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Thread: My 50 cents !

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    If you play since round 7 and you play to win ... well let me give you the worst news possible mate : YOU FAILED ... like a boss, based on your profile. I hope you don't mind me pointing that out and you will take it like a man since I am talking here like an ex player who had the luck to play and win both on multi and on single account mode. Anyway ....that is not the point.

    I know some people who for the past month have been playing a different bowser game , 4 fun , one of them is BOGDAN so he can confirm .... I can tell you that at least 1 of them has put over 100 euros in the game in less than 1 week and he will never be even close to those people that are in top 20 , since they probably spent over 500. But yes let's say TC is pay to win ... Beyond funny !!! A and btw there are no prizes in that game !

    The idea of making people pay 20 euros to play a round, when people complain they can't pay 7 or 10 is basically CRAZY !!! If I wanted to make VIP 20 I would've kept it 20, 2 years ago and that would ve been the end of it.

    Let's make a deal .. to play for top you need to use around 4 or 5 VIPS ( based on what people who know what they are doing are saying ) . I will donate the 5 VIP packs to one of you to play for top without the help of a top player and let's see where you end up ! Just for the fun it !

    Again the rules are simple

    1. I provide the VIP packs
    2. You can't take trust from any of the top players nor can you be helped by one since you should be able to make/ have a winning strategy
    3. The Vip packs can be used only on the main account and not the multi

    You all know my email, hit me up and like always it is a pleasure to see some of you take time from their busy schedule to come here and chat with the community especially when " some " are trying to be witty LMAO

    NOTE : [email protected] ... just in case some don't know my email
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 04-01-2022 at 12:03 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    man .... where do I start? I am afraid to be so blunt because I know your ears will go red of angry and you start the ban. I also thought a bit if I should post the reply here or just send it to you private on skype. But you do deserve a lesson. And I thougth to myself: it is friday, he said "I hope you don't mind me pointing that out and you will take it like a man" so I hope you can take it the same way. Besides, I like the way you try to bring me down so many times and you 100 % failed - I always prove I am right.

    In all these 5-10 years since we have this ping pong between us 2, I always point out 1 single thing: everything i say is backed up by facts. You do suppositions. And suppositions, most of the times, are wrong.

    Lets explain this time also what happened and why you are wrong:
    - you say "If you play since round 7 and you play to win ... well let me give you the worst news possible mate : YOU FAILED ... like a boss, based on your profile". What I said is "my goal is to win something every round". In your supposition you wrongly deducted I was aiming for top inter. In my side, I know I can't win top inter because I don't invest real money so, without vip and credits I am realist to udnerstand I don't stand a chance. Instead, I ALWAYS win something every round: either top country, or daily badges. Another gain each round, is round credits: it may not look much but, if you gather them round after round after round, etc (since round 7) you get to a good number in credits in main account - all for FREE. That's how I won top 3 inter (free of charge), that's how I won top leader gang medal (free of charge), that's how I gave the medal to someone else - Mykey (FREE of charge). Why should I invest real money when I can get everything I want for free? Of course, 99 % of the players either never thought at this way or never dare to go to this lenght to gain credits or bonuses. But I am willing to do it and I have time. So basically, you are wrong when you say i failed. Actually, in my opinion, I WON the game. I am the only player in 15 years since the game is on, to reach top without any real money invested. Beat that if you can.

    - you say, "let's make a deal ....... etc". Why should I make any deal? I already proved that I can win WITHOUT any real money. Every category I focused on I was top: most points of the round, leader (donated another leader to a friend), top 3 (was only top 3 because I didn't used real money, only bonuses from previous rounds, with real money would have been easy win).

    - you say "You can't take trust from any of the top players nor can you be helped by one since you should be able to make/ have a winning strategy". I never had a team with me. I was always alone. It's true that I tried to get into so many gangs, but none of them fitted my personality (brasilian guys were almost there). I still stand to my believes and I can't stand liars or 2 face players, that's why I am still alone. I even tried to be in crew, with Eagle but I told him, the very minute you get in that skype chat I get out. I am a man of my word so ......

    - you say "1. I provide the VIP packs". Do I look like i need them? Look at the attachment (I only blurred the account number) and you will see for yourself if I need your free vip. I just decide that I prefer to invest my real money into something else, like a trip to Lanzarote for the whole family (5k eur), this year I go to Thailand (10 k eur). You are free to do with your money whatever you want, the same with me. In this case I just prefer to win in thecrims without real money, and I proved it that it can be done. By the way, in the picture I showed you my real name and in the tab you can see my real email address. Just to prove you I don't hide and I don't lie. I did the same like you - published my real email I didn't do it to brag, just to prove I don't need your "help" with free vip. P.S.: When I got those transactions, I even thought to buy the crims (that's how much I love the game), like you got a part a few years ago or eagle got his part. But then again, if I never invested real money in the game, why should I do it now?

