instance if u buy vip 1 u get 200 credits and vip 2 u get 350 credits and vip 3 u get 500 creds .. that would be really encouraging for ppl to keep buying vio


    - the player is able to remove one of the 2 courses and add another since 2 is the max limit.


    - adding a new district that gives u more stats on single assaults. such feature will help those who are playing with team to build power and have fun also those playing hitman to have an option to give them more stats cuz busniess man has a special item and robber has one and pimp has one.. but hitman no special items but regular overpriced item called roofie.

    Lastly, Marketing:

    I don't know if u guys had such a team but if not i think as a communication major and public relations minor yall need one ASAP.

    - I think the game needs to use modern ways to advertise for the game. Comparing to the old days when u go in a rave and see 4 - 5 people and minimum 900 online, it seems like the game is dying. I think the solution would be proper videos about the game that attract new players who have no idea what thecrims is about.
    - maybe investing some money by paying those youtubers who are focused on gaming to advertise for the game. All you need is money and script that youtubers follow. remember it needs to be modern and eye grabbing.

    I thought of apply to become a crew i have lots and lots of ideas and management skills, but i have no time and only time i got i prefer to play the game. Moreover, I hope no one gets offended by my thread but im just trying to help.

    Thats all what i could remember from what i wanted to suggest for the time being but if i remember anything else i will be adding it below as a response. I hope i see these changes with next round and also i hope the time between this round and next round is not more than 4 days cuz i can't wait for it to start

    Thanks and regards
    Last edited by xKNDx; 08-18-2021 at 10:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hello there

    First I want to thank you for posting ... I am always open to feedback, bad or good.
    That being said let me try and touch on all the things you mentioned above.

    1. Credits

    The prices are set based on the economical power of each country and on how much people earn , a medium salary of course.
    Making packs of credits , like 4000 for an acceptable price is not a bad idea but I have to consider our crew as well , they are paid in credits and they sell them most of the time.
    So a change that like is not just mine I would have to discuss it with the crew and the manager .
    I remind you that we have at least 10 days TC per round of crazy credit days where you can buy more credits for the same price, I think it was .

    2. Vip paks

    Starting next round I have prepared a surprise for you guys .

    2 years ago Covid hit and even though our expenses did not go down I reduced the price from 20 to 15 and that was at a loss for us.

    the 48 H limit is there to not make the game 100% pay to win ... Clearly economically it would be Ok but I am sure people would hate it and I have to say even tho you need a good strategy to win buying non stop vips would change the game.

    This would need a POLL to see what the community thinks .

    3. University

    You need to explain to me how this would work ..I mean if I delete the course , do I have to wait 2 3 days to start a new one ? Will I lose all the bonuses from the classes I already started ?
    This could be done but it has to be put on paper
    Planning team has to get involved ...

    4.The district

    100 % DOABLE and IF you have other ideas of districts please fell free to post here ... What percentages are we talking about and how should it work ?


    Well we are already improving the design and after that the same company should make the APP for us .
    Investing heavily into publicity when you do not have a finite product doesnt make much sense at this point.
    Sadly the APP takes a long time to get done so ... but once we have it we will be investing into publicity worry not.

    Again I want to thank you and I will make sure planning sees this post .

    have a great day !

  3. #3


    Hello @Bebynho20,

    First i want to thank you for your kind and thoughtful response of everyone involved in some parts of the suggestion. I really do appreciate it and make me happy.

    For the credits and vip .. your point of view seems really reasonable and fair, so i will skip that and im sure u will do whats best for the game.

    for the district i appreciate that u took my idea into consideration and in terms of percentages i say they should be the same as the other districts. please correct me if im wrong. from what i noticed that when its day 50 it start to be 10% per 2 chairs in the district. so i think its a 10% increase. so if that was truce i think a hit that gives 30k stats should give 33% extra however not from the player that got hit but only for the player who is in the distrct.

    Also another thought just came up which is to balance this i think players who are in the district to increase stats gain by 10% they are the only ones who should also lose 10% extra when they are involved in a failed assault. So, that being in that district is not something u want if u are not playing hitman. just to make it more hitman based or those hunting. however if u liked the first or previous part of the idea then please by all means do what is in the game benefits of this ideas

    For the marketing.. yes i heard about you guys making the app and cannot wait to see the finish product. Well i guess you are right the work on the product needs to be done to make the most profitable advertisement to the game.

    Lastly, i give thecrims all right to use and modify my ideas without giving me credits or taking permission because my goal is the game's benefit. Again i thank you for reading my post and taking my thoughts and ideas into consideration.

