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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Default Suggestion: Ending bots once and for all


    As you probably know by now, there is a lot of players that are using bots, to either hunt, click faster, finish robberies faster etc.

    This gives a very bad image to this game and makes it very unfair for all the others that are out there.

    Me myself, I am not a programmer, but I have an idea to put an end to this.

    A big chunk of these "bots" that I've seen on youtube, work with coordinates. And they autoclick shit. One solution that I think would be great to counter this issue is to make every section randomely switch places in the tabs.

    I.e, after each refresh, change the location of the "Robbery" to be under "Nightlife", and vice versa.

    Same goes for people that enter rave parties or mansions, make the "Exit" button to appear randomely at any spot, either top right, top left, and so on.

    Let me know if this is doable and I do apologize in advance if people have already suggested this.



  2. #2


    if the exit button appears in a random place, it will be more of a problem for vulnerable players rather than attackers. There is probably a script which, after reading the respect and rank, decides whether to go out or attack, and if it attacks, it does it in the blink of an eye, probably also on the coordinates, and there are probably only 3 types left center and right in this place always. so probably just add something like '' else ''. if the attack button coordinates were random, maybe it would be difficult in some way, I don't know, I'm not a programmer, although I had something to do with it.
    I hope someone from the moderator is reading this

    jesli przycisk exit bedzie pojawial sie w losowym miejscu to bardziej przeszkodzi to graczom narazonym na ataki a nie atakujacym. Zapewne jest skrypt ktory po zczytaniu respektu i rangi decyduje czy wyjsc czy atakowac, i jesli atakuje to robi to w mgnieniu oka zapewne takze po wspolrzednych a jest ich chyba tylko 3 rodzaje lewo srodek i prawo w tym zawsze miejscu. wiec zapewne wystarczy dopisac cos w stylu ''else''. jesli wspolrzedne przycisku atak bylyby losowe to moze w jakis sposob by to utrudnilo, nie wiem tez nie jestem programista choc cos tam mialem z tym doczynienia.
    Mam nadzieje ze czyta to ktos z moderacji

    Quote Originally Posted by KosovanGangster View Post
    As you probably know by now, there is a lot of players that are using bots, to either hunt, click faster, finish robberies faster etc.

    Same goes for people that enter rave parties or mansions, make the "Exit" button to appear randomely at any spot, either top right, top left, and so on.

  3. #3


    If they put random place for the Exit, I will got killed twice or even 3x times.
    I never got any kills like EVER...
    I wonder how people can click so fast.

    Either way, Is there a way to put the "I'm Not Robot" things after few kills or after few visit to mansion or rave?
    Or maybe put the enter rave/mansion in random order instead of the exit or attack button when inside the mansion/rave?

  4. #4


    Best way is to add captcha before entering clubs, but disadvantage is this is gonna be a little bit annoying.
    Or set EXIT button on fixed position because random position don't make any difference for script/bot.
    I'm not experienced programmer but making script/bot like this is like 1 hour for me, for experienced programmer is like 15 minutes



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