    In conclusion, all I ever did in this forum, was to point out your mistakes. But always backed up by proofs. I know, the truth hurts. But it has to be told.

    "Wish you all a good day and I am always happy when someone uses the FORUM"

    bursa dec 2021.jpg

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by neoawp View Post
    From what I understand, the main problem is the bubble around a few players that keep winning because they have many ways to take advantage over those who, for instance, either didn't spend a hundred hours a week into the game, or doesn't have the money to keep up with the cost of vip + ticket to try and level things. With all due respect, allowing someone to have na advantage over half the player base because they throw in a couple euros isn't making the game accessible.
    How is spending x time in the game an advantage? You can see that top 1's time online is not the highest, there are many players with much more time online. That's like saying an electrical engineer only takes a minute to fix a problem in a circuit. But that's only possible because he studied circuits and knows exactly what needs to be done. Spending time to strategize, in a strategy game, seems to make sense if you want to win, no?

    Now let's go to the money part. Additional VIPs beyond the first are now less effective than ever in small rounds. They used to have a reasonable (maybe 2kk out of 200kk+ respect, i.e. less than 1%) impact in long rounds, when Sea Captain Bingo was the meta, and additional Drug Cookies would provide you some good cash. Now, additional VIPs do nothing more than give you some tickets (75 tickets? at most maybe an extra 150-200k respect in the end?) and some Goggles (which can be worked around since gang robberies are better than solo most of the time); the Drug Cookies are mostly irrelevant since there's no more Narcotics and only Sea Captain to use them on, and everything else is mostly irrelevant for respect as well.

    So where is this huge advantage from buying extra VIPs? Have you actually checked the impact they have? The same goes for credits; a lot of things can be bought with credits instead of in-game cash, but the actual impact they have on final respect is not as relevant as most might think. Do the math and you will see.

    Quote Originally Posted by neoawp View Post
    I think broker is a great example of what could happen: you have one role that makes money by both luck (because of pseudo-random with the prices of stocks and events that change that) and math. It's so closer to being balanced than all others, that only a few play with it. You said this is a competitive game, but how come that only a few win everytime? It may look it's working because the concept is right, but I don't think the execution is. If it was solely dependent on time, then it would be less complaining, but with vip + credits + multis + trust, how can someone who puts only a few a couple bucks on the game compete with something like that?
    All professions are like that. Some have less direct influence by luck (Pimp), but indirectly it needs other professions to have bad luck in order to excel (in a balanced environment).

    I've already explained above why this "pay to win" is not true, but let's clarify something: what is "winning" for you? For razvan, for example, he considers winning as obtaining top gang medals and daily badges, the latter of which depends exclusively on how much time you want to spend in the game and nothing else. And that's fine, if he has fun with that, to each their own. But how far is the "win" in "pay to win"?

    And last, but not least - if only a few win everytime, yet a lot of people spend at least as much, if not more, time and money than than those few that win... then how much more reliant on skill do you think things should be? Because it seems pretty clear to me that is exactly how they are now, simply by adding those two propositions together - a lot of people spend more time and money than the select few that win everytime, which makes me believe that neither time nor money are the thing to strive for here.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    My jaw dropped after reading this post ... really !

    You are the only person in TheCrims who thinks YOU actually know/ play the game ... TRUST ME, this is a fact as you like to point out not a supposition. I am being told that daily by many people , actually every time you post things here , things that only you think make sense . Whilst others who actually understand the game crack up with laughter ! Why I never brought it up here, well because I want people to come here and give their opinion , bad , good, what ever, this is why we have a forum and from 10 bad ideas we can make one good one. The problem is today you went to far, you wanted to teach me a lesson to show me you have a higher understanding of what is happening in the game and clearly that you are richer than ALL OF US put together. YOU ARE CLUELESS !!! FACT! A FACT not pointed out by me BUT BY PEOPLE WHO PLAY AND UNDERSTAND THE GAME !! I want to make that clear ... I no longer have a higher understanding of the game, but having a planning team that understands it helps a lot especially when we are talking strategy.

    You leave chats when I enter cause you are a " strong man " and love confrontation, keyboard warriors are the best !

    If you think anyone gives a rats ass how much money you are making you are deluded ... like really you have some issues my friend because coming on a forum and boasting in front of a community that you are making X amount of money when others probably barely get by is ... well sad and childish but not a surprise. A great lesson you gave me and the community !!!

