Hi community,
Writing here with a suggestion for the Virtual Gangs: currently there is a 60 second period where the bots will complete a robbery if not enough real players accepted. In my opinion this period is too long and specially at a later round stage this can be an hassle, having in mind new player that are trying out the game or player that are just delayed. If they go into virtual to complete missions or to learn the game they will simply get bored and leave!
I would like to proposed to reduced the time required for the bots to complete a gang robbery, for example: gang robs requiring 25% stamina every 15 seconds so that we can complete a full stamina bar under 1 minutes, for gang robs required 50% stamina every 30 seconds following the same stamina bar logic under 1 minute and for 100% stamina gang robs we may even consider 60 seconds because they are events, hence more special and should be more difficult to achieve.
This way we would make the game more dynamic for new or delayed players.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Regards, Spont82