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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Changes Round 137

    Hi gangsters !

    As you probably realized by now, our next round is going to be a 40 days one, again.

    I will keep the post on forum for another round so please VOTE !

    Now regarding the changes for round 137 , we have thought hard about how to bring the professions to the same level. It is not an exact science because of the events and because different players have different strategies , some better than others.
    That being said these are the changes for next !


    * Remove randomness in stats reward multiplier on Talisman of Insight : well now the bonus will be a fixed number and not vary like before. The bonus is 2

    * Reduced components for Opium ( Poppy seed oil ) from 200 kk to 100 kk

    * Hooker party should be available from day 10

    * NASA LABS reduced from 400 % to 200 %

    * Double the amount of events that influences the stock market . E:G Stocks up and Stock Down events should now come more often

    * Silicon Valley district change : Increase the street from 0.5% to 1%

    * New feature: Boat Fidelity bonus

    For every 1kkk drugs (700kk for Dealer) sold to boats, your boat fidelity bonus increases by 1%. This is a permanent price bonus and it counts drugs sold to all boats (including VIP boats).

    Broker Changes
    * Double bonus given by the Broker District Wall street district . Now is at 1% per street it should be 2% per street .

    * Change Broker's single rob deficit. Make it as such : lvl 2- 10 % less money from single robs it should reach -30% at level 12.

    Pimp Changes
    * Increase the hardcore from 300 % to 350 %

    * Allow pimp to own 6125 hookers at lvl 11

    Businessman Changes*
    Silicon Valley district change : Increase the street from 0.5% to 1%

    Please send us your feedback !!!
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 01-17-2022 at 09:52 PM.



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