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Thread: Bom dia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte

    Default Bom dia

    Esse round está merecendo uma medalha igual a do round 54 (que não sei porque não me deram), para todos que realmente jogaram: I survived Round 138.

    Só deixando claro, não é uma crítica ao Memox e nem ao bebynho, mesmo porque sei perfeitamente que nenhum dos dois causariam esse caos.
    Boa sorte a todos.

  2. #2


    Alguém está conseguindo jogar de forma estável??
    Aqui tudo está bugado/sem carregar. Ta difícil jogar

  3. #3


    Olá xmourao69, a cada 40 dias (no tempo do jogo), se inicia uma nova rodada, então só aguardar um pouco mais que eles já irão iniciar uma próxima blz?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    O que é que muda o fato de iniciar um novo round? Nós relatamos problemas no jogo. Você acha que esses problemas vão ser solucionados?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by CompXVanessa View Post
    O que é que muda o fato de iniciar um novo round? Nós relatamos problemas no jogo. Você acha que esses problemas vão ser solucionados?
    Lag, action delay, stuck in rave, passam os ANOS e NADA muda.
    Quantas vezes já ouvi que a rave teria rework e até agora, mesma merda de sempre.

    Aguardo o Bebynho vir dar flame na gente kkkk, maluco é Community Manager mas não sabe se comunicar de forma cordial com ngm além dos amiguinhos ou quem gasta 5k de dol por mês nesse jogo de browser...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by VASCO View Post
    Lag, action delay, stuck in rave, passam os ANOS e NADA muda.
    Quantas vezes já ouvi que a rave teria rework e até agora, mesma merda de sempre.

    Aguardo o Bebynho vir dar flame na gente kkkk, maluco é Community Manager mas não sabe se comunicar de forma cordial com ngm além dos amiguinhos ou quem gasta 5k de dol por mês nesse jogo de browser...

    1. I am not a manager ... I own the game so there is a big difference here !
    2. I behave cordially with people who actually know how to behave as well .... keyboard warriors do not impress me much and I have little patience for them especially when the ones raging here have no idea how to play the game nor do they support the game in any way possible , here I can include good feedback not only giving us 5.000 .000 euros weekly ! Very soon we will be making more money than RIOT or Blizzard at this rate.
    3. Regarding the lag ... to whom did you guys report the lag ? I have not received 1 complaint about the lag in the past 10 days . Where is the ticket ? Who answered your ticket ?
    4. I will repeat this and I HOPE YOU will read it well ... OUR SERVERS ARE IN THE US so closer to Brasil than to any other country in Europe. This means that If you have lag it is probably on your side and not on the game's side. There are other people in Br playing and they do not have these issues, WHY ? Why aren't people from Europe complaining about lag when the servers are clearly in a worse position for them ?
    5. The way servers work : Servers will increase automatically in number when they are needed ... this is why maybe when a big event is in TOWN you might experience some lag in the first 20 min. It takes time for them to scale if they are not added manually.

    For the person who said that they need a medal like R 54 ... I would suggest you a different game.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    Boa tarde,

    bebynho, quero deixar claro pra você que não vim ao forum te agredir e nem ser desagradável. No round 54 eu ainda estava no CREW. Também já fui homenageada como melhor Crew do round, mas na época não havia medalha.
    Pra mim realmente foi difícil jogar no round passado por causa dos lags, das mensagens sem sentido e da falta da barrinha de estamina não esvaziar quando aceito o roubo.
    Quanto à sua sugestão de procurar um jogo diferente, eu te respondo que não gostei. É me agredir desnecessariamente e acho que isso não se faz. Infelizmente você é mal educado, grosseiro, agressivo e não aprendeu a ser um gentleman como o Memox.
    Eu não jogo de graça. Compro VIPs, compro créditos e não é só pra mim. Compro pros meus amigos também. Como consumidora, acho que você deveria ser mais respeitoso agora, exigir de você me respeitar como pessoa? É difícil já que você não teve berço. Isso se aprende dentro de casa.
    Passar bem.
    Last edited by VanessaBHZ; 06-24-2022 at 05:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello VanessaBHZ,

    You do not need to feel offended with any word we say here.

    When we say find another game, it is because we do not fufill your expectations. Because it is totally crazy to give medal as round 54 since we did not have any big issue as in the round 54.

    Well, mostly, we are here respectful, helpful and understanding, at least we are trying to be.

    But, when a person comes here and complains about something and when we do not have a proper report from them on support center, we get angry as well as you can understand. Please put yourself into our place and think about it.

    Recently, we are having some issues, but they are broker related issues, not related to servers or to the game itself directly. So,we had taken necessary actions for it. But that does not mean that we would give such medal for it.

    For lag issues in the future, please feel free to contact me on discord or on game. I am especially more online on discord and happy to reply players and receive their reports.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    Prezado eagleking52,

    Eu apenas fiz uma brincadeira sobre uma medalha para o round 138.
    Não havia nenhuma necessidade de virem aqui sugerir que eu procurasse outro jogo, mesmo porque estou no The Crims já faz um bom tempo.
    A questão é uma só: Eu não gosto da maneira grosseira como o bebynho se dirige a mim. Como consumidora, player e como ex crew, acho que mereço respeito. Gasto uma quantia de dinheiro considerável com esse jogo. O The Crims transcende a vontade do bebynho me querer longe. Acho mesmo que ele constantemente se dirige às pessoas de maneira grosseira, jocosa e muito pouco respeitosa.
    Não pretendo sair, a menos que ele resolva banir a minha conta como "persona non grata".

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello VanessaBHZ,

    We do not ban anyone outside the rules. So, until you break a rule, for sure you will not be banned.

    Regarding conversations, well it is not humiliating you or disrespecting you.

    We want to say that there is not any other game in the world where you can directly contact game owner or even game managers. Because we have crew teams for all of these things and they can directly get in touch with us for your questions if they cannot solve.

    However, on this game, we do take all of you serious and we do reply you all. Also, most of the times, game is going smoothier than before after we made some optimizations on the game and servers. We have not received any report of lags until your post.

    So, when we tell you to find another game, we kindly tell you, you should be nice against us as well when you report or complain about something. When we see such strict and rude complains, we do kindly ask you to find another game better than ours. This is another way of saying that our game is within our expectations now and we do not see problems about what you complain.

    That does not mean that we do not check according to your report. We do contact other players. We do login and test ourselves. We check with other admins. In the end, we find out that problem is not about servers or about our game connections. It seems to us it is about your connections and your PC.

    In that case, you need to understand that we cannot do anything about your PC. As long as internet and technologie evolves, you are also forced to improve your PC and internet, because you stay behind other players as well.

    About rudeness, I see some brasilians asking me calm down or asking me to stay polite sometimes even though I am polite and calm.
    I think this is because of the language translation from English to your language. Because, when we are being polite, it seems translation seems to you like we are rude.

    This is not because we are rude. It is because of translation or because of your understanding of English language. So, please do not feel offended with our words. We always try to keep our communication in a polite way and try to explain everything with details.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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