Hello everyone , hello admins. We playing this game with my friend group, everyone likes the game in itself but we have couple of problems that I will mention here. Hope you will fix those soon or give me the satisfying reply.

Bugs that I found:

1- Starting from yesterday my character "fitnessthetic" cant set a max limit to his nightclub anymore.
2- When you're hospitalized at nightclub and if you're a member of a virtual gang, you cant do your gang robbery anymore if virtual gang wont kick you out. But on the screen you can see that the robbery still going on-but you cant join.
3- Whenever me or my friends changing our profiles passwords,it succeed and then we cant really log into our accounts after couple of minutes of playing or being logged out. So we need everytime change our passwords, that's annoying.
4- On the harbour you cant sell your whole drug pack that you have(FOR VIP HARBOURS)
5- I don't really understand districts. But I have 2 different districts right now, and on one district I have 2 streets, on another just 1. And If i remove my first street on district one, i cant attack to different street from different district not even 1 day later.
6- When we donate to our gang, for example for the next level it needs $465,565,500 but if we enter 45,000,000 cuz we have only that money for donate, it will say its donated but it actually doesn't donate anything, cuz on the screen its still saying it needs $465,565,500.
7- Not all gang members can see gangs stats on member section.
8- When you looking for Global Ranking on gangs or players, when you select your own country, it will return "NULL" and you again need to click to page 1 for renew and see this. As a software developer i know that i need to do this but normal average player wont know that.
9- Bidding system on Auction (BLackmarket) - I dont know if you need to mention there that we can bid 5 times per auction, and if its more than 5, how everyone can outbid me last minute cuz I'm placing bids also the last minute, and the update speed is not good if everyone bids on last minute. Please fix that.


1-University - I think no one will go and read all of these rules from the game guide cuz not everyone have that amount of time, but you could just mention it on university section for example with big letters like "YOU CAN ONLY JOIN AND FINISH 2 CLASSES IN ONE ROUND".
2- Stocks needs to be improved i think cuz its so confusing to have only little window and you struggling to finding out which value is for what, so it needs to have your bought price - selling price - bought time(its also matters so you know when and for how much) Yea we have that on log screen, but couldn't it be great if you move all to one screen so we dont need to change everytime? At least for VIP's.
3- When you put down a value for selling something for example i have 54,343,343 amount of drugs, but i can enter only 5,343,343 for example, where is the last digit? And if even its restricted in game to sell that big number, you can restrict it by putting some control code over there, not limiting exact digits when we're copying and pasting something and we think that it will sell all, but its not, and it will also decrease our rights, we all have limited selling numbers for example for stocks its 2, and when you think it will sell all but it doesn't, you cant turn it back even. So kinda needs some improvements i think.
4- Whenever you sending credits to your friend, it will take more than 8 real hours, so its kinda "wheres my credits" issue sometimes. Average player wont know that he needs to wait that much cuz its basic transaction, so even if its on purpose you could just notify player when he sends "The credit sending can take up to 8-10 hours" information i think.
5- If i can buy in a round just 2 of Bingo's , why on earth i will see the third Bingo's price, why its not disappearing then? If its no ways to buy it anyway. (Unless its possible of course then i dont know how)

So that's the bugs that I've found here in couple of days, and please consider it. I'd appreciate if you reply or try to fix those bugs, cuz most of my friends when saw that, they gave up playing. And that's bad for TheCrims cuz you will lose maybe a good players and even customers considering that you have only 2000 players world wide for 22 years being in web browser game industry.

And dont misunderstand me I'm trying to be nice not a jerk. Its just that I'm informing you with this, everything else is up to you.

And thanks for your help, have a good one.