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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuma View Post
    I have been playing Crims for 15 years and I absolutely hate hunters. I have 60+ VIPs, set alarms to play and train everey TC day, and work hard for stats, just to loose stats in half a second in my own Rave.
    I would pay real money/credits just to have my own Rave, where no one can enter but me. Something like 100 credits for 24 hours of Personal Rave. PLEASE
    I've added a suggestion in the feedback page about this. It's not about making hitman less enjoyable to play or nerfing their gains or making their life more difficult playing the game. But it's to make assault victims being punished less in terms of stats loss. I agree with you, working hard for stats for hours only for killers to take away all those gains in half a second in your own Rave is really annoying and on the verge of ragequitting.

    My suggestion in that post is to remove the stat loss from being assaulted. But still keep the hitman gains. That way, the hitman can still hunt and get all the benefit, but the victims doesn't suffer as much. I'm okay being killed all the time, lose some money and respect, and time in the hospital. I can live with losing them because we can get them back through other means. But the stats loss is just crossing the line too much. Because we can only regain them from Training (since that's limited to 2x per TC day). Or robbery, which gains so little that it takes too much time to earn back. A time that is full of risks because we need to come back to Rave to heal stamina and while in there we can get hit again and lose even more stats.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuma View Post
    I have been playing Crims for 15 years and I absolutely hate hunters. I have 60+ VIPs, set alarms to play and train everey TC day, and work hard for stats, just to loose stats in half a second in my own Rave.
    I would pay real money/credits just to have my own Rave, where no one can enter but me. Something like 100 credits for 24 hours of Personal Rave. PLEASE

    IF we go ahead with this new feature you won't need the ITEM.

  3. #13


    I don't like the idea. I usually have more deaths than kills but I don't have any problem with that. I still prefer to play VS real players than the bot/players mix even when my stats sucks. Rave party is supposed to be PvP. Kills/deaths stats feature is supposed to be PvP as it always was and it's the most fun aspect of the game. Randomly killing bots won't give the kill joy satisfaction. There should be different way to help the new players. Maybe some kind of video tutorials or something.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    You Kill The Game , BRO .
    What is this ?
    In hunt i can attack or i can be attacked .
    The BOT can't attack me , where is the FUN ?
    Where is the fun to enter in a rave and kill a bot , that can't run ? 1,1 seconds all hunters can do this time

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by n3nd View Post
    You Kill The Game , BRO .
    What is this ?
    In hunt i can attack or i can be attacked .
    The BOT can't attack me , where is the FUN ?
    Where is the fun to enter in a rave and kill a bot , that can't run ? 1,1 seconds all hunters can do this time
    Talvez você precise ler novamente, você entrará na rave e achará um bot e muito provavelmente terá adversários hitmans dentro da mesma rave! Então sera hitman x bot e hitman x hitman

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by DukeNukem View Post
    I don't like the idea. I usually have more deaths than kills but I don't have any problem with that. I still prefer to play VS real players than the bot/players mix even when my stats sucks. Rave party is supposed to be PvP. Kills/deaths stats feature is supposed to be PvP as it always was and it's the most fun aspect of the game. Randomly killing bots won't give the kill joy satisfaction. There should be different way to help the new players. Maybe some kind of video tutorials or something.
    The problem is, Rave is the "only" place to regain stamina. And the PvP nature of rave makes it difficult for non-PvP players to have a place to safely regain stamina without the risk of being killed. Even though Rave is a PvP place, I personally refuse to engage in killing other players. Even if I win, to me it's not fun because I know that I assaulted another person in the game, hindering their progress, and taking away their stats that they have worked hard for the last hour. Because I know what it feels like to be on the losing side. It's frustrating, It's not just new players, it's for veteran players who just wants to play robber, pimps, businessmen, broker, etc. without having to kill other players as well.

    So I would be stuck, being in a PvP place where I will "always" being killed the moment someone else enters the rave. And I always lose stats, no matter how much effort I put into the game. I've played TC since 2005, and 17 years later being a non-hitman class is still not fun because of repeatedly being killed and repeatedly being punished with stat losses without even a chance to defend to survive the assault. And yes, even with the new HP system, I always die when being assaulted by players with half the respect than me after I hide my respect with multiple items. I'm not even trying to get top places. I just want to have fun, but I'm not having fun, because hitmen and hunters took that fun away.

    My suggestion to this slaughterhouse to make it more satisfying for hunters is that: Make slaughterhouses free to entry, and free to use drugs to restore stamina without using tickets for everyone. That way, players who ran out of tickets (or just want to save tickets) and want to regain stamina, has to go to the slaughterhouse to restore their stamina. Heck, make it so that drugs taken inside the slaugtherhouse doesn't even build addiction. That way, the slaughterhouses will always be filled with real players on top of the bot.