    I want to go back to something here ... I clicked again on your profile and, nothing ! If winning badges is what moves you and makes you happy, good for you !

    I honestly have no idea what mistakes you think you pointed out but again, you think that you understand the game and you think that we care how rich you are so I am honestly not surprised that you are that deluded.

    Look , I hope that this is the last time I have to come here and write a post like the one I just posted because this A GAME and I should not be here wasting my time with these type of things. So next time you feel the urge to put me in my place,LOL, please DO NOT, cause you are not.

    In conclusion , the truth is your truth , made up in your world which is a little bit different from other people's world.

    Like always it was a pleasure but please make sure your next post IS GAME RELATED because like always you are taking every thread you post on , in the wrong direction ! But at least you are using the forum so I guess that is a positive.

    I would wish you a good day but I am sure you are already having one.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    On a happier NOTE ... my challenge was accepted by a TURKISH PLAYER !

    Good luck !

  6. #16


    I saw this post and I didn’t want to waste time to reply, but after the last few posts I had to say something. This is the first and last time I write on this forum. So here it goes:

    I like when people complain about things they don’t even understand.
    How hard is it to understand that, like any game in the world, it needs some sort of income to function. Servers, developers, support team and admins don’t work for free.
    With that being said, a lot of players won top with 50 EUR, while others spent way more and didn’t reach the podium. In that sense, the game is not pay to win because even if you spend 1000 EUR you will still not make it to the top if you don’t have a great strategy and enough time and knowledge.
    That’s why, top 5 is mostly the same each round, even though around 100 players buy VIPs.
    Also, as Bogdan said you can easily make back that money and even more if you win. So for all those who say that you would win if it wasn’t pay to win, you can do it now too, since you will be reimbursed when you get the prize money, so stop being cunts about it.

    Oh yeah, alina there is no need to flex about having money, no one gives a f*ck and it’s cringy as f*ck. But for someone who has money you definitely complain a lot for 50 eur per month (facepalm). Also, you clearly have no idea about money, stocks or making money, since you said that you don’t want to spend money, but you spend a lot of time on the game. Well that time you spend is actually money, much much more than 50 eur, time you could use to do something productive. But ofc, ur too narrow minded to understand that… I feel sad for you…
    Congratulations on winning a useless medal every round by spending hundreds of hours 😂😂, in a game with a smaller player base than your family.


  7. #17


    lol and to think Bebynho is the owner of this game.

    Its so sad to watch how low can a game manager go based on some simple criticism, Jesus fking christ

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Until one point I understand you Beby: you have your own life, a job and, as an added extra bonus, this game keeps you awake. You work hard and you want "a easy way" (your words). Plus every day you get those "rants" and "complaints" from players. Whatever you try to do, you can't satisfy everyone. Up to this point you are right. From here on you are wrong: as a manager in any job, game, household, etc, you get complaints (even from the wife). It is called life. Take it like a man.

    @ vasco - true there brother. i am pointing out for 10 years his errors but he won't admit them (once he tried to tie me up to an egyptean guy because he wanted to ban him, he pushed me to be a snitch. It didn't worked. He tried to blame a turkish guy, then another one. In the end, when I proved him WRONG with chats and timesteps, I asked him nicely: "some sorry Beby, anytime soon?" He closed the thread refusing to appologise).

    @ beby - the main discussion was about how much eur a player must invest in order to get in top. some said 10 eur, some 50, some more. Well, I did it for FREE. Yes, read again the word: FREE (nada, ZERO, nilch, nill, nothing, nimic, etc). So it is not a question if it can be done. IT IS ALREADY ACHIEVED and yes - I AM THE ONLY player to do it. You have the medal in my profile, you checked (according to you) 2 times my profile and yet, it is hard for you to admit: "yes man, i was wrong and you were right".

    @californication - wow, i am so impressed if even your highness woke up and posted only 1 time in his life (and it will be his last post also), just because of me. I feel so honoured i could cry. That if you weren't rude. In all my posts, even if I had an argument with BEBY or someone else, I never was rude. If i don't want to spend money here that doesn't mean i don't know how to make them. you just saw how i can make them. So you contradict yourself your "highness".

    disclaimer: I didn't tried in anyway to brag with my money. When beby offered me vip I took it (maybe interpreted in the wrong way) as a offence - more like he is trying to make fun of me that I can't win (read the above paragraph BEBY - I HAVE already done that without investing 1 single eur). Also, about my achievements beby: it is exactly like my stock market: the achievements / money are there; the big question is: CAN YOU TAKE THEM? Everyone has access to stock market, but not everyone can get the money. GET MY POINT? How is that for strategy? I still suck at it?