    Last edited by xKNDx; 08-18-2021 at 10:41 AM.

  4. #4


    @bebynho20 Gostariamos que houvesse um pacote de vip 3 para dividir com vários players, no Brasil hoje, a nossa moeda por diversos fatores, ficou fraca. Para você ter uma noção, um jogador que escolhe jogar com uma vip 3 em uma conta, uma vip 2 na secundária e colocarmos 2000 de créditos, ele está pagando o valor de uma compra de supermercado para o mês inteiro, nesse momento de pandemia, muitos pensam, ou eu pago o jogo ou eu faço uma compra boa em casa. Pense nisso. Minha gang (gg) jogou o round 127, 128 e 129, no round 130 decidimos dar uma pausa pelo alto preço da Vip 3, se ao menos pudessemos comprar um pacote de vip 3 (com pelo menos 3 vips 3) e pudéssemos dividir entre contas que não seja nossa, alguns times brasileiros voltariam a jogar pois ficaria um jogo mais barato para nós. Pense nisso, gostaríamos de jogar o próximo round caso houvesse um desconto para times (gangs)
    Last edited by SaulGoodmannn; 08-20-2021 at 09:41 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello All,

    I am not going to tell more about credits, it is already explained by Bebynho.

    Vips, 48h condition has been brought for a reason. You were not able to win the round even by buying 50 vips, but still, we wanted to put a balance and remove this option to avoid people abusing it 10 times at once.
    Well, reducing price. It was already reduced 1 time from 20 euro to 15 euro.
    This round, there will be some extra options, please wait for changelog.

    Well, regarding university, we had similar suggestions from players and I was planning to create a document to show how it works. Maybe, you can prepare a document and share with us with its all conditions.

    About district giving more stats from assault, we need to discuss that a lot. Will the victim lose same amount of stats? If not, then this will create more stats from air. If yes, this can create more complaints from players since hitmans can already make a lot of stats. And victims are already complaining about bots and macros once they get hit fast by hunters.

    Marketing is also explained by Bebynho. Once we have our product ready, we can focus on publicity more and more. We are looking forward to getting the app as soon as possible.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by SaulGoodmannn View Post
    @bebynho20 Gostariamos que houvesse um pacote de vip 3 para dividir com vários players, no Brasil hoje, a nossa moeda por diversos fatores, ficou fraca. Para você ter uma noção, um jogador que escolhe jogar com uma vip 3 em uma conta, uma vip 2 na secundária e colocarmos 2000 de créditos, ele está pagando o valor de uma compra de supermercado para o mês inteiro, nesse momento de pandemia, muitos pensam, ou eu pago o jogo ou eu faço uma compra boa em casa. Pense nisso. Minha gang (gg) jogou o round 127, 128 e 129, no round 130 decidimos dar uma pausa pelo alto preço da Vip 3, se ao menos pudessemos comprar um pacote de vip 3 (com pelo menos 3 vips 3) e pudéssemos dividir entre contas que não seja nossa, alguns times brasileiros voltariam a jogar pois ficaria um jogo mais barato para nós. Pense nisso, gostaríamos de jogar o próximo round caso houvesse um desconto para times (gangs)
    As we mentiond, please wait for changelog to be announced.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SaulGoodmannn View Post
    @bebynho20 Gostariamos que houvesse um pacote de vip 3 para dividir com vários players, no Brasil hoje, a nossa moeda por diversos fatores, ficou fraca. Para você ter uma noção, um jogador que escolhe jogar com uma vip 3 em uma conta, uma vip 2 na secundária e colocarmos 2000 de créditos, ele está pagando o valor de uma compra de supermercado para o mês inteiro, nesse momento de pandemia, muitos pensam, ou eu pago o jogo ou eu faço uma compra boa em casa. Pense nisso. Minha gang (gg) jogou o round 127, 128 e 129, no round 130 decidimos dar uma pausa pelo alto preço da Vip 3, se ao menos pudessemos comprar um pacote de vip 3 (com pelo menos 3 vips 3) e pudéssemos dividir entre contas que não seja nossa, alguns times brasileiros voltariam a jogar pois ficaria um jogo mais barato para nós. Pense nisso, gostaríamos de jogar o próximo round caso houvesse um desconto para times (gangs)
    Sorry for the late reply but I have to remind you that the VIP packs at least VIP 3 was 20 euros before the pandemic started. Once that hit I decided to reduce the price even though and I have to stress this AMAZON did not reduce the price of the servers nor did all our other partners.
    Our last change was to drop the price for the first VIP pack to 10 euros .... and honestly I don't think I can go lower than this.



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