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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation New Feature !!!!

    I want to present you with a new feature / thing I came up with.

    The idea is not new, I've always tried to find a way to PROTECT new players from the wrath of the HITMAN xDD... New players will always see this profession as a macro / script user and It makes sense.
    A new player who doesn't know anyone in the game won't understand how is possible to die in under 1 second, in their mind there is no way a person could move that fast no matter how many years said person has put into the game.

    On the other hand we have the Hitman player, the one that doesn't cheat, and he is constantly complaining that there are no people in raves, that people should not be protected by limits and that making kills is becoming harder and harder even though they clearly can reach 3000 kills in 40 days TC.

    I was always caught in the middle ... I do have to protect the new player because without new players this game WOULD DIE ! But on the other hand I have to give back something to those players that had stuck with the game for so long.

    This brings me to the following. Nothing you guys read here is set in stone... everything can be changed, from percentages to timers.
    I would love to give me your input on it and please keep an open mind .. I am not here to destroy hunting .. nor do I want to destroy hitman as a profession .. I am trying to find a middle ground which in my opinion is inevitable considering the plans we have for the game.

    Back in the day I had an idea where we could have random bots going in and out raves to make hunting more entertaining.

    Feature name


    • 30 raves

    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 2000 AP. Their AP will increase by 20 % after each day TC
    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 10000 AP. Their AP will increase by 40 % after each day TC
    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 50000 AP. Their AP will increase by 50 % after each day TC

    • Each rave will have 1 bot linked to it
    • Each bot will go in and out its own rave every 30 seconds. Intervals should probably be different a little bit to not have all the bots going in and out at the same time in raves
    • Bots should leave rave after 1.1 sec
    • Raves will have names and no limit ( we could use the old admin raves .. EG : Aquarius )
    • Should be accessible to all professions

    • 1 Hit will cost 1 ticket
    • Players will win and lose stats in the same percentages as before. This is something I really need to think about .....

    Changes to Professions

    Once a profession reaches 100 kills the only way to make kills would be here in this ARENA.
    Kills made in normal raves will not count anymore.

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    Last edited by ShadowsPT; 02-28-2022 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2


    I thought the idea was really good, I always thought about bots to improve hunting, I would love to test it in beta

  3. #3

    Default Great Ideai

    That1s a great ideia!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    I want to present you with a new feature / thing I came up with.

    The idea is not new, I've always tried to find a way to PROTECT new players from the wrath of the HITMAN xDD... New players will always see this profession as a macro / script user and It makes sense.
    A new player who doesn't know anyone in the game won't understand how is possible to die in under 1 second, in their mind there is no way a person could move that fast no matter how many years said person has put into the game.

    On the other hand we have the Hitman player, the one that doesn't cheat, and he is constantly complaining that there are no people in raves, that people should not be protected by limits and that making kills is becoming harder and harder even though they clearly can reach 3000 kills in 40 days TC.

    I was always caught in the middle ... I do have to protect the new player because without new players this game WOULD DIE ! But on the other hand I have to give back something to those players that had stuck with the game for so long.

    This brings me to the following. Nothing you guys read here is set in stone... everything can be changed, from percentages to timers.
    I would love to give me your input on it and please keep an open mind .. I am not here to destroy hunting .. nor do I want to destroy hitman as a profession .. I am trying to find a middle ground which in my opinion is inevitable considering the plans we have for the game.

    Back in the day I had an idea where we could have random bots going in and out raves to make hunting more entertaining.

    Feature name


    • 30 raves

    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 2000 AP. Their AP will increase by 20 % after each day TC
    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 10000 AP. Their AP will increase by 40 % after each day TC
    • 10 raves - here bots will have a starting power of 50000 AP. Their AP will increase by 50 % after each day TC

    • Each rave will have 1 bot linked to it
    • Each bot will go in and out its own rave every 30 seconds. Intervals should probably be different a little bit to not have all the bots going in and out at the same time in raves
    • Bots should leave rave after 1.1 sec
    • Raves will have names and no limit ( we could use the old admin raves .. EG : Aquarius )
    • Should be accessible to all professions

    • 1 Hit will cost 1 ticket
    • Players will win and lose stats in the same percentages as before. This is something I really need to think about .....

    Changes to Professions

    Once a profession reaches 100 kills the only way to make kills would be here in this ARENA.
    Kills made in normal raves will not count anymore.

  4. #4

    Default make slaughterhouse

    if there is bot gang members to rob we need bots in raves at least to pass levels , and for new players have the oppurtunity to have some kills and have some fun.

  5. #5


    Good idea!

    Some questions:

    - Will be possible to encounter other players in the bot raves?
    - Will be a limit of 2 hits (3 for hitman) on bot players?
    - Every hit will count as a Kill? Or depends on player stats x bot stats?
    - Will be a limit of kills count when attacking bots?

  6. #6


    As long as it keeps hunters from coming to my own rave and keep killing me every 5 minutes, I support this idea.

  7. #7


    i made a similar suggestions for beta but the reply to my suggestion was by Tolga (abuser) :
    bot accounts for assaults is impossible because bot accounts are against to the game nature and they create bugs and problems. We cannot do such thing.

    anyway i strongly support the " Idea "

    also " Changes to Professions

    Once a profession reaches 100 kills the only way to make kills would be here in this ARENA.
    Kills made in normal raves will not count anymore."

    probably they shouldnt get stats too or alot less stats from it

  8. #8


    The idea is awesome, specially for those who fell like they can't compete against the top bo... killers, but it won't avoid the suspicion that they are scripters or bots, for this, I actually have a simple suggestion: to show the new players how fast can the assassins' movements be, and once and for all end this "how fast can they attack???" commom expression in the hospital, you could give them the opportunitty to record screen and or mouse movement while they get some kills and show us how fast are their actions, compile the video or videos sent by them and fixate it in the faq page or here in the forum, for example. This probably would ease a lot the frustration of thinking that we are playing against cheaters.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruza View Post
    Good idea!

    Some questions:

    - Will be possible to encounter other players in the bot raves?
    - Will be a limit of 2 hits (3 for hitman) on bot players?
    - Every hit will count as a Kill? Or depends on player stats x bot stats?
    - Will be a limit of kills count when attacking bots?

    Good follow up question. I will answer in order ...

    1. YES .. because there has to be some competition between those playing for top kills.
    2.Here I will have to talk to some players that do play hitman and see how the see it... I do not want to make something that is abusable but the way it is now there will be no limit between players and bots since the nr of bots will be quite limited.
    3. No, to make a kill you will need to be 2 times bigger than your opponent.
    4. No , as I said before since the number of bots will be limited , between 30 and 50 , we can't limit the number of hits. What we do have to make sure is that the bots will become stronger as the round advances.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I have been playing Crims for 15 years and I absolutely hate hunters. I have 60+ VIPs, set alarms to play and train everey TC day, and work hard for stats, just to loose stats in half a second in my own Rave.
    I would pay real money/credits just to have my own Rave, where no one can enter but me. Something like 100 credits for 24 hours of Personal Rave. PLEASE
    Last edited by Mazuma; 02-06-2022 at 01:27 PM.



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