    P.s.: in a happy note: I have to say big thanks to I have to admit that because of thecrims casino / blackjack I learned how to play on markets (if anyone is interested about the strategy, basically you double your bet until you win).

    I will try not to bother you anymore (that is until you admit at least 1 time you were wrong, at least in some occasions).

    Best of luck to everyone.
    Last edited by alina; 04-02-2022 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by VASCO View Post
    lol and to think Bebynho is the owner of this game.

    Its so sad to watch how low can a game manager go based on some simple criticism, Jesus fking christ

    Criticism ?! I've been accepting that for about 7 years now and I am doing it because as an ex player I actually care what people who play the game think and want.

    I do not know If you actually read to what I answered here ... and since this is a small game with a small community and since the OWNER of the game even tho he doesn't have to come here and talk to you,is here talking to you , and you are being witty well. Sadly since I know him and I know many people here I will be blunt with them. They know that and this is why I CAN AFFORD to answer them in the way I do mostly because I do know when people show me respect and when they do not. And he never DID !

    There are things I do not like in my game . Cheaters, liars and people who accuse my crew of things that are not true. I already know which one you are so ...

    Have a good day !
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 04-02-2022 at 10:56 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by alina View Post
    Until one point I understand you Beby: you have your own life, a job and, as an added extra bonus, this game keeps you awake. You work hard and you want "a easy way" (your words). Plus every day you get those "rants" and "complaints" from players. Whatever you try to do, you can't satisfy everyone. Up to this point you are right. From here on you are wrong: as a manager in any job, game, household, etc, you get complaints (even from the wife). It is called life. Take it like a man.

    @ vasco - true there brother. i am pointing out for 10 years his errors but he won't admit them (once he tried to tie me up to an egyptean guy because he wanted to ban him, he pushed me to be a snitch. It didn't worked. He tried to blame a turkish guy, then another one. In the end, when I proved him WRONG with chats and timesteps, I asked him nicely: "some sorry Beby, anytime soon?" He closed the thread refusing to appologise).

    @ beby - the main discussion was about how much eur a player must invest in order to get in top. some said 10 eur, some 50, some more. Well, I did it for FREE. Yes, read again the word: FREE (nada, ZERO, nilch, nill, nothing, nimic, etc). So it is not a question if it can be done. IT IS ALREADY ACHIEVED and yes - I AM THE ONLY player to do it. You have the medal in my profile, you checked (according to you) 2 times my profile and yet, it is hard for you to admit: "yes man, i was wrong and you were right".

    @californication - wow, i am so impressed if even your highness woke up and posted only 1 time in his life (and it will be his last post also), just because of me. I feel so honoured i could cry. That if you weren't rude. In all my posts, even if I had an argument with BEBY or someone else, I never was rude. If i don't want to spend money here that doesn't mean i don't know how to make them. you just saw how i can make them. So you contradict yourself your "highness".

    disclaimer: I didn't tried in anyway to brag with my money. When beby offered me vip I took it (maybe interpreted in the wrong way) as a offence - more like he is trying to make fun of me that I can't win (read the above paragraph BEBY - I HAVE already done that without investing 1 single eur). Also, about my achievements beby: it is exactly like my stock market: the achievements / money are there; the big question is: CAN YOU TAKE THEM? Everyone has access to stock market, but not everyone can get the money. GET MY POINT? How is that for strategy? I still suck at it?

    P.s.: in a happy note: I have to say big thanks to I have to admit that because of thecrims casino / blackjack I learned how to play on markets (if anyone is interested about the strategy, basically you double your bet until you win).

    I will try not to bother you anymore (that is until you admit at least 1 time you were wrong, at least in some occasions).

    Best of luck to everyone.

    Man you are not rude you are trying to be smart ... the way you end your posts trying to copy me it is simply sad and Cali just gave you a taste of your own stuff ... I must say this thread has reached a point that i never wanted it to reach.
    But the truth is you only post here because you do not like me not to help or support the game.

    " @ vasco - true there brother. i am pointing out for 10 years his errors but he won't admit them (once he tried to tie me up to an egyptean guy because he wanted to ban him, he pushed me to be a snitch. It didn't worked. He tried to blame a turkish guy, then another one. In the end, when I proved him WRONG with chats and timesteps, I asked him nicely: "some sorry Beby, anytime soon?" He closed the thread refusing to appologise). " Again , you are in your own world and point out that you have an issue with me for 10 years is .. even sadder.

    I will close this thread since clearly it has became a soap opera, and please make sure that the next one you open has something to do with the game!



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