    But that would mean the normal rave has to be a protected zone. But to balance it, players have to "pay" more to use the normal rave for their "protection". This means, you can have a dynamic entry price that increases per entry the higher your respect is. (Similar to how the pricing of the Methadone medicine works). This way, the higher the respect, the more expensive it is for players to visit rave and restore stamina. The normal rave earnings would also go to the owner of those raves again, like the old system. And entering normal rave will immediately use a ticket. That way, the game is more balanced towards players who wants to avoid PvP but there's a safe space for them to restore stamina without the risk of being assaulted. Albeit they need to pay a much more expensive cost to benefit from that protection, and they are limited in the number of times they can visit this "protected" normal rave by the number of their available tickets. And since entering the rave costs money "dynamically" in relative to their respect. Entering normal rave would "decrease" their respect as well. Giving it a little punishment for players from entering the normal rave which will slow and hinder their progress more than if they just visit the PvP Slaughterhouse rave.

    Once they ran out of tickets and if they want to continue playing they have to go to the slaughterhouse where it's free to entry and free to restore the stamina, and it gives hitmen and other players more activity since they can always meet bot and players visiting to assault or be assaulted.
    Last edited by NeoTheGodfather; 02-07-2022 at 01:51 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by NeoTheGodfather View Post
    The problem is, Rave is the "only" place to regain stamina. And the PvP nature of rave makes it difficult for non-PvP players to have a place to safely regain stamina without the risk of being killed. Even though Rave is a PvP place, I personally refuse to engage in killing other players. Even if I win, to me it's not fun because I know that I assaulted another person in the game, hindering their progress, and taking away their stats that they have worked hard for the last hour. Because I know what it feels like to be on the losing side. It's frustrating, It's not just new players, it's for veteran players who just wants to play robber, pimps, businessmen, broker, etc. without having to kill other players as well.

    So I would be stuck, being in a PvP place where I will "always" being killed the moment someone else enters the rave. And I always lose stats, no matter how much effort I put into the game. I've played TC since 2005, and 17 years later being a non-hitman class is still not fun because of repeatedly being killed and repeatedly being punished with stat losses without even a chance to defend to survive the assault. And yes, even with the new HP system, I always die when being assaulted by players with half the respect than me after I hide my respect with multiple items. I'm not even trying to get top places. I just want to have fun, but I'm not having fun, because hitmen and hunters took that fun away.

    My suggestion to this slaughterhouse to make it more satisfying for hunters is that: Make slaughterhouses free to entry, and free to use drugs to restore stamina without using tickets for everyone. That way, players who ran out of tickets (or just want to save tickets) and want to regain stamina, has to go to the slaughterhouse to restore their stamina. Heck, make it so that drugs taken inside the slaugtherhouse doesn't even build addiction. That way, the slaughterhouses will always be filled with real players on top of the bot.

    But that would mean the normal rave has to be a protected zone. But to balance it, players have to "pay" more to use the normal rave for their "protection". This means, you can have a dynamic entry price that increases per entry the higher your respect is. (Similar to how the pricing of the Methadone medicine works). This way, the higher the respect, the more expensive it is for players to visit rave and restore stamina. The normal rave earnings would also go to the owner of those raves again, like the old system. And entering normal rave will immediately use a ticket. That way, the game is more balanced towards players who wants to avoid PvP but there's a safe space for them to restore stamina without the risk of being assaulted. Albeit they need to pay a much more expensive cost to benefit from that protection, and they are limited in the number of times they can visit this "protected" normal rave by the number of their available tickets. And since entering the rave costs money "dynamically" in relative to their respect. Entering normal rave would "decrease" their respect as well. Giving it a little punishment for players from entering the normal rave which will slow and hinder their progress more than if they just visit the PvP Slaughterhouse rave.

    Once they ran out of tickets and if they want to continue playing they have to go to the slaughterhouse where it's free to entry and free to restore the stamina, and it gives hitmen and other players more activity since they can always meet bot and players visiting to assault or be assaulted.

    I have to say ... this has to be one of the most balanced reasonable FEEDBACK I've received in a long time , to something that I know will impact the game quite A LOT.

    The feature is not perfect but it can come close to becoming perfect If we all work together.

    You make some really good points here !

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Icarus View Post
    i made a similar suggestions for beta but the reply to my suggestion was by Tolga (abuser) :
    bot accounts for assaults is impossible because bot accounts are against to the game nature and they create bugs and problems. We cannot do such thing.

    anyway i strongly support the " Idea "

    also " Changes to Professions

    Once a profession reaches 100 kills the only way to make kills would be here in this ARENA.
    Kills made in normal raves will not count anymore."

    probably they shouldnt get stats too or alot less stats from it
    Hello Icarus,

    You have touched to a good point. This was and some other options were consulted our developper before and we had received "No" as a response. In this case, we were avoiding such features.

    However, since you have suggested this feature, when it is added to the system and when it is ready, please feel free to contact me for an achievement for this suggestion.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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