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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Round 134 Changes !


    I know this is late but here the changes for this round.

    General game changes

    *Available after day 5

    *Available on day 25

    Street fight
    *Available every day TC

    * Gang upgrades and donations were reduced by 5

    * Available every 24 H instead of 48.

    Gang wars
    No changes made

    Alley Missions
    Some missions were updated to give more info to new players but no major changes were made.

    VIP packs

    Vip pack Gold 7 euros
    Vip pack Plat : 7 euros for the 1st purchase , 10 euros for the rest of round
    Vip pack Assassin: 7 euros for the 1sst purchase , 10 euros for the rest of the round

    VIP pack Gold - Is the old VIP PACK 2
    This VIP user can buy 2 Items

    VIP pack Platinum - Is the old VIP Pack 3
    This VIP user can buy 3 special Items

    VIP Pack Assassin -
    This user can buy 3 special items

    Non VIP users can buy 2 items

    VIP events were reduced and adjusted to the new round length as follows
    *Gold Pack - 10 events
    *Platinum pack - 20 events
    *Assassin pack - 20 events


    For 5 TC days your hookers will earn 300% more money.
    30 hours
    New percentage : 400% instead of 300 %

    Labour Love
    For 6 TC days your buildings will produce 400% more drugs.
    36 hours
    New Percentage : No change

    Money Laundering
    This item gives you a steady 10% return on one investment. Works only between day 1 and 40.
    <New percentage : 20 %

    Activate this item and you will get tickets! The first time you buy this item you will get 1000 tickets, second time 900 tickets, third time 800, fourth time 750 and after that 700 tickets every time. Available from day 10. This item will give you 1000 tickets.
    -should stay the same at it is right now for hitman(with less tickets / buy)

    Component Addict
    Gives you 300% more components from single robberies.
    24 hours
    New percentage:400 %

    NASA Labs
    Increases the amount of drugs laboratories can produce by 200%. This item will not affect already started productions.
    24 hours
    New percentage: 400%

    Changes to PROFESSIONS

    Changes for all professions
    Hooker payout increased by 15 %
    * Reduced the initial price by 50 %
    * Faster upgrade timer for buildings
    * Every profession besides Hitman will lose 2 tickets when making a Kill
    * All events including boats were reduced to sue the length of the round

    * Reduced the amount of money they receive from single and gang robberies.
    *More money from single robberies 30% at level 12
    *More money from gang robberies 20% at level 12

    NOTE : I honestly hope I did not forget anything. As I said before there were around 450 changes brought to the game but as you can imagine I can't post all of the here.
    For changes regarding rob power and when robberies are to be expected please check the game guide .
    Last edited by eagleking52; 12-11-2021 at 09:44 PM.



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