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  1. #1

    Default User-interface suggestion

    i would hope that you guys change the font used in Arabic language because it looks chunky, fat, extended, out of place, horrifying and ugly.

    There is way way way much better alternatives than "Tahoma - Verdana". Example: Cairo - Tajawal - Almarai. All of these are google fonts.

    that's the current look

    that's Cairo font

    that's Tajawal font

    that's Almarai font

    and personally i would suggest "Tajawal" font, it's the best.
    Pain is passing, results are permanent. Beauty fades, strength is eternal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Phantasma820,

    Thank you for your suggestions.

    I will discuss your idea with our arabic crew members and I will see what they think about it. Then we can consider to change it if possible.

    Thank you for your attention and interest on the game.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Saudi Arabia


    Hello Phantasma820,

    We've been using "Tahoma" as a main font for the Arabic language in TC for ages, I remember that Arabic font and how it shown in TC was even worse, so at this time, Tahoma was the best choice and as I said, that was ages ago, but now we have a lot of good Arabic fonts which looks great.

    So, with these new fonts made for the Arabic language, I would love to change the game font to something trendy, but before doing that and ofc I'm not deciding about which font is the best for the Arabian players, I will have to ask them through a poll in the forum, it mean that we'll need to get more fonts and even more suggestions from players, it also means that you have a lot of work to do with me xD

    Thank you for your suggestion. Please contact me via Skype: Generozo
    Support & Abuse Member
    TheCrims.Com Crew



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